Are Goldfish Carnivores Herbivores or Omnivores?

Goldfish are the most common species every beginner loves to add to their home aquarium. But, before adding goldfish to your tank, you must know what type of species are goldfish. So, are goldfish carnivores, herbivores, or omnivore species?

Goldfish are omnivorous species that need meat and plant matter food for healthy growth and development. They rely upon plants and insects like mosquito larvae in their natural habitat. Goldfish should get a balance of flake food and live food when placed in captivity for proper growth.

The below article will discuss whether your goldfish are carnivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous species. We will also learn about your goldfish’s ideal dietary requirement.

Are goldfish carnivores?

Carnivores are meat eaters who generally need live foods for their development.

The digestive system of a carnivore animal cannot digest plant matter food. However, such species can feed on plants but cannot derive the nutrients from them like the other fishes.

So, goldfish are not carnivorous animals as they require both meat and plant matter food for their healthy growth and development.

In addition, you should also not place your goldfish with a carnivore fish like betta, as it can lead to severe aggression in the tank, eventually leading to physical injuries in your fish.

Are goldfish herbivores?

Herbivores are plant eaters who require vegetables, fruits, and algae to ensure their proper growth and development.

Herbivore species have flat teeth that help them grind the food before swallowing it.

Due to lack of a stomach, they use their intestines to break down the plant matter.

As herbivore species do not have a stomach to store the food, they must eat several times a day to ensure proper growth.

Goldfish are not herbivorous animals as they require both meat and plant matter food for their adequate development.

Are goldfish omnivores?

Omnivores require meat and plant matter food to ensure healthy growth and development.

Although omnivore species can eat the plant matter, they cannot digest some types of grain.

The digestive tract of an omnivore species has some of the traits of both the herbivore and carnivore.

As omnivores species can eat both live and flake food, they are an excellent choice for a community tank.

Goldfish are omnivores species as they require both meat and plant matter food for their healthy growth and development.

Due to the lack of stomach in your goldfish providing excess meat can lead to digestive issues in your fish.

To avoid overfeeding, you should always provide the amount your goldfish can eat in under two minutes.

Also read: Can Goldfish Die From Overfeeding?

Goldfish ideal dietary requirement

Goldfish DietServing QuantityNo. of times Advisable for proper development of your goldfish
Brine Shrimp One pinch1-2 times a week HIKARI BRINE SHRIMP CUBES
Tubifex WormsOne pinch1 times a weekHIKARI FREEZE DRIED TUBIFEX WORMS
Veggie PelletsOne pinch2 times a dayHIKARI SINKING FISH FOOD
Blood WormsOne pinch1-2 times a weekHIKARI FREEZE DRIED BLOODWORMS
Boiled peas Half a pea2-3 times a dayFeed fresh
DaphniaOne small pinch 2-3 times a weekFeed fresh
Blanched CucumberOne small slice 3-4 times a weekFeed Fresh
Blanched Zucchini One small slice 3-4 times a weekFeed Fresh
ApplesOne small slice2-3 times a weekFeed Fresh
Bananas One small slice2 times a weekFeed Fresh
Mosquito Larvae12-152-3 times a weekFeed live
The above table shows the ideal dietary requirement of goldfish.

Also read: What Do Goldfish Eat?


  1. Goldfish are not carnivorous species as they require both meat and plant matter food for their healthy growth and development.
  2. Goldfish are not herbivorous species as they require both vegetable and red meat for their proper growth.
  3. Goldfish are omnivorous species that prefer red meat and green veggies for their proper development.
  4. As goldfish do not have a stomach, excessive feeding of red meat can lead to significant digestive issues in your fish.
  5. You should always provide the quantity your goldfish can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding your fish. 

Reference: ResearchGate

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