Canine Companion Goes the Extra Mile for Diabetic Owner’s Health – And For Treats


Living with Type 1 diabetes can be difficult on your own. To help her out, TikTok user Abbey has Darby, a Labrador retriever service dog that can tell when Abbey needs help.


In one video Abbey posted, she explains that Darby had gotten her a juice because Abbey’s blood sugar was low. But before Abbey had even finished half of the first juice, Darby had gotten her a second one!

Abbey continued recording as Darby brought her four more juices in an attempt to “get some extra credit,” as Abbey captioned her video.


It became clear that “extra credit” translates to “extra treats” by the end of the video. But Abbey was on to Darby and didn’t give in to Darby’s adorable attempt to game the system.

Instead, Darby got a well-deserved treat for picking up one of the juice bottles after Abbey dropped it.


Abbey chronicles her life living with Type 1 diabetes and her amazing service dog Darby under the username abbey.n.darby.


Darby is trying to get some extra credit😂 #servicedog #diabeticalertdog #alertdogdarby #lowbloodsugar #t1d

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