Bettas have stomach sizes similar to their eye, which means they cannot eat much. This brings a query to every betta keeper how often do betta fish poop. Also, betta fish poop indicates your...
Category: Fish Species
Why Do Betta Fish Expand Their Gills? (All You Need To Know)
When you watch your betta fish for some time, you will notice them expanding their gills and fins towards you and other fishes. Have you wondered why? There are many reasons for betta fish flaring...
Neon tetras are known for their attractive color, making them an ideal choice for aquarists. There are several ways to enhance your tetra color and ensure your fish's adequate development. So, how...
Bettas are one of the most famous tropical freshwater fish that every aquarist loves keeping as their pet. Their beautiful colour and long flowing fins attract everyone walking by them. However,...
Best Water For Betta Fish. (Distilled Water, Tap Water, Or Rainwater?)
Bettas are the most popular fish in the fishkeeping hobby, and their beautiful colours attract everybody that passes through them. In the wild, betta fish lives in shallow, murky places like rice...
Neon tetras are freshwater fishes every fishkeeper wants to add to their home tanks. However, before adding tetras to your tank, you must know the ideal water conditions your fish requires to grow...