Lost Dog Cries With Joy Once His Owner Finally Finds Him After Three Years

Giorgi Berejiani/The Dodo

True love stands the test of time, even between a pet and his owner. Giorgi Berejiani and his dog Jorge found this out after they were separated for three whole years.

In 2015, Giorgi lost his precious pup and was devastated. He gave descriptions to his neighbors and local businesses, asking them to keep an eye out for his dog.

Giorgi Berejiani/The Dodo

Giorgi also looked for himself, but as the months turned to years, Jorge was still nowhere to be found. Giorgi never gave up hope, always on the lookout for Jorge and keeping his neighbors updated on the search.

And all that persistence finally paid off. Three years after Jorge went missing, the staff of a local business thought they saw a dog matching Jorge’s description.

The dog had a tag from the city indicating he was a stray, however. Could it really be Jorge? The staff thought it could be, so they contacted Giorgi.

Giorgi Berejiani/The Dodo

Giorgi went as fast as could to town and saw the dog lying under a tree. He called out Jorge’s name, and after that, there was no doubt.

The dog jumped up and began crying out for his lost owner. This dog was absolutely Jorge!

Giorgi said that he had never seen Jorge “so happy,” and it’s clear from the video below that Giorgi himself was also overjoyed.

After three years apart, these two never forgot each other. It’s incredible that Jorge was able to survive so long as a stray. And it’s just as incredible that Giorgi’s love for his dog and hope for his return never wavered after all that time.

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