A puppy ran out into the road and was struck by a car in Fenghuang County in the Hunan Province of China. What would normally be a tragic accident actually turned into a miracle as the dog survived the hit!
The driver didn’t see the dog after the hit and assumed it must have run off or been left behind him. After a while, though, he heard whimpering and pulled over.
To his surprise, the poor pup was lodged in the car’s front bumper! The driver determined it was too dangerous to remove the dog by himself.
Aside from being stuck, the dog didn’t appear to be in immediate danger. So the man drove over 250 miles to get the dog to a vet clinic for help with removing the dog.
There, the vets safely removed the dog, and the driver took him home as his own pet. He says he was “moved” by the dog’s incredible survival. The two are now the best of friends!