Cory catfish are peaceful fish and prefer to live in a large group of their species. They are also social fish that love to live and interact with other peaceful fish in a community tank, But can we keep guppies in our cory catfish tank? So, Can cory catfish live with guppies? Let us find out.
Cory catfish can live with guppies as they both have similar tank requirements. They both are peaceful fish that love to live with other non-aggressive fish in a community tank. Consider providing them with ideal living conditions and adequate water parameters to ensure they thrive living together.
This article will discuss whether we can keep guppies with cory catfish by looking at their temperaments, water conditions, parameters, dietary needs, and natural behavior. Also, we will discuss the best tankmates for cory catfish. So, let us get into it.
- 1 Can I keep guppies in my cory catfish tank?
- 2 Cory catfish and guppy fish natural behavior.
- 3 What are the ideal water parameters of cory catfish and guppies?
- 4 What are the ideal water conditions required by cory catfish and guppies?
- 5 What are the ideal dietary requirements of cory catfish and guppies?
- 6 What is the ideal size tank requirement for keeping cory catfish and guppies together?
- 7 Other best tankmates for your cory catfish tank.
- 8 Conclusion:
Can I keep guppies in my cory catfish tank?
You can keep guppies with your cory catfish as they both are peaceful fish and require similar water conditions and parameters.
There are some things that we should consider before planning to add some other fish to our cory catfish tank, such as:
- The temperament of the fish
- The ideal water conditions required by the fish
- The water parameters required by the fish
- The ideal dietary requirements of the fish
- How much space do fish need to live comfortably
- Will our cory catfish be able to live with that fish comfortably without any issues?
So, let us discuss all the queries one by one and see whether we can keep cory catfish and guppy fish together.
Cory catfish and guppy fish natural behavior.
Cory catfish and guppy are peaceful fish and love to live and interact with other non-aggressive fish.
Cory catfish natural behavior:
Cory catfish are bottom dwellers fish and spend most of their time scavenging on the bottom in search of food.
They are peaceful fish and love to live and interact with other non-aggressive and social fish in a community tank.
If some fish try to chase and bully the cory catfish, they will not fight back and keep hiding and running from them.
Cory catfish will not interfere, chase, and bully any other fish or invertebrates as it is against their nature.
So, you can keep cory catfish with other peaceful tankmates in a community tank.
Also read: Are Cory Catfish Aggressive?
Guppy fish’s natural behavior:
Guppies are usually top feeders and swim right below the water’s surface.
However, they will feed from every corner of the tank and swim all over it.
They are also peaceful creatures and like to live in a large groups of their own species.
They can be kept in a community tank as they are peaceful fish and love to live and interact with other non-aggressive fish.
So, you can keep them with other fish like cory catfish as they will thrive living with other non-aggressive and social fish.
Also read: Are Guppies Aggressive?
What are the ideal water parameters of cory catfish and guppies?
Cory catfish and guppies have similar parameter requirements.
Particulars | Cory Catfish | Guppy Fish |
Water temperature | 70-82 °F | 72-82 °F |
Water pH level | 7 and 8 | 6.7-7.8 |
Water TDS level | 400-600ppm | 400-600ppm |
Water hardness | 5-19 dGH | 8-12 dGH |
Cory catfish ideal water parameters:
They live in a water temperature between 70-82 °F.
The water pH level of your cory catfish tank should be between 7 and 8.
The water hardness of your cory catfish tank water should be between 5 and 19 dGH.
Ensure to maintain the water TDS level between 400-600ppm.
Also, add a heater to your cory catfish tank to stabilize the water temperature.
Also read: Ideal Water Temperature For Cory Catfish?
Guppy fish ideal water parameters:
Guppy fish will thrive in a water temperature between 72-82 °F.
The water pH level of your guppy fish tank should be between 6.8-7.8.
Make sure to maintain the water TDS level of your guppy fish tank between 400-600ppm.
The water hardness should be between 8 and 12.
Guppy fish also require a heater in their aquarium.
So, looking at their ideal water parameters, we can see they are similar, and we can easily keep guppies in our cory catfish tank.
Also read: What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Guppies?
What are the ideal water conditions required by cory catfish and guppies?
Cory catfish and guppies are both freshwater fish and require clean water conditions to thrive.
Poor water conditions will make them come under stress and become prone to various diseases and parasites.
Particulars | Cory Catfish | Guppy Fish |
Water quality | Clean water condition | Clean water condition |
Ammonia | 0ppm | 0ppm |
Nitrite | 0ppm | 0ppm |
Nitrate | Below 20ppm | Below 25ppm |
Cory catfish ideal water conditions:
Cory catfish require clean water conditions to thrive.
Performing a weekly water change of at least 35% is necessary to keep the water clean.
Your cory catfish tank’s ammonia and nitrite level should be at 0ppm, whereas nitrate should be below 20ppm.
Consider adding a good filtration system to your cory catfish tank to keep the water clean and safe from harmful toxins like ammonia and nitrite.
