Do Goldfish Fry Need Light? (Best Light For Goldfish Fry)

Taking good care of goldfish fry is essential for their faster growth and development. Providing all the requirements to your goldfish fry and feeding them nutritious food will help ensure their longer lifespan.

Let us know if a light is necessary for our goldfish fry. Is light helpful in the growth of our goldfish fry? So, does our goldfish fry need light in their tank? Let us find out.

Goldfish fry does require light for its proper growth and color enhancement. Provide light for 12-13 hours a day to mimic their natural habitat. Consider adding a LED light in your goldfish fry tank as it will not alter the water temperature and help grow the live aquatic plants in the tank.

The below article will discuss the need for light in your goldfish fry tank.  

Do baby goldfish require light?

Goldfish fry requires light for their proper growth and color enhancement. As goldfish are diurnal, your fish need a healthy alternation between daytime and nighttime.

In addition, you should provide adequate light in your goldfish tank to ensure a longer lifespan for your fish.

Therefore, not providing light in your goldfish fry tank can affect the growth and lead to stress in your goldfish fry.

Excessive stress further can make your fish weak and prone to several diseases and parasites, eventually leading to passing away.

Also read: What To Do If My Goldfish Is Stressed?

How much light does goldfish fry need?

You should mimic the natural habitat of your goldfish fry to ensure that your fish is getting enough light.

Goldfish get a balance of light and dark in the daytime and nighttime in their natural habitat.

So, while you place them in captivity, you should provide light to your goldfish fry in the daytime for their proper growth.

Therefore, we advise you to provide light for 12-13 hours a day for the well-being of your fry.

Which type of light does goldfish fry need?

Goldfish fry gets direct sunlight in their natural habitat, but when placed in captivity, providing direct sunlight in the tank can increase the tank’s water temperature. 

It can also lead to the algae in your tank. Direct sunlight in the tank can alter the tank’s water temperature, leading to shock in your goldfish fry. 

So, it will be advisable to add an artificial led aquarium light to your goldfish fry tank as it is the best option for your fry.

Led lights will also not alter the tank’s temperature, and help grow the live aquatic plants in the tank.

We advise you to purchase Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium Light.

You can buy it from Amazon Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium Light.

However, we advise you not to keep the aquarium lights on for more than 12-13 hours, as it can lead to algae growth in your goldfish fry tank.

Providing excess light in the tank can also lead to stress in your goldfish fry, making them sick and prone to several diseases and parasites.

Does goldfish fry need light at night?

Your goldfish fry does not require light at nighttime.

Goldfish fry is diurnal and requires both light and dark periods in their tank for proper growth and development.

So, it will be advisable to keep the lights off at night to mimic your goldfish fry natural habitat.

Keeping lights on during the nighttime can lead to stress in your fish.

Your goldfish fry navigates themselves with the help of their tremendous sense of smell during the nighttime.

Therefore, you should always provide a healthy alternation between the light and the dark period for your fish’s healthy growth and development.

Also read: Can Goldfish See In The Dark?

How to make sure that your goldfish is getting an adequate amount of light?

Many lights like  Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium Light come with an inbuilt timer setting, making it easier for you as you do not have to adjust the time manually.

If you do not have a light with an inbuilt timer setting, you can add a timer that will help keep the balance of light and dark periods in the tank.

The light timer will ensure that your fry gets enough light for its proper growth and development.

We advise you to purchase a Hygger auto on off led aquarium light for your goldfish tank.

You can buy it from Amazon Hygger auto on off LED aquarium light.


  1. Goldfish fry requires light for their proper growth and color enhancement. 
  2. Goldfish fry are diurnal and need a healthy alternation between daytime and nighttime.
  3. Lack of light in your goldfish fry tank can affect the growth and lead to stress in your fry.
  4. You should provide light for 12-13 hours a day for the well-being of your fry.
  5. It will be advisable to keep the lights off at night to mimic your goldfish fry natural habitat. 
  6. If you do not have a light with an inbuilt timer setting, you can add a timer that will help keep the balance of light and dark periods in the tank.

Reference: ResearchGate ResearchGate

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