Can Rabbits Eat Kiwi? (All You Need To Know)

Fruits like the kiwi are recognized to be both tasty and nutritious. Furthermore, you might ask whether you can feed your rabbit kiwi if you have any at home. But the question is, can rabbits eat kiwis? Is it safe to provide kiwis to rabbits? So, let’s find all of your answers in this article.

Kiwis can be served to rabbits as it contains a lot of fiber, low sugar, and other health benefits. However, giving too many kiwis could cause health issues like diarrhea and loose stools. Instead, consider providing 1 tbsp of kiwi per 2lb body weight once or twice a week.

This article will briefly discuss kiwi benefits and disadvantages, whether rabbits can eat kiwi leaves and seeds, how often you should serve them, and many more. So, let us get into it.

Can I give kiwi to my rabbit?

Rabbits can eat kiwi in tiny amounts and should be served as an occasional treat.

Kiwi contains a high sugar level, which is unsuitable for rabbits if given frequently.

The fruit has some advantages for a rabbit’s health but also some disadvantages.

Giving kiwi to rabbits in large quantities could cause health issues like obesity or weight gain.

In addition, overweight rabbits are more likely to experience health issues, which shorten their lives and cause life-threatening problems.

Also, kiwi contains high water content, which is bad for a rabbit’s digestive system as it leads to loose stools and diarrhea.

However, kiwi contains some beneficial nutrients and is considered healthy for rabbits if served in small quantities.

Rabbits have a very sensitive digestive system; any new fruit in their diet could interrupt their delicate gut bacteria.

So, observing your rabbit for 24 hours after giving it kiwi is essential to ensure their digestive system.

If your rabbit produces loose stools or has sudden behavioral change, you should stop feeding the kiwi and provide only hay and water for the rest of the days.

In addition, diarrhea or loose stools indicated severe lead issues like Gastrointestinal Stasis (GI stasis), which is a life-threatening condition for rabbits.

Is it safe to feed kiwis to rabbits?

Kiwi is safe and considered healthy fruit for rabbits if given as a treat in small amounts.

However, it could be dangerous to their health when served in large quantities.

Kiwi contains a lot of water and sugar, which could upset your rabbit’s sensitive stomach and causes loose stools, diarrhea, or GI stasis.

Due to a lack of fiber to keep things moving, the digestive system becomes incapable of processing food as it should.

In addition, because they lack the necessary digestive enzymes, rabbits struggle with high-sugar diets like kiwi in their daily diet.

Also, if you have already given a lot of fruits to your rabbit, adding kiwi at the same time, even in a tiny portion, could cause a problem.

Kiwi can harm rabbits’ health if given too much, but it also has some beneficial vitamins and minerals for rabbits’ growth and development.

It contains high fiber and other beneficial nutrients, rich in vitamins C, K, E, potassium, and Folate.

Also, it is lower in calories and sugar levels than other fruits, which is considered suitable for your rabbit in moderation.

Health benefits of kiwi for rabbits?

Rabbits require fiber in their diet, and kiwi contains a good amount of fiber, considered a healthy fruit, but in moderation.

It contains a good level of antioxidants which is beneficial for rabbit health in small quantities.

In addition, kiwi has other health benefits, which are listed below:

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C in kiwi is beneficial for a rabbit’s immune system to prevent sickness.

In addition, it is required for the development, growth, and repair of the bodily tissues of your rabbit.

Vitamin C is essential for preventing scurvy, which manifests as various health problems and can make it uncomfortable and challenging for your rabbit to eat.


Antioxidants found in kiwis help decrease human blood pressure, which may benefit rabbits.


For the development and maintenance of their sturdy bones, rabbits require calcium. 

Older rabbits, in particular, require extra calcium to maintain bone strength as they age and maintain their ability to move around.

Other rabbits that meet particular age or sex requirements also need calcium. 

However, ordinary rabbits shouldn’t consume excessive amounts because it will harm their urinary system in numerous ways.

Fiber and potassium: 

Kiwi contains a lot of fiber, which helps preserve one’s digestive system.

In addition, this balances the sugar content and makes them a healthful treat to give occasionally.

Additionally, kiwi includes potassium, which supports heart health and blood pressure regulation, preventing heart-related issues even later in life for your rabbit. 

Can rabbits eat kiwi leaves?

Rabbits can eat kiwi peel and leaves, which is better than the flesh.

You can also give your rabbit kiwi flesh because it contains more fiber and less sugar than the kiwi flesh.

However, kiwi skin shouldn’t be fed to rabbits in large quantities because it could potentially upset their digestive systems.

Peeling the skin off is unnecessary because it is healthful and contains less sugar. 

It would be best if you treated them to the kiwifruit peel. 

However, properly wash the fruit to remove any herbicides, pesticides, or insecticides and serve the rabbit.

Also, hay should only be considered a staple rabbit diet.

In addition, if you provide your rabbit with too much kiwi skin to eat, it might not ingest enough hay. 

In the wild, rabbits consume kiwi skin; therefore, the fruit is an excellent source of nutrition.

You can combine the vines and leaves with other leafy greens to serve your rabbit. 

A two-pound rabbit may consume one cup of the leafy green combination.

Can rabbits eat kiwi seeds?

Rabbits can eat kiwi seeds as tiny seeds are not that much harmful to your rabbit that could cause choking.

In addition, you don’t need to try to get rid of them before giving your rabbit kiwi fruit.

How often should I feed kiwi to my rabbit?

You should feed your rabbit 1 tbsp per 2lb body weight once or twice a week.

Giving kiwi in large quantities could cause health issues like loose stools, diarrhea, and even GI stasis because of their high water and sugar content.

In addition, a rabbit’s diet should have at least 85% hay, 10% leafy green or treats, and 5% pellets.

Also, do not serve kiwi to small baby rabbits as they have a sensitive gut system and cause severe health issues.

In addition to their mother’s milk, rabbits younger than 12 weeks old should not be given any other food. 

More complex nutrients are not suitable for baby bunnies’ digestive processes.


  1. Rabbits can eat kiwi in tiny amounts and should be served as an occasional treat.
  2. Kiwi contains a high sugar level, which is unsuitable for rabbits if given frequently.
  3. Overweight rabbits are more likely to experience health issues, which shorten their lives and cause life-threatening problems.
  4. Rabbits can eat kiwi seeds as tiny seeds are not that much harmful to your rabbit that could cause choking.
  5. Rabbits can eat kiwi peel and leaves, which is better than the flesh.

Reference: NCBI

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