Can Guppy Fry Eat Daphnia?

Food plays an essential role in guppy fish life in their growth and development. Guppy fry requires adequate nutrition for their faster growth and color enhancement.

Daphnia is a good source of protein and helps in the faster growth and development of the fish, but can guppy fry feed on daphnia. So, Can guppy fry eat daphnia? Let us find out.

Guppy fry can eat daphnia as it contains a high level of protein that helps your guppy fry in its faster growth and development. Feed your guppy fry daphnia two to three times a day, two to three times a week. Daphnia will not pollute the water as it will live until guppy fry feeds on them.

This article will discuss whether guppy fry can eat daphnia and the ideal dietary requirements. So, let us get into it.

Can I feed daphnia to my guppy fry?

You can feed daphnia to your guppy fry.

Daphnias are a good source of protein that helps your guppy fry in their faster growth and development.

Daphnia is safe for your guppy fry, and you can feed it to them.

You can feed live or freeze-dried daphnia to your guppy fry.

The best thing about daphnia is daphnia will live in the aquarium until the baby guppy feeds on them.

However, guppy fry will require various other food types to ensure their good health.

Guppy fry Ideal dietary requirements.

Guppies are omnivore fish and require both plant and meat matter food in their daily diet for their growth and development.

Guppy fry will require more food than adult guppies for their faster growth.

Feed your guppy fry a variety of food to ensure their good health and enhance their color.

Feed your guppy fry bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, flake food, and baby brine shrimp to fulfill their meat-based nutritional requirement.

Consider feeding your guppy fry blanched vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, and boiled peas to fulfill their plant-based nutritional requirement.

Guppy fry requires more fat and protein for their faster growth and development.

Also read: Best Food For Guppy Fish.

Can I only feed daphnia to my guppy fry?

Daphnia contains a high level of protein that helps your guppy fry in their faster growth and enhances their beautiful color.

You can feed daphnia to your guppy fry as it is safe for them and help them to ensure their good health.

However, feeding only brine shrimp will affect their health as guppies are omnivore fish and require various types of food for their growth and lifespan.

Relying only on daphnia is not good for your guppy fry.

Feed them food in such a way that they can get the nutritional requirement of both plant and meat matter food.

Also read: How Long Can Guppies Go Without Food?

How often should we feed daphnia to guppy fry?

Feed your guppy fry daphnia three to four times a day for three to four times a week.

Feeding only daphnia to your guppy fry will affect their health as they require various types of food for their development.

Make sure to feed your guppy fry four to five times a day in a small pinch.

Guppy fry will not be able to eat in large quantities in a single time as they don’t have a large stomach and will not be able to eat much.

Feeding large quantities at a time will result in contaminating the water with the leftovers.

Feed your guppy fry in a quantity that they can finish eating in one to two minutes.

If your guppy fry takes more than two minutes to finish their food, you are overfeeding them.

And if your guppy fry is eating the food in seconds, you are underfeeding them.

Also read: How Often Should Guppy Fry Be Fed?

How to prepare daphnia for a guppy fry?

There are two ways to feed daphnia to your guppy fry:

  1. Freeze-dried daphnia
  2. Live daphnia

Freeze-dried daphnia

Freeze-dried daphnia is available in a pet store, and you can buy it online too from amazon.

It is easy to feed freeze-dried daphnia to your guppy fry.

Just open the container and feed your guppy fry freeze-dried daphnia in a quantity that they can finish eating in one to two minutes.

We recommend feeding your guppy fry Hikari bio-pure freeze-dried daphnia as it is the best option available for your guppy fry.

You can find this product on amazon: Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze-Dried Daphnia.

Live daphnia

These are all the things to take care of when culturing the daphnia:

  1. Don’t put the lid on the aquarium or container in which you are culturing daphnia for the easy exchange of gases.
  2. Provide your daphnia container or aquarium with at least a light for 12 hours a day by ensuring that the light is not overheating the container.
  3. Daphnia will feed on algae, yeast, and bacteria, so provide them food for their growth.
  4. Use well water for culturing the daphnia as tap water can hold the contents, harming your daphnia.

You have to make sure of enough light and food for your daphnia, and you are ready to culture it.

Use a fish net to catch the daphnia and feed them to your guppy fry.

The only problem feeding live daphnia to your guppy fry is there will be a risk of daphnia containing bacteria which can harm your guppy fry.

Also read: Can Guppies Eat Bloodworms?


Guppy fry can eat daphnia as it contains a high level of protein which help in their faster growth and development.

Feed your guppy fry daphnia two to three times a day, two to three times a week.

Consider feeding various types of food to your guppy fry rather than relying only on daphnia, as they are omnivore fish and require both meat and plant matter food to ensure their longer lifespan.

You can feed freeze-dried and live daphnia to your guppy fry.

Reference: ACADEMIA, Journals, Wikipedia, ResearchGate

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