Can Zebra Danios Eat Bloodworms? (All You Need To Know)

You can feed numerous types of live foods to your zebra danios. Bloodworms are one of them as it is high in protein and other essential nutrients.

But are bloodworms safe for your zebra danios? What are the nutritional benefits of bloodworms to your zebra danios? Let us discuss this below:

Zebra danios can eat bloodworms twice a week as they are a rich source of protein required for proper growth and development. Consider feeding frozen bloodworms as they are highly nutritious and bacteria-free. Avoid overfeeding bloodworms as it can lead to significant health issues in zebra danios.

The below article will discuss the nutritional benefits of bloodworms for your zebra danios. In addition, we will also learn about the ideal dietary needs of zebra danios. 

Can I feed bloodworms to my zebra danios?

You can feed bloodworms to your zebra danios as it is a rich source of protein that helps in the proper growth and development of your fish.

Bloodworms also hold a decent amount of fiber and other essential nutrients that help promote the growth of your zebra danios.

However, excessive feeding of bloodworms can lead to significant digestive issues and other health issues in your zebra danios.

Therefore, it will be advisable to provide the quantity your zebra danios can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Zebra danio ideal dietary requirements

Zebra Danios DietServing QuantityNo. of times
Veggie PelletsOne small pinch 1 time a day
Brine Shrimp One small pinch1-2 times a week
Tubifex worms One small pinch 1 time a week
Blanched Zucchini One small slice3-4 times a week
Boiled peasHalf a pea 3 times a week
Leafy greens (Kale, Spinach, lettuce)A piece of leaf3-4 times a week
Blanched cucumberOne small slice3-4 times a week
The above table shows the ideal dietary requirements of zebra danios.

Also, read: Why Is My Zebra Danios Not Eating?

How often can you feed bloodworms to zebra danios?

You can provide bloodworms 1-2 times a week to your zebra danios as it is a rich source of protein that helps in the proper growth and development of your fish.

Zebra danios are omnivores species that require meat and plant matter food for their adequate growth and to ensure their longer lifespan.

However, feeding excessive red meat can lead to significant health issues like constipation in your zebra danios.

So, it will be advisable always to provide the quantity your zebra danios can consume in under two minutes to prevent overfeeding.

Can bloodworms make my zebra danios sick?

Bloodworms are a rich source of protein required for the proper development of your zebra danios. 

However, feeding excessive bloodworms to your zebra danios can make them sick and suffer from significant health issues. 

Here are some health issues your zebra danios can suffer if you overfeed bloodworms 

  1. Constipation 
  2. Infections
  3. Bloating
  4. Weight gain


Excessive feeding of bloodworms can make your zebra danios constipated.

Zebra danios are omnivores species that require a mix of meat and plant matter food for their healthy growth of development.

So, feeding excessive red meat can lead to significant health issues like constipation in your fish, eventually weakening them and making them prone to several diseases and parasites.


Bloodworms can hold many parasites that can make your zebra danios infected.

So, it will be advisable not to avoid feeding excessive bloodworms for the well-being of your zebra danios.

Fin rot, Bleeding, and weight loss are some common signs of infections in zebra danios.


Overfeeding bloodworms to your zebra danios can make your fish bloated.

Swollen zebra danios belly is a sign of bloating and can lead to severe digestive issues in your zebra danios.

Weight gain

Overfeeding bloodworms can lead to weight gain in your zebra danios.

Bloodworms hold a good amount of fat and are high in calories, so it will be advisable not to overfeed bloodworms to your zebra danios to maintain the proper health of your fish.

What are the benefits of bloodworms to your zebra danios?

Here are the benefits of bloodworms to your zebra danios

High in protein

Bloodworms are a rich source of protein required for the adequate growth and development of your zebra danios.

Your zebra danios require a 40% protein diet for their proper development and longer lifespan.

Rich source of fiber

Bloodworms are a rich fiber source that helps prevent digestive issues in your zebra danios.

