Why Is My Betta Sleeping So Much? (11 Reasons + How To Stop It)

Bettas are active swimmers and like to explore all over the tank by swimming from one place to another.

However, looking at your betta fish sleeping most of the time and not swimming will worry you and any other betta keeper. There can be many reasons behind your betta fish sleeping so much and not being active. So, Why is my betta sleeping so much? Let us find out.

Cold water temperature and stress are the primary reasons your betta fish sleep so much. Poor water conditions, sickness, and old age are the other reasons. Ensuring adequate water parameters and a stress-free environment will help prevent such issues.

This article will also discuss how we can prevent our betta fish from sleeping so much and will discuss the sleeping behaviour of a betta fish. So, let us get into it.

Betta fish sleeping behaviour

Betta fish require dark like us to sleep.

Bettas sleep at night and mostly remain active during the daytime.

So, it is necessary to maintain the day-to-night cycle by providing light during the daytime to your betta.

It is advisable to add an aquarium light to your betta tank, keep it on for at least 8 hours during the daytime, and keep it off at night so your bettas can sleep in the dark.

Bettas needed a flat surface where they could sleep peacefully, whether a long leaf or a flat rock decor.

However, they will also sleep on the substrate of their tank.

Like all other fishes, bettas also don’t have eyelids and have a lateral line to sense any movement and vibration in the water and get alert as soon they feel any threat.

Is it normal for bettas to sleep most of the time?

Betta fish’s long fins take a lot more energy to pull through the water.

Also, in the fish world, bettas come under the fishes known to be lazy and require longer rest periods than most other fish.

If your betta fish is active during the daytime and eats all its meals regularly, it is fine.

Also, it is normal if your betta sleeps during the daytime but is always active when you feed them, and there are no signs of illness or injury.

However, if your betta fish avoids eating, hiding in a spot, and sleeping most of the time, it is a matter of concern.

Many things can make your betta sleep a lot, primarily inadequate water conditions and parameters, illness, and stress.

11 reasons behind my betta fish sleeping so much?

These are the 11 reasons behind betta fish sleeping so much:

  1. Your betta fish is just regaining their energy.
  2. Your betta fish under stress.
  3. The water parameter of your betta tank is not adequate.
  4. The water quality of your betta tank is poor.
  5. Your betta fish is getting boor.
  6. Your betta fish is suffering from sickness.
  7. Your betta fish is just lazy.
  8. Your betta fish is ageing.
  9. The lights of your betta tank remain off for a long time.
  10. Your betta fish is dying.
  11. Your betta fish is not getting its adequate diet.

Regaining energy

Betta fish have long fins and need more energy to swim from one place to another.

Also, bettas are active fish and like to explore all over the tank. 

So, it is necessary for them to take a rest in between to regain their energy.

Also, as discussed above, betta fish take rest for 10-12 hours a day, mostly at night. 


Stress can also be the reason behind your betta fish sleeping a lot.

As discussed above, bettas are active fish and prefer to swim and explore.

However, if your betta fish is under stress, it will hide and sleep most of the time. 

All these reasons can make your betta fish come under stress:

  1. Poor water conditions
  2. Inadequate water parameters
  3. Adding non-compatible fish
  4. Lack of hiding spots
  5. Small-size tank
  6. Injury
  7. Illness
  8. Inadequate feeding

Also read: How To Know If Your Betta Fish Is Stressed?

Inadequate water parameters

Inadequate water parameters will make your betta fish sleep a lot.

Bettas are tropical fish and require warm water temperatures to live comfortably.

Now, if you are keeping your betta fish in a cold water temperature or in a water temperature that is out of their preferred range, your betta will suffer.

Living in cold water temperatures, your betta fish will become lethargic. 

Cold water will slow down your betta fish metabolism, and they will likely be at one spot or sleep most of the time.

Also read: Ideal pH Level For Betta Fish?

Poor water conditions

Like inadequate water parameters, poor water conditions will also make your betta fish sleep more.

Betta fish are tropical freshwater fish and require clean water conditions to thrive.

Living in poor water conditions, your betta fish will come under stress and become prone to various illnesses.

Stress will weaken your betta, and they will prefer hiding and sleeping more.

