Are Puppy Pads Safe For Rabbits? (All You Need To Know)

Every owner gets confused about choosing the best litter for their rabbit. But before choosing any of it, we must ensure that it is safe and healthy for the rabbit. 

Puppy pads may be safer for dogs but are they safe for rabbits? Can rabbits use it? Let’s find out all your answers in this article.

Puppy pads are unsafe for rabbits as the plastic and stuffing of puppy pads contain harmful chemicals that can cause gastrointestinal or even life-threatening problems. Instead, cover it with multiple layers of bedding ( hay, old towel, or newspaper) to avoid direct contact with your rabbit with it.

This article will discuss whether we can use puppy pads for a rabbit. Is it a good choice to use a puppy pad for the rabbit? Can we use it for the bedding, cage liners, and litter? Let’s find it out.

Can I use puppy pads for my rabbit?

You can use puppy pads for your rabbit’s cage to have an extra laying or cage liner for absorption.

However, ensure your rabbit does not have direct contact with the puppy pads, as it can be toxic to them.

You can layer it with an old towel, hay, or newspapers so your rabbit can not chew or nibble it.

Puppy pads could be the best option if your rabbit is disabled or older or has urinary incontinence problems. It can easily absorb urine and make the surface dry and clean, which could be comfortable for your rabbit.

However, it is essential to put puppy pads as a bottom layer and cover them with multiple layers of bedding to avoid direct contact with your rabbit.

It would be best if you buy cloth puppy pads for your rabbit, which you can find on amazon.

Cloth puppy pads are washable and economical as compared to other plastic pads. But ensure that your rabbit does not eat any of its absorptive fillings. Otherwise, it can cause a life-threatening problem.

Is using puppy pads safe for a rabbit?

Puppy pads are made-up of plastics with absorptive stuffings that contain harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, that means these are not safe for your rabbit.

Rabbits have a habit of chewing. Therefore, they can chew the puppy pads that contain toxic gel to absorb the maximum amount of liquid, which can cause life-threatening problems.

If your rabbit ingests the plastic or fillings of a puppy pad, then it may lead to health problems like gastrointestinal stats. 

Ingested parts of a puppy pad can slow down your rabbit’s digestive system and develop blockages in the intestines, which is a cause of concern if not treated on time.

Also, some puppy pads contain fragrances to avoid the urine smell, which can make your rabbit uncomfortable. In addition, they can become allergic to it because they have a sensitive sense of smell.

Also read: My Rabbit Lying In Its Litter Box.

Can you use pee pads in a rabbit cage?

You could only use pee pads in your rabbit’s cage if it is covered with multiple layering.

You can add double bedding to your rabbit’s cage if you want extra absorption.

It would be best if you layered pee pads at the bottom of your rabbit cage so that they will not come in direct contact. Otherwise, your rabbit will chew it, and this will cause health problems.

You can put pee pads in the cage if you are traveling somewhere with your rabbit. Do not forget to cover it with the bedding layers. You can use an old towel, cardboard, newspapers, straw substrates, or hay.

What can I use for rabbit litter?

The rabbit litter should be fragrance-free, disposable, odor-free, and safe for your rabbit to nibble.

There are many best options for your rabbit litter. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Newspaper: It is the best and most inexpensive litter. Your rabbit can ingest it because it is safe and easily digestible. However, the newspaper can absorb a limited amount of liquid and should be changed repeatedly, and its ink can upset your rabbit’s stomach if they consume it too much.
  2. Hay: If you want the bedding of your rabbit litter to be soft and manageable, then bulk hay would be the best and safe for your rabbit. However, hay absorbs a limited amount of liquid and must be changed often.
  3. Paper-based bedding: These are safest, natural, and made of recyclable paper. It can absorb urine perfectly. However, before buying it, ensure it does not contain baking soda because it can upset your rabbit’s respiratory system.
  4. Aspen shaving: These are best and safe for your rabbit. It can also control the odor. However, aspen shavings contain a scent and absorb a limited amount of liquid. That means you need to replace it frequently.
  5. Cotton towels: You can use a cotton towel for your rabbit litter. It is safe and has good absorption. However, if your rabbit ingests it too much, it may cause blockages.

It is advisable not to put bedding in your rabbit litter that contains cedar or pine products. 

Also read: How To Train A Rabbit?

What can I put at the bottom of my rabbit cage?

You can put pee or puppy pads at the bottom of your rabbit’s cage if you want double bedding to absorb urine.

A rabbit requires soft and comfortable flooring. You can provide double bedding by putting pee pads at the bottom and covering it with hay or shredded paper so that it becomes warm and your rabbit can easily dig.

Your rabbit may feel uncomfortable with a cage with plastic or wire flooring. 

Cages with wire flooring can harm your rabbit’s feet and develop an infection, which can cause bumblefoot, whereas the solid plastic surface can be slippery for them, which can cause injuries.

Choosing the right bedding for your rabbits is essential because they have a chewing habit. And we must ensure that what they are eating is safe for them.

Also read: Is Pine Bedding Safe For Rabbits?


  1. Do not use puppy pads for your rabbit litter.
  2. Puppy pads are not safe for rabbits.
  3. You can use pee pads if it is covered with multiple layering of bedding.
  4. Hay, newspapers, or aspen shavings are good options for rabbit litter.
  5. You can put puppy pads at the bottom of your rabbit cage.
  6. Puppy pads should be covered so rabbits can not have direct contact with them.

Reference: NCBI, Researchgate

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