You may have seen your rabbit struggling by scratching itself and suffering a lot. These signs of rubbing, rolling in its cage, and overgrooming by licking the area or exhibiting other indications of distress may concern you. So, why is my rabbit itching so much? Is it normal? How to treat itchiness in rabbits? Let’s find out all your answers in this article.
Itchiness in rabbits can occur due to parasite infestations like ear mites, fur mites, or lice. However, other factors such as food or bedding allergies, dry skin, or a dusty environment can also cause itchy skin. Consider providing a clean environment, a healthy diet, and regular grooming.
This article will briefly discuss the causes of itchiness in rabbits, symptoms of scratching and itching, its treatments, and how to prevent this condition. So let’s get into it.
Itching in rabbits
Itchiness in rabbits occurs due to Pruritis, which could occur because of parasite mites, allergies to medication or food, skin tumors, shampoo, or soap irritants.
Pruritis creates itchy skin in rabbits, an irritation that could also result in scratching, chewing, licking, or rubbing, which causes sores and inflamed areas.
The common cause of itchy rabbit skin is parasite mites, including fur mites, ear mites, or fleas.
These conditions cause skin irritations, which could present in rabbits’ fur, ears, and skin.
In addition to specific skin diseases that might induce pruritus, various mites or flies can make rabbits scratch.
Also, itchy skin and scratching can irritate rabbits and cause severe health issues if not treated on time.
The crustiness will develop until the rabbit’s significant body regions are covered with open sores, leading to hair loss, itching, and the possibility of a bacterial or fungal infection.
It can be caused by several infections and diseases if you see any patchy hair loss in rabbits, along with apparent signs, including sores, redness, crustiness, and itching.
Is it normal for rabbits to itch or scratch a lot?
Occasional scratching in rabbits is nothing to be concerned about, as they usually give themselves a good scratch after grooming or waking up from a nap.
In addition, rabbits occasionally experience discomfort that can only be relieved by thorough, aggressive scratching.
However, some skin disorders and parasite infestations can be extremely uncomfortable and itchy, resulting in hair loss and fatal illnesses.
If your rabbit is making excessive scratching, excessive grooming, dandruff, or fur loss, this could indicate a parasite infestation.
A skin fungus infection can make a rabbit scratch a lot, hurting its skin and potentially causing them to lose hair.
In addition, exposed skin will be itchy and red, and on occasion, it might even have a layer of white residue that looks like dandruff.
However, knowing what is typical for your rabbit will help you identify potential issues earlier.
Normal rabbit fur usually has to be silky and smooth all the time.
Long-haired fluffy rabbit breeds may make it harder to detect skin issues, but the coat should still appear healthy.
Regular brushing can help you check that everything is well and make it easier to identify skin issues like mites or dandruff, which causes itchy skin.
Also read: Can Rabbit Mites Live In Carpets?
What are the symptoms of itching or scratching in rabbits?
Bacterial infections, dry skin, or allergies, among other things, can bring on itching and inflammation.
In addition, one of the most frequent reasons why rabbits scratch is external fungal diseases.
The presence of external parasites like fleas, mites, and lice is frequently linked to the itchy skin of rabbits.
Skin infections are common in rabbits but can be very painful and even causes life-threatening issues.
So, here are some skin infections symptoms that cause itchy skin in rabbits:
- Overgrooming
- Scratching
- Hair loss
- Sore, inflamed skin
- Licking than usual
- Severe rubbing
- Chewing more than usual
- Self-inflicted trauma
- redness on skin
- Dry skin
You must contact your veterinarian immediately if you see any of the symptoms listed above.
In addition, skin conditions can develop rapidly and become dangerous if not treated on time.
Also read: Why Is My Rabbit Losing Hair?
What are the reasons behind rabbits’ itching?
Pruritus is the medical term for extreme scratching and itching in animals, which can be commonly caused by parasites, including fur, skin, or ears, dry skin, allergies, or diseases in rabbits can bring on.