Also, issues like ammonia spikes and dirty water conditions will result in your betta fish losing its appetite and becoming lethargic.

All these will make your betta fish sleep more than regular.

It is necessary to perform regular water changes to keep the water clean and safe from harmful toxins like ammonia and nitrite.

Also read: How Often To Change Betta Fish Water?


Boredom can also be the reason for your betta fish sleeping so much.

Bettas are active fish and like to explore. 

If your betta tank is not having plenty of place and space to explore, then it will become boring for them.

A bore betta will usually spend its time sleeping.


Illness can also make your betta fish sleep more. 

A sick betta fish will not be able to be much active and will hide and sleep most of the time.

If your betta fish is sleeping most of the time, even if the water parameters and conditions are adequate, then sickness can be the reason.

In this situation, look closely at your betta fish and see if you can find some symptoms like white spots, fin rot, ammonia burns, or anything that indicates that your betta is suffering from some issue. 

Prefer to run the medication as soon as you find the issue.

Also read: Why Is My Betta Fish Losing Color And Turning White?

Lazy betta

It is also possible that your betta is a lazy one.

A lazy betta will not swim much and prefer to sleep and stay in one spot most of the time.

However, every fish should have some exercise to stay healthy and prevent obesity.

Provide your lazy betta with toys or anything that helps keep them active.

If your betta has no physical exercise, it will become obese, affecting its health.

Old age

It is common for fish to get tired quickly and sleep more when they get older.

With age, betta fish metabolism slows down, and they tend to take rest more often.

If your old betta fish is having its meal regularly and there is no sign of sickness, it is okay for them to sleep more. 

Also read: How Long Do Betta Fish Live?

Lights off for too long

Like humans, betta also stays active during the daytime and prefers to sleep at night when it is dark.

So, it is important to maintain that day-to-night cycle for your betta fish to keep them healthy.

If your betta tank is not getting enough light during the daytime, your betta fish will prefer to sleep and will even sleep more during the daytime.

So, adding a light to your betta tank is necessary to keep them awake during the daytime and to maintain the day-to-night cycle. 

Dying betta

A dying betta will also spend most of the time sleeping.

A dying betta will not have much energy to stay active and swim all over the tank.

Instead, it will prefer to live in one spot and sleep most of the time.

Inadequate feeding

Feeding your betta fish with low-grade food or irregularly can make them sleep more.

Betta fish not getting regular food will become weak and also will come under stress.

Stressed out and weak betta fish will lose its appetite and become lethargic.

What to do if my betta is sleeping so much?

To prevent your betta fish from sleeping so much, you must first ensure adequate water temperature.

Betta fish require a warm water temperature between 78-82 °F.

You must add a heater to your betta tank to ensure stable water temperature.

Also, make sure the water parameters are adequate.

Betta fish require a pH level between 6.5 and 8, ammonia and nitrite at 0 ppm, and nitrate below 20 ppm.

Now, if the water is warm and all the other parameters are adequate, look for the food you feed your betta fish.

If the food is six months old, you must replace it as it has lost all the nutrients and vitamins that your betta requires to stay healthy and active.

Feed your betta fish with a betta pellet and make it a staple part of their daily diet.

Ensure feeding your betta fish two times a day with 2-3 pellets or any other food at a time to ensure adequate feeding and avoid overfeeding.

You can feed your betta fish with live, frozen, and freeze-dried food, but make sure it should not be a staple part of their diet and should be provided once a week.

After all that, if your betta fish is not being active and continues to sleep most of the time, it’s time to reach your fish veterinarian.

It is possible that your betta is suffering from some sickness and need proper medication to recover.


Cold water temperature, stress, and poor water conditions are the primary reasons your betta fish sleep so much.

However, if your betta fish is just a lazy personality or older, then it is normal for them to take longer naps.

Betta fish require more energy to pass their long fins through the water, so they take more naps to regain their energy.

If your betta fish is sleeping more but regularly eating and have no sign of illness or any injury, it is normal and nothing to worry about.

However, if your betta avoids eating and is sitting in one spot most of the time sleeping, it may be suffering from illness, or the water parameters and conditions are not adequate.

Reference: Wikipedia, OceanService

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