Can Zebra Danios Eat Apples? (Complete Information)

Apples are a rich source of many nutrients that helps your fish to stay active and healthy. But can your zebra danios eat apples? Let us find out.

Zebra danios can eat apples as they are a good source of vitamin C required for proper growth and development. It has many other nutrients that help zebrafish stay healthy and active. Consider feeding apples two times a week as a treat to zebrafish, as overfeeding can cause digestive issues.

The below article will discuss the benefits of apple for your zebra danios. In addition, we will also learn how to prepare apples for your zebrafish.

Can I feed apples to my zebra danios?

You can feed apples to your zebrafish as it is a rich source of vitamin c that helps in the adequate development of your fish.

Apple also holds many other nutritional benefits that help to keep your zebrafish active and healthy.

However, excessive feeding of apples can lead to digestive issues in your zebra danios.

Therefore, we advise providing apples in a moderate quantity to your zebrafish to ensure their well-being and a longer lifespan.

Are apples harmful to your zebra danios?

Apples are not harmful to your zebrafish as they are a rich source of vitamin c and many other essential nutrients that help your fish’s adequate development.

However, excessive feeding apples can lead to several issues in your zebrafish, eventually weakening them and making them prone to several diseases.

Due to its sugar content, overfeeding apples can lead to digestive issues in your zebrafish.

As zebra danios are omnivore species, their diet must hold a mix of plant and meat matter food for adequate development and a longer lifespan.

How often to feed apples to your zebra danios?

You can provide one small slice of apples two times a week as a treat to your zebra danios.

Avoid overfeeding apples to your zebrafish as it can lead to significant digestive issues in your fish.

You should provide the amount your zebrafish can eat in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Therefore, as zebra danios are an omnivore species, their diet must hold meat and plant matter food for adequate growth and development.

Also, read: How Often Should I Feed Zebra Danios?

How to prepare apples for your zebra danios?

Here are the ways to prepare apples for your zebra danios

Select good quality apple

Firstly, you should select fully riped apples for your zebrafish. The fruit should be free of harmful chemicals and should not have any marks on its skin.

Wash the apple

You must ensure to wash the apple as it might contain dirt on its skin.

Peel the apple

Now, you should peel the apples and remove their skin as it is a task for your fish to digest fruit skin.

Fruit skin can lead to constipation and stick to your fish’s throat, making it difficult for them to breathe.

So, we advise you to remove the skin to prevent any health issues in your fish.

Soften the apples

The next step is to soften the fruit for your zebrafish, as your fish might face problems in chewing as it is hard to chew.

So, we advise you to blanch the apple for about 30 minutes to soften it, making it easier for your zebra danios to consume.

Chop the apple

After blanching the apple, now you should slice the apple into tiny pieces so that it can easily fit into your fish mouth.

In addition, you must remove the apple seeds as your fish might find them hard to digest.

Feeding it to your zebra danios

Now, you can serve the apple to your zebrafish.

We advise providing one small slice of apple two times a week as a treat to your zebrafish, as excessive feeding apples can lead to digestive issues in your fish.

Always provide the amount your zebrafish can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding and underfeeding your fish.

Best food for zebra danios

Zebra Danios DietAmount serving No. of times
Veggie PelletsOne small pinch1 time a day
Brine Shrimp One small pinch1-2 times a week
Bloodworms One small pinch1-2 times a week
Tubifex wormsOne small pinch1 time a week
Blanched veggies (Spinach, cucumber, zucchini)One small slice3-4 times a week
The above table show the best food for zebra danios.

Also, read: Why Is My Zebra Danios Not Eating?


  1. You can provide apples to your zebrafish as it is a rich source of vitamin c that helps in the adequate growth of your fish.
  2. Apples are not harmful to your zebrafish as they are a good source of vitamin c and many other essential nutrients that help your fish to stay active and healthy.
  3. Excessive feeding apples can lead to several health issues in your zebrafish, eventually weakening them and making them prone to several diseases.
  4. We advise blanching the apple for about 30 minutes to soften it, making it easier for your zebra danios to consume.
  5. Provide one small slice of apples two times a week as a treat to your fish.

Reference: NCBI

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