Guppies are a very common fish aquarist prefer to add to their aquarium. They can live in a wide range of water parameters, which is why guppies are the best for beginners.
However, sometimes guppies show hiding behavior when something unusual happens in their tank. Let us know all the reasons behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter. So, Why is my guppy hiding behind the filter? Let us find out.
Strong water current is the primary reason behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter. However, other reasons are bad water quality, overcrowded tanks, and aggressive tankmates. Ensure mild water current, adequate water parameter, and stress-free environment to prevent such hiding behavior of guppy.
We will discuss all the reasons behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter and will know how to prevent such hiding behavior of guppies in this article. So let us get into it.

My guppy fish is hiding behind the filter.
There can be numerous reasons behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter, of which the primary reason is the strong water current from the filter.
Other reasons can be poor water quality, stress, aggressive fish in your guppies aquarium, lack of hiding spots, and inadequate water parameters.
Your guppy fish will hide behind the filter when there is some issue in their tank.
We will discuss all the reasons behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter and how we can prevent such an issue.
Is it normal for guppy fish to hide behind the filter?
It is not normal for your guppy fish to hide behind the filter.
Guppy fish show such hiding behavior when there is a strong water current from the filter.
There can be numerous other reasons for guppy fish hiding behind the filter.
Also read: Why Is My Guppy Fish Hiding?
What are the reasons behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter?
These are the reasons behind your guppy fish hiding behind the filter:
- The water current of your guppies aquarium is strong.
- The water quality of your guppy fish tank is poor.
- The water parameters of your guppy aquarium are inadequate.
- There is a presence of aggressive fish in your guppies tank.
- Your guppies don’t have enough hiding spots.
- Guppies are under stress.
- Guppy is suffering from illness
- Your female guppy is pregnant.
Strong water current
Strong current is the primary reason behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter.
Guppies prefer mild current to swim comfortably.
Guppies live in ponds, lakes, and rivers in their natural habitat with mild water currents.
A strong water current will affect your guppy fish in many ways.
Your guppies will have difficulty swimming in strong water currents.
These are other problems your guppy will suffer from because of strong water currents:
- Your guppy will lose its immune system.
- Your guppy will be lethargic.
- Your guppy will come under stress.
- Your guppy can suffer from illness.
- Your guppy will be unable to search for food.
Poor water quality
Poor water quality can also make your guppy fish hide behind the filter.
Inadequate water quality will lack oxygen, and guppies will hide behind the filter as that spot will contain the cleanest water in the aquarium.
Also, poor water conditions will spike toxic chemicals like ammonia and nitrite in your guppies aquarium, making your guppy suffer from critical situations. Also, your guppy will hide behind the filter because of that.
Inadequate water parameters
Inadequate water parameters will make your guppy fish come under stress, and they will hide.
You must know that with inadequate water parameters, unstable water parameters also play an equal role in stressing out your guppies.
Inadequate water parameters will also make your guppy fish prone to various diseases and parasites.
Also read: What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Guppies?
Aggressive tankmates
Guppies are peaceful fish and love interacting with other compatible tankmates.
Guppies do great in a community tank with other peaceful fish.
However, aggressive tankmates like angelfish will make your guppy fish come under stress and hide behind the filter or in other hiding spots.
Aggressive tankmates will constantly chase and nip your guppy fish fins, making them hide to protect themselves from aggressive tankmates.
Also read: Can Guppy Fish Live With Angelfish?
Lack of hiding spots
Guppy fish require hiding spots when under stress and suffering from illness.

