Rabbit poop stuck to the bottom. (All You Need To Know)

Rabbits are adorable and popular pets requiring special care to maintain health and well-being. Unfortunately, one common issue that rabbit owners may encounter is poop getting stuck in their rabbit’s bottoms. So, the question is, why does my rabbit get poop stuck to its bottom? How to clean and prevent stuck poop from your rabbit’s bottom? Let’s find all of these in this article.

Poor diet, obesity, or dental issues can cause rabbits to get poop stuck to their bottom, which can be gently washed off with warm water. However, consult your vet immediately if it’s stuck inside the anus. Ensure they have a high-fibre diet, plenty of water and a clean environment for good health.

This article will briefly discuss why rabbit poop sticks to the bottom, how to clean and prevent it, why they lay on its poop, and many more. So, let’s get into it.

Why does my rabbit get poop stuck to the bottom?

Rabbits can get their poop stuck to their bottom due to being overweight, lack of exercise, poor diet or dental issues, making it challenging to clean their bottom.

Their unique digestive system produces two types of faeces: soft, mucus-covered faecal droppings, also called cecotropes and hard, round pellets.

In addition, soft faeces tend to be moist and stickier in texture, whereas hard faeces are usually round and firm. 

The rabbit re-ingests these soft faeces, which contain vital vitamins and nutrients, by engaging in a behaviour known as cecotrophy. 

A rabbit’s ability to get all the nutrients they need from their diet makes this behaviour crucial for their health.

However, in some cases, when the rabbit is obese, has long fur, or has dental problems that make it difficult for it to clean itself properly, the soft faeces can stick to the rabbit’s bottom.

In addition, this might result in a “poopy butt” or “sticky butt,” a condition in which the soft faeces build up and dry up, making it challenging for the rabbit to clean themselves.

Also, this can result in infections, skin irritation, and even flystrike, a potentially fatal illness brought on by flies laying their eggs on the dirty fur if this condition is left untreated. 

It is essential to provide your rabbit with a clean living environment with good hygiene to prevent sticky or poopy butt.

Regular grooming can avoid faecal buildup, such as trimming or brushing the hair or fur around the bottom region of your rabbit. 

In addition, it’s crucial to keep an eye on the rabbit’s diet to ensure it has enough fibre and water to support a healthy digestive system and the formation of faeces.

However, it’s critical to seek veterinarian assistance when your rabbit has trouble cleaning itself or has a lot of poop or faeces stuck on its bottom. 

Your veterinarian can identify the underlying condition and suggest the best course of action, which may involve medication, changes in your rabbit’s diet, or grooming.

Why is poop stuck in the rabbit’s anus, and what to do?

Poop getting stuck in a rabbit’s bottom is usually caused by constipation. 

Constipation occurs when a rabbit’s digestive system is not functioning correctly, and food moves too slowly through its intestines. 

This slow movement of food can result in the formation of hard, dry faecal pellets that are difficult for the rabbit to pass.

Several factors can contribute to constipation in rabbits, including dehydration, lack of exercise, a low-fibre diet, and dental problems. 

Rabbits require a diet high in fibre, such as hay and fresh vegetables, to maintain good digestive health. 

If they are not consuming enough fibre, their intestines can become sluggish, leading to constipation.

Other potential causes of constipation in rabbits include obesity, spinal problems, and certain medical conditions. 

Rabbits that are elderly, sick, or recovering from surgery are also more susceptible to constipation. 

However, suppose you notice that your rabbit is having difficulty passing stool or has poop stuck in its bottom. 

In that case, addressing the issue promptly and seeking veterinary care is essential.

Why do rabbits lay on their poop?

Rabbits lay on their poop for various reasons, including temperature regulation, scent masking, comfort, territorial marking, and nutrient absorption. 

Although it may seem strange for humans, a rabbit must engage in this behaviour to survive.

This behaviour is natural, essential to a rabbit’s survival, and can occur for various reasons. 

Here are five reasons why rabbits lay on their droppings or poop:

Territorial marking:

Rabbits are territorial creatures and will always mark their scents to make their territory.

In addition, they mark their territory and claim the area as their own by lying on their waste and leaving their scent on the faecal pellets.

Rabbits use this behaviour to communicate with one another and to protect their home range from predators or outsiders.

Because of their keen sense of smell, rabbits can notice even the most minor changes in their surroundings. 

They recognize other rabbits, predators, and prospective food sources via their sense of smell.

Also, rabbits may rub their chins on nearby items to spread their fragrance and lie on their poo. 

To further mark their territory, they may urinate or leave little droppings.

Scent masking:

Rabbits are prey animals, and to survive in the wild, they have many mechanisms to avoid being detected by their predators by hiding their scent.

Rabbits can hide their scent and lessen the chance of being spotted by predators by laying on their poop. 

In addition, by lying on the poop, which carries the rabbit’s scent, the rabbit can blend in with its surroundings and become less apparent to predators.

In the wild, this behaviour is crucial for a rabbit’s survival as it helps them to protect itself from its predators.

Nutrient absorption:

Due to their unique digestive mechanism, rabbits must eat their faeces to absorb vital nutrients. 

Cecotropes, the faecal pellets consumed by rabbits, are made in the cecum and contain nutrients and helpful bacteria that the rabbit needs to keep its digestive tract in good shape. 

Rabbits can more easily obtain these nutrients and ensure their digestive tract is in good shape by lying on their poop.


Rabbits are social creatures and require a secure, comfortable environment. 

They might feel secure lying on their poop, especially in a new environment. 

