Can Goldfish Eat Betta Food?

Goldfish and betta fish are the two most common species that people usually prefer at the beginning of their fish-keeping journey. But do they have the same diet? Can you serve betta fish food to your goldfish? Let us discuss this below:

Goldfish can eat betta fish food as a treat twice a week. Excessive betta fish food can lead to digestive issues in goldfish. Betta fish is a carnivore species that require high protein food, whereas goldfish, an omnivore, need a diet that is a mixture of all the necessary nutrients to develop. 

Let us dive into the article to learn about your goldfish dietary needs. In addition to this, we will also discuss a good staple diet for your fish.

Goldfish dietary requirements

Goldfish DietServing QuantityNo. of times
Veggie PelletsOne pinch at time2-3 times a day
Brine ShrimpOne pinch at time3-4 times a day
Mosquito Larvae10-153-4 times a week
Tubifex WormOne pinch at time3-4 times a week
Blood WormsOne pinch at time3-4 times a week
Leafy greens (Lettuce, Spinach, Kale)A small piece of leaf3-4 times a week
Zucchini (Blanched)One small slice3-4 times a week

Betta fish diet:

Betta fish are carnivores species that require 55% protein in their diet to grow and develop properly.

Betta fish in the wild prefers to consume worms, mosquito larvae, and bloodworms, whereas, in captivity, they prefer a high protein diet that consists of a lot of red meat.

Will my goldfish get ill or pass away from eating betta fish food?

Goldfish are omnivores species that require veggies and meat to grow and develop properly.

At the same time, betta fish are carnivore species that require a high protein diet like red meat for their growth.

Goldfish do not have a stomach to digest their food as they digest it through their intestines.

So, it will not be possible for your fish to digest betta food as it can lead to digestive issues in your goldfish.

You can serve betta food as a treat to your goldfish, but it should not be a part of your goldfish regular diet.

Your regular goldfish diet should consist the nutritious food like veggie pellets, blood worms, and leafy greens for their well-being.

Unlike betta fish, your goldfish need a diet that is a mixture of fiber, protein, nutrients, and all the necessary vitamins.

Can goldfish eat betta pellets?

You can serve betta pellets as a treat to your goldfish, and they should not be a part of their regular diet.

Betta pellets are high in protein, leading to health issues in your goldfish.

You can occasionally serve betta pellets to your goldfish, but it should not be very often

Avoid serving betta pellets to your goldfish more than once a week.

Why is the betta fish diet not a staple diet for your goldfish?

Betta fish are carnivores species that require a high protein diet to develop correctly, whereas goldfish need a mixture of carbohydrates, fat, fiber, and protein.

So, the betta fish diet is not a staple diet for your goldfish. However, you can provide betta fish food as a treat to your fish.

Your goldfish must contain meat and green veggies for proper growth and development.

Will betta fish food be fine if you ran out of your goldfish food?

You can serve betta food to your goldfish for 2-3 days if you run out of your goldfish food.

It will be advisable to avoid feeding excessive betta food to your goldfish as it can lead to digestive issues in your fish.

Your goldfish diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for proper growth and development.

If you run out of your goldfish flakes, you can serve them cooked peas as they provide many health benefits to your fish.

In addition to this, you can also serve many homemade foods like bloodworms and mosquito larvae to your goldfish, as it provides numerous health benefits to your goldfish.

Good staple diet for your goldfish

Here are some best foods you can provide to your goldfish:

  1. Daphina
  2. Mosquito Larvae 
  3. Bloodworms
  4. Zucchini
  5. Veggie Pellets
  6. Cooked Peas


Daphnia holds a good amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat for the growth of your goldfish.

You can also culture daphnia in your home. All you need to culture daphnia is 

  1. An individual tank
  2. 5-8 hours of indirect sunlight
  3. Warm water

There must be a water movement to culture daphnia. Daphnia also feeds on algae, bacteria, and yeast.

Mosquito larvae:

You can also provide mosquito larvae to your goldfish as it holds all the essential nutrients for your goldfish to grow and develop.

You can feed 12-15 mosquito larvae 3-4 times a week to your goldfish. 

In addition to this, mosquito larvae are also very cost-efficient as you can raise them in your backyard.

Also read: Can Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?


Blood worms also hold all the essential nutrients required to develop your goldfish. 

You can serve a pinch of bloodworms 3-4 times a week.


Zucchini also holds all the necessary nutrients required to develop your goldfish.

However, it will be advisable to blanch your veggie before serving it to your goldfish.

Blanching will make the veggie soft, making it easier for your fish to eat.

Therefore, you can serve one slice of blanched zucchini to your goldfish 3-4 times a week.

Veggie pellets

Veggie pellets hold the mixture of all the necessary nutrients required for the growth of your goldfish.

You can serve one pinch of veggie pellets 2-3 times a day.

Cooked peas

You can also serve cooked peas to your goldfish as it helps treat constipation and many other health issues like swim bladder disease in your goldfish. 

In addition to this, cooked peas also provide all the necessary nutrients for developing your goldfish.

The above were the staple diet required by your goldfish for their well-being. 

Also read: What Do Goldfish Eat?


  1. Betta fish are carnivores species that require a high protein diet for their growth and development.
  2. Goldfish are omnivores species that need green veggies and meat to develop correctly.
  3. You can serve betta fish food as a treat to your goldfish.
  4. Excessive betta fish food can lead to digestive issues in your goldfish.
  5. Boiled veggies, mosquito larvae, and veggie pellets is a good staple diet for your goldfish.

Reference: ResearchGate

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