10 Best Freshwater Fish For Beginners

At the beginning of your fish-keeping journey, you must be aware of the fish you are about to add to your tank.

It is because there are many common mistakes like underfeeding or overstocking that a fish keeper can make at the beginning of their fish-keeping journey.

Adding delicate fish species like fancy goldfish is not a good option as such common mistakes can make them suffer from several health issues.

So, let us learn about the ten best fish species a beginner can add to their tank.

Here are the best ten freshwater fish for beginners

  1. Common Goldfish 
  2. Zebra Danios 
  3. Guppies
  4. Cory Catfish 
  5. Neon Tetras
  6. Betta Fish 
  7. Mollies
  8. Platies
  9. Angelfish
  10. Pearl Gourami

The below article discusses the ten best freshwater fish species for beginners. In addition, we will also learn about the factors you should consider while adding freshwater fish species to your tank.

Ten ideal freshwater fish for beginners

Below are the ten best freshwater fish for beginners

Common Goldfish 

Common goldfish are peaceful freshwater species and are easy to take care of, making them ideal freshwater fish for beginners. 

They are omnivore species that prefer red meat and green veggies for their adequate development and longer lifespan. 

In addition, they are hardy species that can survive in a wide range of water temperatures. However, a sudden fluctuation in the water temperature can lead to health issues like stress in your goldfish.

Below are the ideal water parameters required by your common goldfish

Water Temperature68-74°F
Ph Level7.5
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 40ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters for common goldfish.

Common goldfish vary from 4 inches to 14 inches. However, they grow up to a maximum size of 6 inches in captivity.

So, you will require at least a 10-gallon tank for your common goldfish to thrive.

As goldfish are messy fishes, you must ensure to perform a 30% weekly water change and add a water filter to maintain the tank’s water quality.

Also, read: How Many Goldfish In A 10-Gallon Tank?

Zebra Danios

Zebra danios are peaceful freshwater species and are very easy to maintain, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

They are schooling fishes that need to be paired in a group of five for their well-being and a longer lifespan.

In addition, zebra danios are omnivores fish species that require a mix of red meat and green veggies to grow and develop properly.

You should provide good water conditions and ideal water parameters in your zebrafish tank to ensure their adequate development.

Below are the ideal water parameters required by zebra danios

ParticularsZebra Danios
Water Temperature64-75 °F
Ph Level 6.5-7.0
Nitrite Level0ppm
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 40ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters required by zebra danios.

Zebra danios vary from 1-2 inches. So, you will require at least a 10-gallon tank to place one school of zebra danios.

Avoid overcrowding your zebrafish tank, as it can make your fish suffer from significant health problems like stress and can also affect your fish’s growth.

Also, read: Are Zebra Danios Schooling Fish?


Guppies are non-aggressive fish species and are very easy to maintain, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

They are schooling fishes that need to be paired in at least a group of five for their well-being and a longer lifespan.

We advise placing your guppies in the ratio of 2:1, which means two female guppies for one male.

Keeping more male guppies and fewer females in the tank can lead to aggression between the males for mating purposes.

In addition, guppy fish are omnivore species that prefer red meat and green veggies for their healthy growth and development.

Ensure good water conditions and adequate water parameters for your guppy fish to make them grow and develop properly.

Below are the ideal water parameters for your guppy fish

ParticularsGuppy Fish
Water Temperature72-85°F
Ph Level6.8-7.8
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 20ppm
Water Hardness5-12dgh
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters for guppy fish.

Guppy fish vary from 0.8-2.5 inches. So, you will require at least a 10-gallon tank to place one school of guppy fish.

They also prefer having live aquatic plants in their tank as they act as a hiding spot and keep the tank well-oxygenated.

Here are some live aquatic plants you can add to your guppy fish tank.

  1. Java Fern
  2. Java Moss
  3. Ancharis
  4. Duckweed
  5. Guppy Grass

Also, read: Do Guppies Eat Plants?

Cory Catfish

Cory Catfish are peaceful freshwater species that are non-aggressive and easy to maintain, making them an ideal option for beginners.

They are schooling fishes that need to be paired in at least a group of five for their well-being and a longer lifespan.

In addition, they are omnivore species that require green veggies and red meat for their healthy growth and development.

Cory catfish are bottom dweller species that prefer sand in their tank as they spend most of their time scavenging on the tank’s bottom, searching and consuming the leftovers.

Ensure good water conditions and adequate parameters for your fish’s longer lifespan.

Below are the ideal water parameters for cory catfish

ParticularsCory Catfish
Water Temperature72-82 °F
Ph Level7-8
Ammonia Level 0ppm
Nitrite level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 15ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameter required by cory catfish.

Cory catfish vary from 1-4 inches in size. So, you will require at least a 20-gallon tank to place one school of cory catfish.

We recommend avoiding overcrowding your cory catfish tank, as it can lead to significant health issues like stress and also affect their growth and development.

Also, read: Ideal Water Temperature For Cory Catfish

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are peaceful freshwater species that are easy to maintain, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

They are omnivore fish species that prefer a diet mix of green veggies and red meat to grow and develop properly.