So, it will be advisable to provide high-fiber food like bloodworms to your zebra danios for their adequate development and longer lifespan.

Which type of bloodworms will be beneficial for zebra danios?

Bloodworms can get classified into three categories.

  1. Live Bloodworms
  2. Freeze-Dried Bloodworms
  3. Frozen Bloodworms

Live Bloodworms

Live bloodworms are highly nutritious, and it carries more nutrition than the other types of bloodworms. 

However, we will advise you not to feed live bloodworms to your zebra danios as it has a high chance of carrying harmful bacteria and parasites that can lead to significant health issues in your fish. 

In addition, live bloodworms are more expensive than other worms, and you cannot store them for more than two days. 

Freeze-dried bloodworms

You can store freeze-dried bloodworms for longer, and they are pocket-friendly.

We advise you to soak the freeze-dries bloodworms before providing them to your zebra danios. 

However, freeze-dried bloodworms are less nutritious than frozen bloodworms as the rehydration process makes them lose nutrients. 

Frozen bloodworms

You can store frozen bloodworms for up to 6 months, and they are also easily affordable. 

Frozen bloodworms are also safe from harmful bacteria and parasites as the freezing process eliminates all the harmful bacteria from the bloodworms. 

The only con of a frozen bloodworm is that you cannot determine the quality of the worms before they are frozen. 

However, we advise you to purchase the bloodworms from a reputed brand as it will help solve the issue. 

So, from the above, we can conclude that frozen bloodworms are an ideal option for your zebra danios as they are pocket-friendly and provide many essential nutrients to your fish. 

Can you feed bloodworms to zebra danio fry?

You can feed bloodworms to your zebra danio fry as it is rich in protein that contributes to the growth of your fry.

However, it will be advisable not to make them a part of their staple diet as it can lead to significant health issues in your fry.

Zebra danio fry is an omnivore species that requires a meat and plant matter diet for their adequate growth and development.

Your zebra danio fry should contain all the green veggies like leafy greens, blanched zucchini, and red meat like bloodworms and tubifex worms for their adequate growth and development.

Other live foods for your zebra danios

Here are some other best live food options for your zebra danios

  1. Mosquito Larvae
  2. Brine shrimp
  3. Daphnia 
  4. Tubifex Worms

Mosquito Larvae

You can provide mosquito larvae to your zebra danios as it is a rich source of protein and other essential nutrients required for the growth of your fish. 

However, it will be advisable not to overfeed larvae to your zebra danios as it can lead to significant digestive issues in your zebra danios.

Consider providing 10-15 pieces of mosquito larvae 2-3 times a week to your zebra danios for their proper growth and development.

Brine shrimp

You can also provide brine shrimp to your zebra danios as it holds all the necessary nutrients required for the well-being of your fish. 

We advise you to provide a pinch of brine shrimp 1-2 times a week to your zebra danios.


Daphnia also holds all the essential nutrients that promote your zebra danios’ growth. 

It is a good mixture of carbohydrates, fat, and protein required for the adequate development of your fish.

In addition, you can also prepare daphnia in your home, making it a budget-friendly option for your zebra danios.

Tubifex Worms

Tubifex worms are also a great source of protein that helps in the adequate development of your zebra danios.

We advise you to provide a pinch of tubifex worms 1-2 times a week to your zebra danios to ensure their proper growth and development. 


  1. You can feed bloodworms to your zebra danios as it is a rich source of protein that helps in the proper growth and development of your fish.
  2. Excessive feeding of red meat can lead to significant health issues like constipation in your zebra danios. 
  3. Overfeeding bloodworms to your zebra danios can make your fish bloated. 
  4. Zebra danio fry is an omnivore species that requires a meat and plant matter diet for their adequate growth and development. 
  5. It will be advisable always to provide the quantity your zebra danios can consume in under two minutes to prevent overfeeding. 

Reference: ResearchGate

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