It is common for new fish keepers to make mistakes that put them into a situation where they have to make their fish pass out. So how will you make your fish pass out without making them suffer? How to euthanize your goldfish? Let us find out below:
Clove oil and stun and stab method are the two ways to make your goldfish pass out. The clove oil method is peaceful, whereas the stun and stab method is aggressive. Therefore, giving alcohol baths or putting them in boiling water is the most inhumane way of making your goldfish pass out.
Let us dive into the article to learn about the methods in detail. In this article, we will also discuss how not to make your goldfish pass out.
Euthanizing goldfish
Euthanizing goldfish refers to making your goldfish pass away humanely without hurting them. There are two methods to make your goldfish pass out humanely:
- The stun and stab method
- Clove oil method
Stun and stab method
It is the aggressive method to make your goldfish pass out.
Clove oil method
This is a gentle way of making your goldfish pass out.
We will understand these methods in detail in the below article.
Why do we need to euthanize goldfish?
A fishkeeper has to take a lot of responsibility to provide a healthy life to their fish. It includes maintaining the tank’s water temperature, good quality water, and providing a stress-free environment to the fish.
It is very common for the new fishkeeper to make mistakes in maintaining their tank, which affects your goldfish, like providing food that carries harmful bacteria or providing inadequate food.
Such mistakes lead to severe health issues in your goldfish, from which your fish will not recover. In such a case, it is better to euthanize your goldfish peacefully rather than make them pass out in pain.
Can your goldfish recover?
The first thing you should do is try to cure your goldfish. You should take your goldfish to a marine vet as many health issues can be solved with the proper medication.
It would be advisable not to euthanize your goldfish for baseless reasons like an overcrowded tank. As in such cases, it would be best to sell them to someone rather than euthanize them.
Goldfish have good market demand, so selling your goldfish will not be a problem. You can also become a breeder if you have many goldfish.
Also read: Why Did Goldfish Die Overnight?
Methods to humanely kill your goldfish
It would always be advisable to use euthanasia if you want to make your goldfish pass out humanely. If there are no chances for the survival of your goldfish, then you can use these two methods to make your goldfish pass out humanely:
- The stun and stab method
- Clove oil method
Stun and stab method
This is an aggressive method to make your goldfish pass out. Although it can be a quick and painless method if appropriately performed. The things you need to perform stun and stab method are:
- An aluminum foil
- A rolling pin
- A sharp knife
The steps to perform the stun and stab method are as follows:
Step no 1 .Place your goldfish outside the tank in the aluminum foil
Place your goldfish in the center of the aluminum foil and take a square piece of the aluminum foil. Aluminum foil helps to hold the blood coming out from your fish. You can also use a plastic bag for this process.
Step no 2 . Aim for the head of your goldfish.
The second step is to aim for the head of your goldfish with some blunt object to damage the nervous system.
You can do this by hitting your goldfish in the head with a rolling pin. Once the nervous system is damaged, your fish will not be able to feel anything.
We want you to know that if your goldfish is smaller in size, it will pass out immediately when you hit it in the head.
But in the case of a big-sized goldfish, there are chances for it not to pass out. So if they do not pass out, then follow the third step.
Step no 3 . Stab your goldfish.
This method is known as pithing, a technique used to immobilize animals by putting a metal rod or needle in their brain. This method will make your goldfish pass out immediately.
Just cut above the eyes of your goldfish, and it will pass out immediately. However, as this method is a little harsh, it will not suit everyone. But it is a painless and quick method.
Therefore we would advise you to follow the clove oil method, as it is the gentle way to euthanize your goldfish. Let us learn about the clove oil method below.
Clove oil method
It is a peaceful method to make your goldfish pass out humanely. Clove oil is readily available in the market and can also be purchased online. The items you need to complete this area
- Clove oil
- A bucket or container
- Gloves
- Small mixing bowl or a pill container
Step no 1. Fill the bucket
The first step is to fill the bucket or container with water as per the size of your goldfish. Usually, one gallon of water is enough for this method.
Step no 2. Place your sick goldfish into the bucket
The second step is to place your sick goldfish into the bucket. You must make sure to be gentle to your fish when you do this, or your goldfish might get stressed.
Step no 3. Mix clove oil with water before putting it into the bucket
The third step is to mix the clove oil with water before putting it into the bucket as if you put it directly; it will not mix and start floating on the water’s surface. 6-7 drops of clove oil will be enough for your goldfish.
Step no 4. Mix the mixture in your bucket or container
Put the mix of clove in your bucket slowly. It will be advisable to stir the water gently so that the clove oil will be mixed properly. 6-7 drops of clove oil will be enough to make your goldfish lose its consciousness.
If you discover your fish is still awake after a few minutes, put in some more drops of clove oil.
Step no 5. Add a high dose of clove mix to the bucket
The final step is to add a high amount of clove oil into the bucket once you discover your goldfish losing consciousness. Adding a high amount of clove oil will induce hypoxia, making your goldfish pass out peacefully.
Once you discover your goldfish not showing any movements for 10-15 minutes, you can conclude your fish has passed out.
How not to put down your goldfish?
As discussed above, the clove oil method and the stun and stab method are the two best methods to make your goldfish pass out humanely.
You should never make your fish pass out in a way that they have to suffer a lot of pain. Some of the ways you should avoid are as follows:
Placing your fish outside the aquarium
You should never put your goldfish outside to make them pass out. Putting them outside the tank will cause them suffocation, and your fish has to suffer a lot before passing away.
You should never flush your goldfish in the toilet as it will not help make them pass out instantly. According to studies, goldfish can survive in such a situation. So, doing this will make your fish suffer a lot before passing away.
Putting them in boiling water
You should never put your fish into boiling water to make them pass out, making them suffer a lot. Your goldfish will have to go through a lot of pain before passing away.
Alcohol bath
This is one of the most inhumane ways of making your goldfish pass out. Alcohol will make your goldfish gill burn, which will make them suffer a lot before passing away.
Releasing carbon dioxide in the tank
This is time-consuming, and your goldfish will have to suffer a lot before passing away.
- Stun and stab, and clove oil are the two ways to euthanize your goldfish gently.
- It is very common for new fish keepers to make mistakes, affecting the health of the fish.
- There are many diseases from which your goldfish can recover. Therefore, you should not euthanize your goldfish for baseless reasons.
- You should never make your goldfish pass out by making them suffer.
- Giving alcohol baths or putting them in boiling water is the most inhumane way to make your goldfish pass out.
Reference: NCBI