In addition, itching and scratching can be caused by various reasons in rabbits, which include:
Parasite Infestation:
If your rabbit is itching or scratching its body areas more than usual, it can be because of parasite infestation.
Parasite infestation is common as these tiny parasites have the potential to itch, scratch significantly, and cause hair loss, among other symptoms.
Fleas, mites, and lice are parasites that can make your rabbit itchy and uncomfortable.
Treatment for these mites, fleas, lice and other microscopic pests is necessary as soon as possible because they can lead to skin issues.
Mites come in different varieties. These tiny living parasites typically reside on the host’s skin or fur to obtain nutrition from other animals and irritate the host’s skin.
Mites are widely distributed in the environment and can be spread by domestic pets like cats and dogs as well as other animals.
In addition, mites can stick to your rabbit fur by the cage bedding.
The rabbit mites appear small in size ( less than .1 mm longer) and have four legs.
It has its group and can be found in a rabbit’s ears, skin, or fur. In addition, there are a few mites that may harm your rabbit:
Fur mites (Cheyletiella parasitovorax ):
The fur of rabbits contains tiny mites called Cheyletiella parasitivorax or fur mites.
In addition, your rabbit will scratch and itch because of the blood-sucking Cheyletiella mites that bite the rabbit’s skin to feed.
Walking dandruff is a common name for the fur mite Cheyletiella. As they move across the skin’s surface, dead skin cells accompany them, giving the impression that the dandruff is walking.
They are 0.5 mm in size and may be seen by the naked eye, but their presence is more noticeable.
In addition, scabs, hair loss in clumps, and itching are warning symptoms.
However, it’s also widespread for rabbits to contain a few mites spread by other rabbits or contaminated bedding.
Although there may not be an underlying cause, arthritis, obesity, or dental disease are frequently mentioned in connection with mites.
These problems influence grooming practices, which contributes to the rise in population.
In addition, a compromised immune system of rabbits may also facilitate mite growth.
It’s crucial to watch out for general symptoms, including weight loss, an inability to eat, and changes in feces.
As prey animals, rabbits tend to conceal symptoms of frailty; therefore, these indications may be subtle.
Ear mites ( Psoroptes cuniculi ):
Ear mites, sometimes referred to as ear canker mites are a typical issue with domestic rabbits.
In addition, your rabbit may experience the most uncomfortable, crusty, and itchy mite infestation.
Ear mites make the rabbits scratch their ear a lot, which results in unpleasant crusts inside the ear and hair loss around the ears and on the head.
Similarly, ear infections brought on by the thick crusts can worsen the pain and show symptoms like head tilt.
Infections and skin loss from the rabbit’s ears are other effects of ear mites, which can harm the inner ear and extend to the central nervous system.
In addition, if this parasite is not promptly treated, it may also spread and infect the rabbit’s neck, ventral abdomen, head, legs, and perianal region.
Psoroptes cuniculi have four life stages: the egg, larva, protonymph, and adult mite.
This life cycle can continue up to 21 days, depending on the environment, whereas female mites live on the skin for ten days before laying eggs, fertilized in four days.
Also, Ear mites can live on the skin of a particular animal for three weeks before being transmitted to another animal or rabbit.
Therefore, it is crucial to cure it as soon as you discover it since it may be challenging to treat.
A 2mm length, brown or black color characterizes fleas as tiny particles that attach to a particular animal’s body and draw blood from it, which dogs or cats could spread to your rabbit.
In addition, fleas leap on to bite and feed, then leap off again to deposit their eggs in the surrounding area, returning to the host only when they require another blood meal.
Additionally, it could be dangerous if your rabbit interacts with a wild rabbit carrying fleas because they can spread diseases like myxomatosis.
Similarly, the deadly disease known as myxomatosis can be spread by fleas and biting insects like mosquitoes.
A severe virus called myxomatosis can harm your rabbit’s liver, skin, eyes, lungs, and reproductive organs, increasing the likelihood that it will contract yet another unpleasant condition.
