Guppies are also known as million fish, as they can breed out of control if you keep male and female guppies in the same tank. Female guppies can store the sperm of a male guppy and use them for getting pregnant during their lifetime.
You will encounter hundreds of guppy fry when keeping guppies with such breeding behavior. It is essential to know the behavior of the pregnant guppy when they are about to give birth so that you can place the guppy in a breeding box. So, Do guppies poop before giving birth? Let us find out.
Guppies do poop before giving birth to a guppy fry. So if your female pregnant guppy is pooping a lot, it is a sign that indicates to you that they are about to release the fry. Place the pregnant guppy in a breeding box when they show such pooping behavior as they are about to give birth.
This article will discuss whether guppies poop before giving birth and signs that indicate that your pregnant guppy is about to give birth. So, let us get into it.
Do guppy fish poop before giving birth?
A pregnant female guppy will poop more than usual when they are about to release the fry.
You can notice such behavior from week two of their pregnancy.
When they are about to release the fry, they will poop a lot.
Usually, overfeeding is the reason behind fish pooping more than usual, but pregnancy can also be the reason.
So, if your female guppy is pregnant and pooping a lot, then it indicates that they are about to release the fry.
Ensure taking good care of your pregnant guppy fish as they will be weak and under extra stress when in labor.
Also read: Should I Separate My Pregnant Guppy?
8 signs your pregnant guppy is about to give birth.
These are the signs that indicate you that your pregnant female guppy is about to give birth to the fry:
- Your pregnant guppy fish will develop a darker gravid spot.
- Your pregnant guppy fish will develop an angular shape belly (\_/).
- Pregnant guppy fish will refuse to eat.
- Pregnant guppy fish will breathe rapidly.
- You will notice your guppy shivering and shaking (Contractions).
- Pregnant guppy fish will hide most of the time.
- Pregnant guppy fish will show aggressive behavior.
- Your pregnant guppy fish will swim at one spot most of the time.
If your female pregnant guppy is showing all these or some of these behaviors, they are ready to release the fry soon, and you can shift them to a breeding box or in a separate tank now.
You can use the Pawfly Fish Breeding Box to keep your guppy fry separately.
You can buy this product at amazon: Pawfly Fish Breeding Box.
Also read: 8 Signs Guppy Is About To Give Birth.
Why Is my pregnant guppy pooping white?
Bacterial infection is the reason behind your pregnant guppy fish pooping white.
This infection can be spread in your tank, so isolate your pregnant guppy in a separate tank and run the proper medication.
We recommend using the Seachem ParaGuard for treating white poop in your guppy fish.
You can find Seachem para guard on amazon- Seachem ParaGuard.
If the Seachem ParaGuard is not doing the work, then the internal parasite is the reason behind white poop in your guppy fish.
We recommend using the Seachem Cupramine Copper for treating internal parasites in your guppy fish.
You can find this product on amazon- Seachem Cupramine Copper.
Also read: White Stringy Poop In Guppy Fish.
Pregnant guppy care.
Taking good care of a pregnant guppy is essential to ensure the good health of a pregnant guppy and upcoming fry.
The gestation period of a pregnant guppy is 30 days, depending on their living conditions.
Provide your pregnant guppy with warm water conditions by maintaining the water temperature between 78-82 °F to reduce the gestation period.
Separate the pregnant guppy and shift them to a breeding box or a separate tank when they are about to give birth.
Pregnant guppies will be under a high level of stress when they are into labor, and separating them from other tankmates and placing them in another tank will help lower the stress.
Provide your pregnant guppy food 3-4 times a day in small quantities, as they will not be able to eat much at a time because of the space taken up by the fry.
Separate the mother guppy from the guppy fry as soon they release the fry, as guppies lack parental instinct and will happily feed on their fry, thinking of them as a tasty snack.
Also read: When To Put Pregnant Guppy In A Breeding Box?
Guppies do poop when they are about to release the fry.
Usually, overfeeding is the reason behind your guppy fish pooping a lot.
But, it also indicates that the pregnant female guppy is about to release the fry.
So, if your female guppy is pregnant and is pooping more than usual, they are about to give birth to the fry, and you can place them in a separate tank or a breeding box now.
If your pregnant guppy fish has white poop, a bacterial infection is a reason behind such an issue.
Reference: Wikipedia, NCBI, ResearchGate