Best Fish For 15 Gallon Column Tank?

The most common query of which is the best fish to add to my tank is raised by beginners. A 15-gallon column tank is not big enough, so we have to make sure that we don’t overcrowd the tank by adding lots of fish or fish that are bigger.

So, which are the best fish for a 15-gallon column tank? Let us find out.

Smaller fish like neon tetra, molly, guppy, and zebra danios are the best fish for a 15-gallon column tank. Consider adding fish by following the one-inch one-gallon rule to avoid overcrowding, as an overcrowded tank can make your fish suffer from life-threatening conditions.

This article will discuss the best fish for a 15-gallon column tank and how many fish we can fit in a 15-gallon column tank. Also, we will discuss how to provide good living conditions to a fish. So, let us get into it.

Which fish should I keep in my 15-gallon column tank?

When it comes to stocking a fish in a 15-gallon tank, you should always go for a fish that is smaller in size.

15-gallon is not a large enough tank for fish that requires plenty of space to thrive and are bigger in size.

Keeping smaller fish like tetras, mollies, platies, guppies, and zebra danios will be a great option.

You can also form a community tank by adding different types of small fish in your 15-gallon column tank.

You can keep 4-5 tetras, one dwarf gourami, and 2-3 guppies in your 15-gallon column tank.

Make sure not to overcrowd your tank by adding lots of fish, as an overcrowded tank can make your fish suffer from a life-threatening condition.

How many fish can I fit in a 15-gallon tank?

When stocking fish in an aquarium, we should always follow the one-inch one-gallon rule.

The one-inch one-gallon rule means one inch of fish per gallon of water.

You should always deduct some gallons when calculating the number of fish to add, as some space will be covered by substrate, plants, and other decors.

If you add a fish that is between 1 and 1.5 inches long, you can add 7-8 of them in a 15-gallon column tank.

If you are adding a 3.5 to 4 inches size fish like gouramis, then you can go for adding 3-4 of them and no more.

Following the one-inch one-gallon rule will prevent your tank from getting overcrowded.

An overcrowded tank will come with all these issues:

  1. Your fish will not get enough space to live and swim freely.
  2. The crowded tank will get dirty faster than usual.
  3. There will be an anytime risk of an ammonia spike in a crowded tank.
  4. There will be an oxygen deficiency in an overcrowded tank.
  5. All of your fish will not get a regular supply of food.

5 best fish to consider adding to your 15-gallon column tank?

These are the five best fish you can consider keeping in a 15-gallon column tank:

  1. Guppies
  2. Mollies
  3. Neon tetras
  4. Zebra danios
  5. Dwarf gouramis

Guppy fish

Keeping guppy fish in your 15-gallon column tank is the best option.

Guppies are schooling fish and will require a group of at least 3-4 of their species to live comfortably.

Male guppies can be anywhere between 0.6-1.4 inches in size, and females between 1.2-2.4.

Consider keeping three female guppies and one male guppy in your 15-gallon column tank.

They are colorful and attractive creatures with long tails, which will make your 15-gallon tank look amazing.

Also read: How Many Guppies In A 20-Gallon Tank?


Mollies are also an excellent choice to add to your 15-gallon column tank.

They are peaceful fish and love to swim with other fish in a community tank.

You can keep them in a group of peaceful fish like guppies and tetras.

Consider more female mollies than male ones, as male mollies can harass females when there are fewer.

You can house four mollies in your 15-gallon column tank. 

Also read: Can Guppy Live With Molly?

Neon tetras

Keeping neon tetras in your 15-gallon column tank is also a good idea.

Neon tetras will help you make your 15-gallon tank very attractive with its bright colors.

Neon tetras can be as long as 1.4 inches in size.

You can keep ten neon tetras in your 15-gallon column tank.

Zebra danios

Housing zebra danios in your 15-gallon tank will also look great.

They are peaceful and beautiful creatures.

They are schooling fish and prefer to live in a group of at least 4-5 of their own species.

Zebra danios can be as long as 2.5 inches in size.

Consider keeping not more than six zebra danios in a 15-gallon column tank.

Dwarf gouramis

Adding dwarf gouramis to your 15-gallon tank is also a good idea.

They will thrive in a tank with plenty of live aquatic plants, including floating plants.

Dwarf gouramis can be anywhere between 3.5 to 4 inches in size.

You can keep three to four dwarf gouramis in a 15-gallon column tank.

They will love to live with other peaceful fish in a community tank.

If you are keeping them with other community fish like tetras and guppies, then you can house only one dwarf gourami in a 15-gallon tank.

How to provide good living conditions to a fish living in a 15-gallon tank?

Ensure all these things to provide good living conditions to a fish:

  1. Perform a regular water change.
  2. Ensure stable water temperature.
  3. Add plenty of live aquatic plants.
  4. Avoid overcrowding the tank.

Regular water change

Performing a regular water change is necessary to keep the water clean.

We recommend performing a 35% water change on a weekly basis to ensure good water condition.

Treat the tap water with water conditioner while performing a water change.

We recommend using the API water conditioner to treat the water, as it will help you eliminate chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, and heavy metals from the water.

You can buy this product on amazon: API TAP WATER CONDITIONER.

Also, make sure to add a good filtration system to protect the water from harmful toxins like ammonia and nitrite.

Stable water temperature

Providing stable water temperature to your fish is necessary to ensure their good living conditions.

Unstable water temperature will make your fish come under stress, and they will become prone to various diseases and parasites.

Consider adding a heater to your 15-gallon column tank to ensure stable water temperature.

Add live aquatic plants.

Adding live aquatic plants will provide a good hiding spot for your fish.

They will thrive in a tank that has live aquatic plants.

Live aquatic plants will also help you mimic the natural habitat of your fish.

Also, it will help you keep the tank clean by eliminating toxins and will ensure enough oxygen in the tank.

Avoid overcrowding the tank.

Overcrowding the tank will come with various issues, like the risk of an ammonia spike, lack of oxygen, and getting dirty faster than usual.

To ensure you are not overcrowding the tank, follow the one-inch one-gallon rule, which means one inch of fish per gallon of water.


You can add various types of fish to your 15-gallon column tank.

Fishes like guppies, mollies, neon tetras, dwarf gouramis, and zebra danios are good options to add to your 15-gallon column tank.

You can also make it a community tank by adding one dwarf gourami, four neon tetras, and 2-3 guppies.

Just make sure not to overcrowd the tank and for that, always follow the one-inch one-gallon rule.

Add a good filtration system, perform regular water changes, and add a heater to provide good living conditions for your fish.

Reference: Wikipedia, Wikipedia, INJAF

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