Can Zebra Danios Live With Plecos? (All You Need To Know)

Zebra danios are peaceful fishes that dislike aggression in the tank, making them an ideal choice for your home tank.

While placing your zebrafish with other fish, you must ensure that they have similar temperaments and dietary needs, as adding non-compatible tankmates can cause several health problems in your zebrafish.

Likewise, zebrafish, even plecos, are non-aggressive species that prefer interacting with their tank mates.

But, can your zebra danios live with plecos? Let us find out.

Zebra danios can live with Clown plecos as they have similar temperaments and dietary needs. However, placing them under unfavorable housing conditions can make your fish aggressive toward each other. Provide ample space and adequate water conditions to make your zebrafish and plecos live together.

The below article discusses the essential measures you should take before placing zebra danios and plecos in the same tank. 

Can I add plecos to my zebra danios tank?

You can add plecos to your zebrafish tank as they are non-aggressive species making them an ideal tankmate for your danios.

However, not all plecos are ideal tankmates for your zebra danios, as some can get larger than your zebrafish.

Clown plecos are ideal tankmates for your zebra danios as they can reach up to 3 inches in size and thrive peacefully with your zebrafish.

Likewise, zebra danios, plecos can get aggressive if placed under inadequate housing conditions.

So, we advise you to provide ideal living conditions and a stress-free environment in the tank to avoid aggression.

Also, read: Are Zebra Danios Aggressive?

Zebra danios and plecos temperament

Zebra danios temperament

Zebra danios are peaceful species that like to interact with their tank mates.

They are schooling fishes that prefer to live in a group of at least five.

Zebrafish are social fishes, making them an ideal option for your community tank.

However, zebra danios can get aggressive with each other if placed under inadequate tank conditions.

Therefore, you should always provide ideal living conditions to your zebrafish to ensure their adequate growth and development.

Plecos temperament

Clown Plecos are non-aggressive species making them an ideal choice for your zebrafish tank.

However, plecos can get aggressive if placed under inadequate tank conditions.

So, you should always provide ideal living conditions to your plecos to make them thrive comfortably with the zebrafish.

Ideal water conditions of zebra danios and plecos

Zebra danios and plecos are freshwater species that require good water conditions to thrive.

Placing them under lousy water conditions can lead to severe health issues in your zebra danios and plecos, eventually making them pass away.

Below are the ideal water conditions required by zebra danios and plecos

ParticularsZebra DaniosPlecos
Water conditionClean water conditionClean water condition
Ammonia level0ppm0ppm
Nitirite level0ppm0ppm
Nitrate Below 20ppmBelow 20ppm
The above table shows the ideal water condition for zebra danios and plecos.

Poor water conditions in the tank can lead to a spike in the tank’s ammonia level leading to ammonia burns in your zebra danios and plecos.

So, you should perform a 30% weekly water change and a sound filtration system to maintain the tank’s water condition and to ensure your fish’s longer lifespan. 

Also, read: Do Zebra Danios Need A Filter?

In addition, you should also keep an eye on the tank’s ammonia level to ensure the well-being of your zebrafish.

You can check the tank’s ammonia level with the help of an API test kit, as it provides accurate results.

It is available on Amazon: API TAP WATER CONDITIONER.

Ideal water parameters needed by zebra danios and plecos

Below are the ideal water parameters needed by zebra danios and plecos

ParticularsZebra DaniosPlecos
Water Temperature64-74 °FBetween 74 to 80°F
Water Ph level6.5-7.07-8
Water Tds Level300-500 ppm300-500ppm
Water harndess5-12 dghup to 25 dgh
The above table shows the ideal water parameters needed by zebra danios and plecos.

Also, read: Ideal Water Temperature For Zebra Danios

Below are the water parameters you should maintain to place zebrafish and plecos in the same tank

  1. Maintain the water parameters between 70-74°F.
  2. Maintain an ideal pH level of 7
  3. Water TDS level should be between 300-500ppm.
  4. The water hardness level should be between 5-12 dgh.

The above is the ideal water parameters you should maintain to place your zebra danios and plecos in the same tank.

Ideal dietary needs of zebra danios and plecos

Zebra danio and plecos diet Serving AmountNo.of times
Bloodworms One pinch1-2 times a week
Veggie PelletsOne small pinch1 times a day
Mosquito Larvae12-15 pieces 1-2 times a week
Brine ShrimpOne pinch1-2 times a week
Tubifex WormsOne pinch 1 times a week
Blanched CucumberOne slice3-4 times a week
Boiled peasHalf a pea2-3 times a week
The above table demonstrates the ideal dietary needs of zebra danios and plecos.

Also, read: Why Is My Zebra Danio Not Eating?

Zebra danios and plecos are omnivore species that prefer red meat and green veggies to ensure adequate development and a longer lifespan.

Avoid providing low-grade food to your zebrafish and plecos as it can lead to severe health issues like loss of appetite and constipation, eventually weakening them and making them prone to several diseases and parasites.

In addition, always provide the amount your zebra danios and plecos can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding your fish.

It would be best if you neither overfed nor underfed your zebra danios and plecos to ensure their adequate development and a longer lifespan.

Also, read: Why Is My Zebra Danio Getting Thin?

What is the minimum tank size requirement to keep zebra danios and plecos in the same tank?

Zebra danios are schooling fishes that can grow up to 2 inches.

Per the one-inch one-gallon rule, you will require at least a 10-gallon tank to place a group of 5 zebra danios.

On the other hand, clown plecos do not need to be in a group, so that you can place two clown plecos in your zebrafish tank.

Clown plecos can grow up to 3 inches in size.

So, as per the above rule, you will require a 6-7 gallon tank to place two clown plecos.

Therefore, you will need a 17-20 gallon tank to house zebra danios and plecos.

Avoid placing your fish in an overcrowded tank, as it can lead to stress and other severe health issues.

Therefore always provide ample space in your zebrafish and plecos tank for your fish’s adequate development and longer lifespan.

Also, read: How Many Zebra Danios In A 10 Gallon Tank?


  1. You can add plecos to your zebrafish tank as they are non-aggressive fishes making them an ideal choice for your danios.
  2. Clown plecos are ideal tankmates for your zebra danios as they can reach up to 3 inches in size and thrive peacefully with your zebrafish. 
  3. Zebra danios and plecos are freshwater species that require good water conditions for their adequate development.
  4. Avoid providing low-grade food to your zebra danios and plecos, as it can lead to severe health issues, weakening them and making them prone to several diseases.
  5.  You will need a 17-20 gallon tank to house zebra danios and plecos. Ensure ample space in your zebrafish and plecos tank for your fish’s adequate development. 

Reference: WIKIPEDIA

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