Why Are My Zebra Danios Chasing Each Other?

Zebra danios are schooling fishes which is an ideal choice for all the beginners to add to their community tank. They are calm and prefer to interact with their tankmates.

However, sometimes zebra danios show strange behavior like chasing each other, which raises several questions in the mind of an aquarist. So, why are my zebra danios chasing each other? Let us find out.

Zebra danios chase each other for mating purposes or when competing for food. Other factors like incompatible tankmates, stress, and inadequate water conditions can initiate chasing. Provide good water conditions and pair your zebra danios with suitable tankmates to stop chasing.

The below article discusses the reason behind your zebra danios chasing each other. In addition, we will also learn the measures to stop your fish from chasing each other.

My zebra danios are chasing each other

Your zebra danios usually chase each other for mating purposes or when they are competing for food.

However, many other factors like stress, overcrowded tank, incompatible tankmates, and inadequate water conditions can also make your fish chase each other.

Zebra danios chasing each other for mating purposes is entirely normal as it is how they breed.

But, your zebra danios chasing each other for other purposes indicates inadequate housing conditions, which is a matter of concern as it can lead to health issues in your fish.

Therefore, you should take all the steps discussed in the article below if you see your zebra danios chasing each other.

Is it normal for your zebra danios to chase each other?

Zebra danios are non-aggressive schooling species that prefer to interact with their tankmates.

Your zebra danios chasing each other for mating purposes is entirely normal, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, suppose your zebra danios are chasing each other for other purposes like stress, lack of space, or incompatible tankmates.

In that case, it is a matter of concern that requires immediate attention for your fish’s well-being.

Ignoring such a situation can cause significant health problems in your fish.

What are the reasons behind my zebra danios chasing each other?

Here are the reasons that make your zebra danios chase each other

  1. Mating 
  2. Competing for food
  3. Stress
  4. Overcrowded tank
  5. Inadequate water conditions
  6. Non-compatible tankmates
  7. Playing


Zebra danios are egg layer fishes that often breed during the monsoon season. 

The male zebra danios chase the female around the tank to encourage her to lay eggs.

Once your female zebra danios have laid their eggs, the male fertilizes it by releasing its milt upon the eggs. 

So, your zebra danios chasing each other for mating purposes is a natural process, and it is entirely normal. 

Also, read: Do Zebra Danios Eat Their Babies?

Competing for food

Lack of food in the tank can also make your zebra danios chase each other.

Although zebra danios are calm species, they can chase each other if there is insufficient food in the tank.

In addition, providing insufficient food can also weaken your fish’s immune system making them prone to several diseases.


Stress can make your zebra danio aggressive and chase each other in the tank. 

Here are some reasons that can make your fish stressed

  1. Lack of food
  2. Inadequate water conditions
  3. Not enough room in the tank
  4. Incompatible tankmates
  5. Lack of number in your fish’s school

Also, read: Why Are My Zebra Danios Dying?

Overcrowded tank 

An overcrowded tank can make your zebra danios territorial and chase each other. 

In addition, overstocking your zebra danios can also affect your fish’s growth and lead to several other health problems.

Also, read: Can Zebra Danios Live In A Bowl?

Inadequate water conditions

Poor water conditions in your zebra danios tank can make your zebra danios aggressive and chase each other.

Contaminated water in the tank can also lead to a spike in the tank’s ammonia level, making your zebra danios suffer from ammonia poisoning.

In addition, poor water quality can cause major health issues like stress and loss of appetite in your danios.

Non-compatible tankmates

Pairing your zebra danios with incompatible tankmates can make your fish chase each other.

In addition, placing your zebra danios with unsuitable tankmates can also lead to stress and aggression in your fish.

Therefore, you should always pair your fish with compatible tankmates for their adequate growth and development.


Zebra danios chasing each other also indicate playing as they are playful species that like to interact with their tankmates.

If the chasing does not lead to physical injuries, it is most likely for fun.

Male zebra danios chasing female zebra danios

Your male zebra danios chase the female for mating purposes. 

Male zebra danios chase the female to encourage her to lay eggs, and once the female lays eggs, the male fertilizes it by releasing the milt upon the eggs.

If you discover your male zebra danios chasing the female, it would be advisable to shift them to a breeding tank.

Ensure to keep the tank’s water temperature up to 78°F for healthy spawning.

Female zebra danios chasing male zebra danios

Your female zebra danios chasing male zebra danios also indicate mating purpose.

If the female zebra danios get attracted to the male, she then encourages the male zebra fish to mate, which initiates chasing.

Female zebra danios chasing the other female

Your female zebra danios chasing the other female is usually for fun or to establish dominance.

Similarly, if you discover your male zebra danios chasing the other male, it indicates that there are either having fun or being territorial.

Chasing leading to physical injuries requires immediate action for your fish’s well-being.

What measures can you take if you see your zebra danios chasing each other?

Here are the measures you can take if you see your zebra danios chasing each other

  1. Ensure good water conditions in the tank by performing a 30% water change. If you do not have a filter, add a sound filtration system to your fish tank.
  2. Eliminate the robust or the weak zebra danios from the tank and place them in a separate tank.
  3. Avoid adding any aggressive fish like betta to your zebra danios tank. Instead, pair your zebra danios with compatible tankmates like rosy barbs, gourami, and guppy fish.
  4. Provide high-quality nutritious food in a quantity your fish can consume in under two minutes to prevent underfeeding, which initiates chasing.
  5. Provide ample space in your zebra danios tank to avoid chasing. We advise adding one gallon of water per inch of fish to prevent overcrowding your fish tank. 


  1. Zebra danios usually chase each other for mating purposes or when competing for food.
  2. Other factors like stress, overcrowded tank, incompatible tankmates, and inadequate water conditions can make your zebra danios chase each other.
  3. Male zebra danios chase the female to encourage her to lay eggs, and once the female lays eggs, the male fertilizes it by releasing their milt upon the eggs.
  4. Feed high-quality nutritious food in a quantity your danios can consume in under two minutes to avoid underfeeding, which initiates chasing.
  5. Provide enough room in your zebra danios tank to avoid chasing. We recommend adding one gallon of water per inch of fish to prevent overcrowding.

Reference: ResearchGate

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