Fishes can also get stressed like us and can suffer from issues because of that. Therefore, it is necessary to know what causes stress to our bettas and how we can identify that our betta fish is...
Betta fish have a stomach size similar to the eye and cannot eat much food at a time, and this is why most betta owners end up overfeeding their betta fish.
Overfeeding can cause many issues to...
Betta fish are the most popular fish every aquarist loves to keep as their pets.
The query for the lifespan of bettas comes to our mind in two situations: when we are planning to add betta fish to...
Performing a water change is necessary to provide your betta fish with clean water and ensure their ideal living conditions.
However, unrequired and major water changes can stress your betta fish,...
Betta fish are known to be hardy fish and can live in a wide range of water conditions, which makes them ideal fish for beginners.
Also, their flawing tails and colourful body attract many owners...
Betta fish are always hungry and will eat whenever you serve them food. With such eating behaviour, knowing if betta is hungry and needs food or if they are eating out of enthusiasm becomes...