Do Goldfish Eat Algae?

Goldfish are omnivore species that can eat anything you provide them. However, as a goldfish keeper, you will be curious to know whether your goldfish can eat algae from your tank.

So, do your goldfish eat algae? Do algae provide any nutritional benefit to your goldfish? Let us find out in the below article.

Goldfish are ravenous eaters who can feed on algae in the tank. Algae offer less nutritional benefits, not making them an ideal option for goldfish. Excessive algae can destroy the aquatic plants, lowering the tank’s oxygen level. Regular tank maintenance can prevent algae growth in your tank.

The below article will discuss the reasons and prevention of algae growth in your goldfish tank. 

Dietary requirements of goldfish

Goldfish are omnivore species that require a diet that is a mix of all the necessary nutrients essential for their proper growth and development.

Providing an unbalanced diet to your goldfish can lead to severe health issues like constipation in your fish.

Goldfish Diet Serving QuantityNo. of Times
Veggie Pellets A pinch2 times a day
BloodwormsA pinch1-2 times a week
Leafy Greens (kale, Spinach, lettuce)A single piece of leaf 3-4 times a week
Tubifex WormsA pinch 1 time a week
Brine ShrimpA pinch 1-2 times a week
Blanched Peas Half a pea3-4 times a week
Blanched Zucchini One small slice3-4 times a week
Algae WafersA pinch 1-2 times a week
The above table shows the ideal dietary requirement of goldfish.

Also read: What Do Goldfish Eat?

What are algae and how are they formed in your goldfish tank?

Algae are plants that thrive in environments rich in light, water, and nutrients making your aquarium a perfect place to breed and develop rapidly. 

The most common types of algae are:

  • Blue-Green Algae
  • Green Hair Algae
  • Brown Algae
  • Black Beard Algae 
  • Blanket Weed Algae

Below are the reasons why algae get formed in your goldfish tank. 

  1. Overstocking your goldfish tank can form algae.
  2. Overfeeding your goldfish can develop algae.
  3. Lack of aquatic plants can create algae.
  4. Lack of cleaning can develop algae.


Overstocking your goldfish tank can lead to algae development in the aquarium. 

Goldfish are messy fish that produces a lot of waste, resulting in a spike of toxic chemicals in the tank. 

The development of nitrites and nitrates will further lead to algae development in the tank. 


Overfeeding your goldfish can also lead to algae development in the aquarium. 

Overfeeding will lead to leftovers that rot in the tank’s substrate leading to the spike in the nitrate and nitrite levels, making the algae grow out of control. 

Also read: What Happens When You Overfeed Goldfish?

Lack of aquatic plants

Lack of aquatic plants in your goldfish tank can also promote algae development. 

Aquatic plants help slow down algae growth by competing for nutrients in the tank. 

Also read: Do Goldfish Eat Plants?

Lack of cleaning

Inadequate tank maintenance can also lead to algae development in your goldfish tank. 

Goldfish are messy fish that can contaminate the tank’s water in no time. 

The build-up of fish waste and leftovers in the tank’s substrate can spike nitrates and nitrites, eventually leading to algae development in your aquarium. 

Do algae provide any nutritional benefit to your goldfish?

Algae provide significantly less nutritional benefit to your goldfish. Therefore, you should not make your goldfish depend upon algae as it can lead to health issues in your goldfish.

Eating algae neither provide benefit nor causes any harm to your goldfish. However, overfeeding algae can lead to severe digestive issues in your goldfish.

Excess algae in the tank can contaminate the tank’s water and destroy the live aquatic plants in the goldfish tank, which is an excellent source to keep the tank oxygenated.

Your goldfish will not overfeed on algae until they are not starving.

You should provide a well-balanced diet to your goldfish that hold all the necessary nutrients required for your fish to grow appropriately.

Does pond goldfish eat algae?

Goldfish do eat algae in ponds but will never be able to control the algae growth as algae can grow rapidly in your goldfish pond.

Goldfish are messy species that produce a lot of waste, resulting in the spike of nitrates and nitrites, eventually leading to algae development in your goldfish pond.

As goldfish produce a lot of waste, we advise you not to rely upon your goldfish to eat all the algae from the pond as instead of clearing out the algae, they will make it overgrow.

You should add algae eaters like rubber-lipped plecos in your goldfish pond as they are peaceful fish and good algae eaters.

Do goldfish eat algae eaters?

Goldfish can eat anything that fits in their mouth. So yes, if you add any algae eater that is small in size, your goldfish will hunt them down.

Avoid adding small algae eaters in your goldfish tank, as your goldfish will not let them do their job.

Rubber-lipped plecos are good algae eaters to add to your goldfish tank. They are peaceful species and require the same water parameters as goldfish to thrive.

Are algae wafers better than algae?