Therefore, to prevent disease, keeping your rabbit separate from wild rabbits, regular grooming, and changing their bedding is imperative.
Ectoparasites are referred to as lice infestations, which are frequently unpleasant and irritating for rabbits.
Since they are infrequent, lice are typically seen in big colonies on young, sick, or weak rabbits.
Similar to ants, lice adhere to a rabbit’s fur or skin, which come in two varieties:
- Biting lice: These can result in severe itching, bald spots, and thinning fur.
- Sucking lice: These are more troublesome than the biting variety as they may result in extreme blood loss and spread blood-borne infection in rabbits.
Lice are apparent to the naked eye, allowing your veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis, administer therapy, and check for any underlying conditions.
Fungal infections like ringworm can lead to skin infections, hair loss, and other symptoms.
These organisms can infect both people and animals. Additionally, animals or rabbits can spread it to one another.
Although it is uncommon in pet rabbits, it can occur in young rabbits, especially those living in unfavorable conditions or due to other health problems.
The enlarged red circular lesion with a clear core that this fungus causes is the reason it is called ringworm.
Compared to the red ring, scaling, bald spots, and crusting are significantly more frequent signs.
Ringworm typically affects the rabbit’s head, ears, or face and spreads through direct contact with an infected animal or anything that has come into contacts with it, such as toys, bedding, hair, fur, and brushes.
In addition, it typically affects a rabbit’s face, head, and ears, so handling infected rabbits is vital because ringworm may infect humans.
Dry skin:
A rabbit can have itching or scratching skin conditions due to dry skin.
Dry skin in your rabbit can be caused by overbathing, dry settings, dusty environments, using the wrong shampoos, and inadequate diets.
In addition, a rabbit-safe spray from your veterinarian provides short-term comfort for the rabbit’s dry skin.
Skin Irritants:
Some products, especially those not intended for rabbits, may irritate them.
Your rabbit’s skin may become irritated by shampoos, air fresheners, conditioners, sprays, and among other products.
It might have been too harsh for your rabbit’s skin if you apply a new product, like a shampoo, and the following day your rabbit starts to itch.
Certain things can make some rabbits allergic, making them scratch and itch.
Allergies can occur due to food or environmental conditions, so it is essential to alter the bedding, litter, cleaning supplies, and air purifiers.
Food, potent odors, mites, cleaning chemicals, fumes, cigarette smoke, and fleas can all cause allergic reactions in rabbits.
Rabbits may also experience allergic reactions to some components in pelleted food.
Although some owners claim their rabbits have hay allergies, the dust in the hay is typically to blame.
In addition, the dust in some litters and rabbit hay, as well as laundry softeners and detergents used on blankets, are typical environmental allergens.
How to treat itching or scratching in rabbits?
Different treatments are performed depending on the reason for a rabbit’s scratching and itching.
Many issues are, however, resolved using the same techniques.
Your veterinarian will provide medications like ointments for the afflicted area if your rabbit has itchy or inflamed skin.
If your veterinarian thinks there may be skin tumors, they will do a cancer test, and the results will determine the course of therapy.
In addition, they will recommend antihistamines if they suspect allergies to be the problem.
So, here are the treatments according to the rabbit’s skin conditions:
1) Parasite infestation:
Your veterinarian will advise you to thoroughly clean the inside and outside of your rabbit’s housing to remove any parasites. They will also treat your rabbit from parasites.
Fur mites:
The presence of fur mites (cheyletiella mites), often known as walking dandruff, is typically not seen by the naked eye.
However, treatment with the proper medication, such as Selamectin, typically fixes the problem.
Rabbits that have fur mites are highly infectious.
In addition, take precautions to prevent transferring Cheyletiella mites to other animals if your pets in your home and your rabbit has these parasites.
After handling your rabbit, it is essential to wash your hands and then discard the bedding and food that were in its cage.
Ear mites:
To treat fur mites in rabbits, Injections, spot-on treatments, or oral ivermectin can be used safely and effectively to cure the condition.
With one moxidectin injection every ten days for two treatments, this drug is repeated for 12–14 days.