Chlorinated water will affect your cory catfish health, so make sure to treat the water with a water conditioner to dechlorinate it.
Add plenty of live aquatic plants and an air pump to keep the water well oxygenated.
Also read: Ideal pH level For Cory Catfish?
Guppy fish ideal water conditions:
Guppies also require clean water conditions to thrive.
Performing a weekly water change of 35% is necessary to keep the water clean of your guppies tank.
The ammonia and nitrite level of the guppies tank should also be at 0ppm, whereas nitrate should be below 25ppm.
Living in chlorinated water will also affect their health, and you should use a water conditioner every time while performing a water change.
So, by looking at their water conditions requirements, we can say that they are the best tankmates and can be kept together without any issues.
Also read: Best pH Level For Guppies.
What are the ideal dietary requirements of cory catfish and guppies?
Cory catfish and guppies are both omnivore fish and require plant and meat matter food in their daily diet.
Foods | Serving Quantity (For cory catfish and guppy fish) | No of Times (For cory catfish and guppy fish) |
Brine shrimp | One small pinch at a time | 1-2 times a week |
Veggie pellets | One small pinch at a time | 1-2 times a day |
Flake food | One small pinch at a time | 1-2 times a day |
Mosquito larvae | 10-15 pieces | 2-3 times a week |
Bloodworms | One small pinch at a time | 1-2 times a week |
Tubifex Worms | One small pinch at a time | 1 time a week |
Blanched zucchini | One small slice at a time | 1-2 times a week |
Blanched cucumber | One small piece at a time | 1-2 times a week |
Boiled peas | One pea per guppy and cory catfish | 1-2 times a week |
Cory catfish ideal dietary requirement:
Cory catfish are omnivore fish and require meat and plant-based nutritional value in their daily diet.
They love to feed on all types of worms like bloodworms, tubifex worms, and blackworms.
Feed them mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and sinking flake food to fulfill their meat-based nutritional requirement.
Providing blanched vegetables like cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, and boiled peas will ensure plant-based nutritional value for them.
Feed your cory catfish one to two times a day in
Feed them in quantity they can finish eating in one to two minutes to avoid overfeeding.
Also read: Can Cory Catfish Eat Brine Shrimp?
Guppy fish ideal dietary requirements:
Guppies are also omnivore fish and require both plant and meat matter food in their daily diet.
They will love to feed on bloodworms, veggie pellets, flake food, brine shrimp, egg yolk, and mosquito larvae.
They also like munching on veggies like blanched zucchini, cucumber, and lettuce.
Feed your guppy fish one to two times a day in a quantity they can finish in one to two minutes.
Looking at their dietary needs, we can see that both fish require the same types of food to thrive.
However, cory catfish are bottom dwellers that spend most of their time scavenging on the bottom in search of food.
Also, they are bottom feeders and rarely will come to the surface to take a grab on foods.
They will require sinking food like sinking pellets and flakes, pre-soaked bloodworms, and brine shrimp, While guppies will feed on every corner of the tank.
They both will not interfere with each other food as both are peaceful creatures and avoid chasing and fighting completely.
Also read: Best Food For Guppy fish.
What is the ideal size tank requirement for keeping cory catfish and guppies together?
Cory catfish can be as long as 4 inches in size, with an average of 2-2.5 inches.
Guppies can be as long as 2.4 inches in size, with an average of 1-1.5 inches.
Cory catfish prefer to live in a large group of their species. You should keep at least 5-6 cory catfish together as they are schooling fish.
Guppies are also schooling fish and prefer to live in a large group.
Keep at least 6-8 guppies together to form a good school of them.
When it comes to adding fish to an aquarium, we should follow the one-inch one-gallon rule, which is one inch of fish per gallon of water.
Cory catfish will require a 20-gallon tank at least to live comfortably.
And guppies will thrive in a 10-gallon tank.
So, for keeping them together in one tank, you will need at least a 30-gallon tank to ensure that they live and swim comfortably.
Also read: How Many Cory Catfish In A 10-Gallon Tank?
Other best tankmates for your cory catfish tank.
These are some best tankmates you can consider adding to your cory catfish tank:
- Mollies
- Neon tetra
- Platies
- Gourami
- Shrimp
- Snails
- Zebra danios
Cory catfish are peaceful fish and prefer to live in a large group and with other peaceful fish in a community tank.
Avoid adding any aggressive fish to your cory catfish tank as they will chase and bully them, making them come under stress.
Cory catfish will not fight back with the aggressive fish and will keep hiding and running from them.
At last, they will come under stress and starts avoiding eating, becoming weak and prone to various diseases and parasites.
Cory catfish can live with guppies as they both are peaceful fish and have similar requirements.
Cory catfish and guppies have similar water parameters and water conditions requirements.
They both love to live in a community tank with other peaceful fish.
Cory catfish are schooling fish and prefer to live in a group of at least 5-6.
Guppies are also schooling fish and prefer to live in a group of at least 6-8.
So, consider keeping them in at least a 30-gallon tank to ensure they live comfortably.