When there are no hiding spots in your guppy’s aquarium, they will hide behind the filter.
Also read: Do Guppies Need Hiding Places?
Stress will make your guppy fish hide behind the filter.
Guppies require a hiding spot when they come under stress to calm down.
Your guppy will hide behind the filter when they are under stress because of any reason.
These are some reasons which can make your guppy fish come under stress:
- Poor water quality
- Inadequate and unstable water parameters.
- Presence of aggressive fish in their aquarium
- Overcrowded tank
- Illness
- Irregular food supply
Also read: Are My Guppies Stressed?
Your guppy will come under stress when suffering from any illness.
Stressed guppy will usually show hiding behavior and can hide behind the filter.
The female guppy is pregnant.
When female guppy is pregnant, they prefer to live alone and hide.
Pregnant female guppy becomes weak when they are pregnant and hide to protect themselves from other guppies.
Pregnant female guppy also shows aggression to show itself strong and protect itself from other tankmates.
Also read: Is My Guppy Pregnant?
How can we prevent such hiding behavior of guppies?
Perform these things to prevent such hiding behavior of guppies:
- Provide your guppies mild water current.
- Avoid overcrowding your guppies tank.
- Ensure good water quality.
- Avoid adding aggressive fish to your guppies tank.
- Provide your guppy fish stress-free environment.
Mild water current
The water current from the filter plays an essential role in keeping a stable environment in your guppies aquarium.
However, a strong water current will make your guppy fish come under stress.
Strong water current will make it difficult for guppy to swim as they have to swim against the strong water flow.
Consider these things to decrease the current flow:
- Add lots of live aquatic plants.
- Choose the right type and size filter for your guppies aquarium.
- Add aquarium decors like driftwood, aquarium rocks, and others.
Avoid overcrowding your guppies aquarium.
Guppy fish will suffer in an overcrowded tank.
Guppy will not be able to swim and live comfortably in an overcrowded tank and will come under stress.
You must know that there will also be a deficiency of oxygen in an overcrowded tank.
The overcrowded tank will get dirty faster than regular.
All these things will make your guppy fish come under stress, showing hiding behavior.
To ensure you are not overcrowding your guppies aquarium, follow the one-inch one-gallon rule, which means one inch of fish per one gallon of water.
Also read: How Many Guppies In A 20 Gallon Tank?
Ensure good quality water
If your guppy’s aquarium water quality is poor, then it can be the primary reason behind guppy fish hiding behind the filter.
Consider performing a regular water change weekly to keep your guppy’s aquarium water clean.
You should perform a 30-35% water change weekly.
Also, add a good filtration system with biofilter media to your guppies aquarium to eliminate toxic chemicals like ammonia and nitrite.
Avoid adding aggressive fish to your guppies tank.
Aggressive tankmates will constantly chase and nip your guppy fish, making them come under stress.
Guppy fish will pass their major time by hiding from aggressive tankmates.
So, avoid adding aggressive tankmates like angelfish to your guppies aquarium.
These are some best tankmates of guppy fish you can add to your guppies aquarium:
- Neon tetra
- Zebra danios
- Mollies
- Platies
- Shrimp
- Gourami
Provide a stress-free environment for your guppy fish.
Providing your guppy fish a stress-free environment is essential to prevent them from stress and various diseases.
Stressed guppy will prefer to hide and can lay behind the filter.
To make sure that your guppy fish is living in a stress-free environment, do these things:

- Provide your guppy with a water temperature between 72-82°F.
- Maintain a water pH level between 6.8-7.8.
- Ensure good quality water by performing a weekly water change of 30%.
- Avoid adding aggressive tankmates and consider adding peaceful fish like neon tetra, zebra danios, and platies.
- Follow one-inch one-gallon rule to avoid overcrowding your guppies tank.
- Provide your guppies with a mild water current rather than a strong water current.Â
Also read: What To Do If My Guppy Is Stressed?
Guppy fish hide behind the filter because of the strong water current from the filter.
There can be numerous other reasons like poor water quality, aggressive tankmates, inadequate and unstable water parameters, and female guppy being pregnant.
Provide your guppy mild water current, good water quality, adequate and stable water parameters, and avoid adding aggressive tankmates and making your guppy fish tank overcrowded to prevent such hiding behavior in guppies.
Reference: Wikipedia, ResearchGate, CABI