What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Goldfish?

As an aquarist, you must wonder about the ideal water temperature required by goldfish before adding them to your tank. So what should be the ideal water temperature of your goldfish tank? Let us know the reason below:

68 to 74°F is the ideal water temperature required for the proper growth of goldfish. However, pond goldfish can thrive up to a temperature of 40°F by hibernating at the pond’s bottom. Consider providing adequate water parameters for the proper growth of your fish.

Let us dive into the article to learn more about the water parameters of your goldfish. In addition to this, we will also discuss your goldfish breeding temperature.

Goldfish ideal water temperature:

Water Temperature 68-74°F
Water Ph level 7.5
The above table shows the ideal water temperature for goldfish

Goldfish breeding temperature:

Goldfish prefer to spawn in the spring season when the water temperature increases after the cold weather.

By lowering the tank’s water temperature in the winter, you can encourage your goldfish to lay eggs in the winter.

It would be advisable to drop your tank’s temperature up to 54°F to encourage your fish to lay eggs.

When you decide to breed your goldfish, gradually raise your tank’s temperature between 68-74°F.

Water temperature required for a pond goldfish?

Goldfish are cold-water fish with a better quality of life in ponds than indoor tanks. Goldfish in the ponds can thrive up to a temperature of 40°F.

Goldfish enter into the hibernating stage by hovering at the bottom of the tank as the temperature drops below 50°F.

However, we want you to know that not all goldfish can survive in the pond. Some goldfish species, like ryukins, comets, and shubunkins, are best-suitable for ponds.

Goldfish in the pond can even survive in low temperatures if there is enough oxygen supply in the water, as your fish requires a good amount of oxygen.

In addition to this, if you do not overcrowd your goldfish pond, you will not require to add an intricate filtration system to your pond.

Instead, a small air pump or an air stone that helps water circulation in hot weather is the only equipment a goldfish pond requires making it easier to maintain.

What should be the freshwater temperature while performing a water change?

Your goldfish freshwater temperature should be similar to your goldfish tank’s water temperature.

Suppose your goldfish tank’s water temperature is 70°F; then your freshwater temperature should range between 68-74° F.

We want you to know that the significant difference between the freshwater temperature and the tank’s water temperature can make your goldfish shocked, eventually leading to stress in your fish.

However, water change is essential in your goldfish tank as they are messy fish that produces a lot of waste in the tank.

An overpolluted tank can lead to a spike in ammonia levels that cause serious health issues like burning the gills of your goldfish.

So, it will be advisable to ensure weekly water changes in your goldfish tank to provide a healthy environment and avoid such health issues in your goldfish.

Therefore, it will be advisable to maintain adequate parameters to avoid such health issues in your goldfish.

Goldfish minimum water temperature:

Goldfish can thrive up to a temperature of 32° F. However, it will be advisable to provide an ideal tank temperature to your goldfish between 68-74° F.

Goldfish require an ideal water parameter for their proper growth and development. Goldfish can survive up to a temperature of 32° F, but they will not have appropriate growth at this temperature.

Water temperatures below 32° F can also lead to significant health issues like loss of appetite in your goldfish.

Therefore, it will always be advisable to provide adequate water parameters to your goldfish as it is required to develop your fish properly.

Also, read my article on Goldfish Minimum Water Temperature.

Do goldfish need a heater?

Goldfish are cold-water fishes that do not need a heater to thrive. We want you to know that goldfish require a lot of oxygen to thrive. 

Cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water. But not all goldfish are coldwater fishes as some goldfish species require warm water for their proper growth and development. 

Some of the goldfish species that require warm water are as follows:

  1. Bubble eyes 
  2. Froghead
  3. Orandas
  4. Celestial eye
  5. Pompom

These were some of the fancy goldfish species that require a heater to maintain adequate parameters in the tank. 

However, if you are not willing to add a heater to your goldfish tank, you can still keep your tank warm by following the below tips: 

Provide indirect sunlight 

You can keep your goldfish tank in an area where it can access indirect sunlight. Indirect sunlight will help keep your goldfish tank warm by eliminating the need for a heater in the aquarium.

Provide natural light 

You can also provide natural sunlight to keep your goldfish tank warm. However, it will be advisable not to provide direct sunlight for more than 3 hours.

In addition, it should only be done in the winter and not in the summer. Excessive sunlight can heat your goldfish tank, eventually causing major damage to your goldfish. 

Add light to your goldfish tank. 

You can keep your goldfish tank warm by adding light to your aquarium. Aquarium light helps keep your goldfish aquarium warm, eliminating the need for a heater in your tank. 

Place your tank in a warmer area.

You can also keep your goldfish tank warm by placing it in a warmer space in the house.

Placing your goldfish tank near the kitchen will keep your goldfish aquarium warm, eliminating the need for a water heater in your aquarium. 

Always provide adequate water parameters for your goldfish’s proper growth and development. 

Can goldfish live in cold water?

Goldfish are coldwater fishes that can thrive up to a temperature of 32° F. However, the adequate water parameters required for your fish growth are between 68-74° F.

However, some fancy goldfish cannot tolerate the same cool temperature as common goldfish. Fancy goldfish prefer a water temperature between 70-76° F for proper development.

Goldfish usually prefer to hibernate once the water temperature drops below 50° F as the metabolism rate of your fish starts decreasing with a drop in the temperature. Goldfish hibernate by hovering at the bottom of the tank.

However, we suggest always providing proper water conditions and temperature to your goldfish for their proper growth and development.

Also, read my article on Can Goldfish Live in Cold Water?

How do inadequate water parameters affect your goldfish?

Inadequate water parameters affect your goldfish in the following ways: 

  1. Bad water parameters weaken the immune system of your goldfish. 
  2. Improper water parameters make your goldfish lose their appetite.
  3. Inadequate water parameters can lead to stress in your goldfish. 
  4. Bad water parameters can make your goldfish fall sick.
  5. Inadequate parameters stop the growth and development of your goldfish. 
  6. Your goldfish tank water with a low Ph level is highly acidic and can burn your goldfish’s skin.
  7. Inadequate water parameters can also lead to the passing away of your goldfish. 

These were the disadvantages of inadequate parameters in your goldfish tank. Therefore, providing adequate water temperature for your goldfish’s proper growth and development will always be advisable. 


  1. Goldfish usually spawn in the spring season when the tank’s water temperature increases after the cold weather. However, you should bring your tank’s water temperature up to 54°F to encourage your goldfish to lay eggs.
  2. Your pond goldfish can thrive up to a temperature of 40°F.
  3. Goldfish are coldwater fishes that can thrive up to a temperature of 32° F.
  4. Some fancy goldfish-like bubble eyes need a heater for their proper growth and development. 
  5. Inadequate water parameters can cause severe damage to your goldfish, like loss of appetite and stress in your fish.

Reference: ResearchGate

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