Neon tetras are schooling fishes that prefer to live in a group of at least six.

We advise providing good water conditions and ideal water parameters to your neon tetra for healthy growth and development.

Here are the ideal water parameters for your neon tetras

ParticularsNeon Tetras
Water Temperature72-76 °F
Ph Level 6.8-7.8
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate Level Below 20ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters for neon tetras

Neon tetras vary from 1-1.5 inches. So, you will require a 10-gallon tank to place one school of neon tetras.

Betta fish

Betta fish are peaceful freshwater fish species and are easy to maintain, making them an ideal option for beginners.

They are omnivore fish species that prefer red meat and green veggies for their adequate growth and development.

As they require a high protein diet for their development, we advise you to provide them with foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and mosquito larvae to make them grow and develop properly.

It will help if you place your betta fish alone in the tank, as placing more than one can make them aggressive towards each other.

In addition, you should always provide good water conditions and parameters to your betta fish to ensure their longer lifespan.

Here are the ideal water parameters for your betta fish.

ParticularBetta Fish
Water Temperature75-80 °F
Ph Level6.8-7.5
Ammonia level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 20ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameter for betta fish.


Mollies are freshwater fish species that are very hardy and can survive in a wide range of water temperatures, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

They are shoaling fishes that need to be placed in a group of at least four for their well-being and a longer lifespan.

Mollies are omnivores fish species that prefer plant and meat matter food for their healthy development.

Plant matter food includes blanched cucumber, spinach, and zucchini, whereas meat matter food includes brine shrimp, bloodworms, and mosquito larvae.

In addition, you should ensure to provide good water conditions and parameters for your fish’s healthy development.

Below are the ideal water parameters for your mollies.

Water Temperature75-80 °F
Ph level7.5-8.5
Ammonia level0ppm
Nitrite Level 0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 40ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters for mollies.

Mollies vary from 3 to 5 inches. So, you will require a 20 gallon tank to place one school of mollies to ensure their adequate growth and development.


Platies are non -aggressive peaceful fishes and are easy to take care of, making them an ideal option for beginners.

They are omnivore species that prefer a diet mix of green veggies and red meat for their well-being and a longer lifespan.

Platies are schooling fishes that prefer to live in a group of five to grow and develop properly.

You should provide adequate water conditions and parameters in your platies tank to prevent several health issues and to ensure their adequate growth.

Below are the ideal water parameters for your platies.

Water Temperature72-78 °F
Ph level 7.0-8.0
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate Level Below 20ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters for your platies

Platies vary from 2-3 inches. So, you will require a 10-gallon tank to place one school of platies to ensure their longer lifespan.


Angelfish are peaceful freshwater species that are easy to maintain, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

They are omnivore species that like to consume meat and plant matter food to grow and develop properly.

Angelfish are of two types; freshwater and saltwater angelfish.

Despite being hardy species, sudden fluctuations in the water parameters can lead to significant health issues in angelfish.

So, you should ensure adequate water conditions and parameters in your angelfish tank to make them grow and develop properly.

Here are the ideal water parameters for your angelfish tank

Water Temperature78 to 84 °F
Ph level6.8-7.0
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 40ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameters for angelfish.

Angelfish can grow up to 6 inches. Therefore, you can place three angelfish in a 20-Gallon tank.

Pearl Gourami

Pearl gourami are freshwater fish species and are easy to take care of, making them an ideal choice for beginners.

They are omnivore species that prefer green veggies and red meat to grow and develop properly.

They are schooling fish that need to be placed in at least a school of five for healthy growth and a longer lifespan.

You should maintain adequate water conditions and parameters in your pearl gourami tank for their proper development.

Below are the ideal water parameters for pearl gourami

ParticularsPearl Gourami
Water Temperature77-82
Ph Level5.5-6.5
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 20ppm
The above table demonstrates the ideal water parameter for pearl gourami

Pearl gourami can reach up to a size of 4.5 inches. So, you will require a 20-gallon tank to place one school of pearl gourami.

Factors you should consider while adding freshwater fish species to your tank.

Below are the factors you should consider while adding freshwater fish species to your tank

  1. Avoid overcrowding your freshwater fish species tank, as it can make them aggressive and affect their growth.
  2. Always provide ample space in your fish tank to ensure the adequate development of your freshwater fish.
  3. Avoid placing your fish with aggressive species, as it can lead to extreme stress and significant physical injuries to your fish.
  4.  Do not overfeed your freshwater fish species to prevent constipation and other health issues.
  5. Maintain a stress-free environment in your freshwater fish tank to ensure your fish’s well-being and a longer lifespan.

Also, read: How Many Fish In A 10-Gallon Tank?


  1. Many freshwater fish species like betta, common goldfish, guppies, and angelfish are good options for beginners.
  2. You should always provide good water conditions and parameters in your freshwater fish tank to ensure the well-being of your fish.
  3. Provide enough space in your freshwater fish tank to ensure the adequate growth of your fish.
  4. Always provide nutrition-rich food to your freshwater fish species for their growth and development.
  5. Maintain a stress-free environment in your freshwater fish tank to ensure your fish’s well-being and development.

Reference: ScienceDirect

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