Vicious’ Pit Bull On the Loose Hops in Police Car and Proves to Be a Sweet Family Pup

A Texarkana, Texas, police officer responded to a report of a “vicious” pit bull roaming a neighborhood. Expecting to encounter a formidable foe, he was pleasantly surprised to discover a well-behaved good boy instead.

Per the police department’s Facebook update, Officer Travis Frost cautiously approached the pit bull lounging on a resident’s porch. He kept his car door ajar as a precaution against any potential aggression from the dog. However, much to his surprise, the pit mix seemed perfectly at ease and even seemed to consider the patrol car his own territory!

This dog was anything but a monster!

Officer Frost needed to capture some snapshots of the pit bull lounging in his vehicle.

The most heartwarming aspect: following the adorable photo session, the authorities successfully reunited the affectionate dog with his owner, all thanks to his microchip. Gold is now back where he belongs, secure and happy!

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