AlgaeAlgae Wafers
Algae holds very less nutrients.Algae wafers hold more nutrients than algae.
Excessive algae can destroy the aquatic plants and contaminate your goldfish tank’s water.Algae wafers do not attack the plants or contaminate the tank’s water if not overfed.
Algae are plants that thrive in environments rich in water, light, and nutrients.Algae wafers are made of algae, krill, kelp, shrimp, and other beneficial marine items.
The above table shows the differentiation between algae and algae wafers.

Algae wafers provide more nutritional benefits than algae to your goldfish.

We advise you to provide Hikari tropical algae wafers as it provides all the necessary nutrients for the proper growth and development.

You can buy it from Amazon Hikari Tropical Algae Wafer

Disadvantages of algae in your goldfish tank

Here are the disadvantages of algae in your goldfish tank:

  1. It Contaminates the tank’s water
  2. Destroys the aquatic plants 
  3. Some algae can release toxic chemicals

Contaminates the tank’s water.

Excessive algae in your goldfish tank can contaminate the tank’s water leading to a drop in the oxygen level of your goldfish tank. 

A drop in the oxygen level can make your goldfish gasp for air at the tank’s surface, eventually leading to the passing away of your goldfish. 

Contaminated water can further lead to a spike in the ammonia levels making the tank’s water highly acidic, eventually affecting the gills of your goldfish. 

Likewise, plants algae produce more carbon dioxide at night, lowering the oxygen saturation in the water, eventually making your goldfish gasp air at the water surface.

You should always check the ammonia and nitrites levels of your goldfish tank for the well-being of your goldfish.

Ammonia Levels 0-0.25ppm
Nitrate Levels0-40ppm
The above table shows the water requirements of your goldfish.

You can check the ammonia levels in you goldfish tank with the help of a API Ammonia test kit as it provides accurate result

You can buy it from Amazon API TEST KIT

Also read: Can Goldfish Survive In Dirty Water?

Destroys the aquatic plants

Excessive algae in your goldfish tank can destroy the aquatic plants and contaminate the tank’s water, making your goldfish suffer from severe health issues.

Toxic chemicals

Some algae, like blue-green algae, can release harmful toxins in the water making your goldfish suffer from severe health issues.

In addition, such harmful toxins can also lead to the passing away of your goldfish.

How can you prevent algae growth in your goldfish tank?

Here are the ways to prevent algae growth in your goldfish tank:

  1. Avoid Overstocking 
  2. Add live aquatic plants 
  3. Perform regular maintenance
  4. Avoid overfeeding your goldfish
  5. Avoid Providing direct sunlight

Avoid Overstocking

You should avoid overstocking your goldfish as goldfish are messy fish that produce a lot of waste, leading to algae growth in your goldfish tank.

In addition, overstocking also affects the growth of your fish and leads to aggression in your goldfish tank.  

Therefore, we advise you to avoid overstocking to prevent the growth of algae and your fish’s well-being.

Also read: How Many Goldfish Can You Keep In A 10-Gallon Tank? 

Add live aquatic plants

You should add live aquatic plants in your goldfish tank to prevent algae growth in your aquarium. 

Live aquatic plants help remove the nutrients from the water making the algae starve out. 

Some best live aquatic plants for your goldfish tank are as follows:

  1. Java Fern
  2. Anubias
  3. Java Moss
  4. Cryptocoryne Plant

Perform regular maintenance 

You should perform regular tank maintenance in your goldfish tank to prevent algae growth. 

We advise you to perform a 30% water change every week to maintain the tank’s water quality. 

You should clean all the leftovers and fish waste to eliminate the risk of any toxic chemicals that promotes algae growth in your goldfish tank. 

Avoid Overfeeding

Overfeeding can also lead to the development of algae in your goldfish tank.

Goldfish are messy fish that produce a lot of waste, making the water contaminated, eventually leading to the spike of harmful toxins, further promoting the development of algae in your goldfish tank.

The leftovers in the tank also make the water contaminated, promoting the algae growth in your goldfish tank.

Therefore, we advise you to avoid overfeeding your goldfish to prevent the growth of algae in your goldfish tank and for the well-being of your fish.

Avoid providing direct sunlight

Direct sunlight also promotes algae growth in your goldfish tank as algae thrive in an environment rich in light, water, and nutrients. 

So, it will be advisable to provide excessive direct sunlight to prevent algae growth in your goldfish tank. 


  1. Algae are plants that thrive in an environment rich in light, water, and nutrients.
  2. Algae provide less nutritional benefits to your goldfish.
  3. Excessive algae in the tank can destroy the aquatic plants and contaminate the tank’s water.
  4. Algae wafers offer more nutritional benefits than algae to your goldfish.
  5. Avoid overstocking and overfeeding to prevent algae growth in your goldfish tank.

Reference: ResearchGate ResearchGate

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