If the vet determines that the rabbit has mites, they recommend a drug like Selamectin to eliminate the infestation without risking your rabbit’s health.
In addition, over-medications are harmful to rabbits; therefore, you should always consult your veterinarian before giving any medications.
If your rabbit contracts fleas, your veterinarian can recommend a flea treatment and provide dosages.
Additionally, experts may advise you to brush your rabbit’s fur while putting the comb in rubbing alcohol or soapy water to kill fleas.
However, before treating your rabbit, we advise speaking with your veterinarian about this issue.
In addition, always consult your veterinarian for assistance on these and other safe remedies for the environment, as spot-on medications used for dogs and cats can be fatal to rabbits.
Change the rabbits’ bedding as necessary while taking care of the environment.
Fleas on household pets, such as dogs and cats, are frequently less of an issue on rabbits.
Ivermectin injections given three to four times, seven to ten days apart, are often safe and effective for treating lice in rabbits.
In addition, lice are readily apparent to the naked eye, allowing your veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis, administer therapy, and check for any underlying conditions.
However, it is vital to only apply something to your rabbit’s skin with your vet’s permission.
If any issues with the rabbits’ environment and nutrition are addressed, most ringworm-infected rabbits will recover without therapy.
However, your veterinarian will typically give topical ointments or oral medications to treat ringworm.
Depending on how severe the lesions are on your rabbit, your veterinarian will think about a course of action, which could be treated with lime sulfur dips, Keratolytic, Topical anti-fungal medications, Miconazole shampoos, and oral medication.
2) Skin irritants:
Skin infections are frequently treated with prescription medications.
A rabbit-safe anti-itch spray is available on the market, but it only provides temporary comfort if the underlying problem is not addressed.
3) Allergies:
You can use fragrance-free sensitive skin fabric, baby softeners, and detergents if your rabbit has environmental allergies.
In addition, if symptoms continue, examine other environmental allergens that your rabbit may be disclosed to, such as pollen or dust from an open window in the summer, and work to stop them.
A quick blood test will determine whether your rabbit is allergic or infected because the symptoms of both conditions might be identical.
Also, prolonged contact with environmental irritants can result in bronchitis, chronic rhinitis, and respiratory infections in rabbits.
Your veterinarian may recommend antihistamines and corticosteroids to treat the irritation.
How to prevent my rabbit from itchiness?
The simplest approach to keep your rabbit’s skin from itching is to ensure they have regular veterinarian care, have a healthy diet, and receive treatment for mites, fleas, and other parasites if they are in danger.
As soon as your rabbit starts to feel better, keep giving them a good diet, access to clean, fresh water, lots of activity, and a clean habitat.
Also, cleaning up your rabbit’s environment can frequently stop its itching.
In addition, you should clean your rabbit’s cage bedding.
As well as using fragrance-free washing solutions for any washable rabbit bedding, the advice to freeze any supplies for rabbits is a great place to start.
Similarly, grooming and brushing your rabbit fur is vital as it will be simpler to detect any irregularities and begin treating them immediately, which can save an infection or skin condition from worsening.
Use only hypoallergenic bedding, and gradually make nutritional adjustments under a veterinarian’s guidance.
In addition, ensure to minimize your rabbit’s exposure to grass and other potentially irritating environmental factors if it is prone to allergies or sensitive skin.
- Pruritis creates itchy skin in rabbits, an irritation that could also result in scratching, chewing, licking, or rubbing, which causes sores and inflamed areas.
- The common cause of itchy rabbit skin is parasite mites, including fur mites, ear mites, or fleas.
- Itchy skin and scratching can irritate rabbits and cause severe health issues if not treated on time.
- It can be caused by several infections and diseases if you see any patchy hair loss in rabbits, along with apparent signs, including sores, redness, crustiness, and itching.
- To keep your rabbit’s skin from itching, ensure they have regular veterinarian care, have a healthy diet, and receive treatment for mites, fleas, and other parasites if they are in danger.