In addition, they lay on their poop due to comfort, as the soft texture of their droppings can also serve as a cushion, giving the rabbit additional comfort.

Temperature regulation:

Rabbits can regulate their body temperature and stay warm by lying on their droppings.

It is challenging for rabbits to survive in cooler temperatures because they are susceptible to hypothermia and have a weak respiratory system. 

However, the faecal pellets’ warmth and moisture assist the rabbits in staying warm and comfy by insulating their bodies.

Why cleaning sticky poopy bottoms is essential for rabbits?

Cleaning sticky poopy bottoms is essential for rabbits because it can create discomfort and health problems.

The large number of faeces that rabbits are known to produce might become caught in their fur at their back ends. 

Faecal matter can quickly become stuck to a rabbit’s hair around its bottom when it produces soft or sticky stools, which can lead to the formation of a sticky mat.

If left untreated, this can result in significant problems, including flystrike and infections, which can be fatal to rabbits.

So, here are some reasons why cleaning poopy bottoms is essential for rabbits:

1) Prevents flystrike:

Flystrike is a severe condition in rabbits when flies lay their eggs in the moist and dirty areas around the rabbit’s bottom. 

The eggs develop into maggots, which can dig into the rabbit’s flesh and cause pain and infection. 

In addition, flystrike can soon become fatal for rabbits if not treated.

So, cleaning your rabbit’s bottom is essential to eliminate faeces or urine that may have gathered there and stop moisture from building up to attract flystrike.

2) Prevents skin irritation:

Faeces and urine may build up on a rabbit’s bottom if not cleaned regularly, irritating the skin. 

Since the skin of the rabbit’s bottom is so delicate, continuous contact with faeces and urine can easily irritate it.

Skin irritation, an inflammation of the skin, can develop into more severe disorders like dermatitis if not treated on time. 

Because faeces and urine can get caught in their fur, rabbits with long hair are likelier to develop skin irritation. 

Also, due to potential difficulty reaching and cleaning their bottoms, overweight rabbits may be more susceptible to skin irritation.

By wiping away any buildup of faeces and urine, inflammation and irritation can be reduced by making your rabbit’s bottom clean and dry. 

3) Helps maintain hygiene: 

Rabbits are very clean animals as they naturally tend to groom themselves.

However, if they are overweight or have mobility concerns, they might need help cleaning the difficult-to-reach spots. 

In addition, you can help your rabbits maintain their hygiene and avoid the accumulation of faeces and urine by wiping their bottoms regularly.

4) GI stasis (Gastrointestinal stasis):

GI stasis is a condition in which a rabbit’s digestive system stops and slows down completely, preventing food from moving through its digestive tract and can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Rabbits may groom themselves excessively if their bottom becomes dirty. 

However, overgrooming can result in fur intake, obstructing their digestive tract. 

The balance of good bacteria in the rabbit’s intestines can also be upset by the accumulation of faeces and urine, which can cause digestive issues.

In addition, excessive grooming and the ingesting of fur can be avoided with regular cleaning of their bottom. 

A balanced diet, abundant fresh water, and regular exercise can also help prevent stomach issues in rabbits.

However, if you suspect your rabbit may be experiencing GI stasis, it’s essential to seek veterinary care immediately. 

How to clean stuck poop from your rabbit’s bottom?

If you notice your rabbit has faecal matter stuck to its fur, has diarrhoea and cannot clean itself properly, or is older and has trouble cleaning itself due to mobility issues. 

Cleaning stuck poop from a rabbit’s bottom is a delicate process that requires patience and care to avoid hurting your pet.

Regular grooming and monitoring of your rabbit’s hygiene can help prevent the need for frequent cleaning of the bottom area.

So, here are a few steps on how to clean stuck poop from your rabbit’s bottom:

1) Gather Supplies:

  • A pair of disposable gloves
  • Warm water
  • Mild soap or shampoo (make sure it is unscented and doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals)
  • A clean towel or soft cloth
  • A hairdryer (optional)

2) Prepare the Rabbit:

Put your rabbit on a comfortable surface and ensure they are calm and relaxed. 

You can also wrap them in a towel to keep them still and calm. 

Make sure you gently handle the rabbit to avoid additional stress or discomfort.

3) Assess the Situation:

Look closely at the rabbit’s bottom to determine the severity of the problem. 

If the poop is stuck on the fur, gently remove it with your fingers. 

However, if the poop is hard and stuck inside the anus, it may require more intervention. 

If you don’t know what to do, it is best to consult with a veterinarian.

4) Clean the Area:

Put on your disposable gloves and moisten the towel or soft cloth with warm water. 

Add a small amount of mild soap or shampoo to the cloth and gently wash the affected area. 

Avoid getting soap inside the anus or causing any further irritation. 

Rinse the area with warm water and dry it gently with a clean towel or soft cloth.

5) Dry the Area:

You can use a hairdryer set on low heat to dry the area, but ensure it is not too hot and not directed too close to the rabbit’s skin. 

Alternatively, you can use a clean towel or soft cloth to pat the area dry gently.

6) Monitor Your Rabbit:

After cleaning the area, watch your rabbit to ensure they do not feel discomfort or pain. 

If the problem continues or you notice any other unusual symptoms, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

In addition, cleaning stuck poop from your rabbit’s bottom can be done at home, but it requires patience, gentle handling, and the right supplies. 

It is essential to keep your rabbit’s diet and exercise routine in check to prevent this condition from happening in the future. 

If the problem continues, it is best to seek veterinary advice.

How to prevent your rabbit from pooping stuck?

Preventing your rabbit from pooping stuck involves several aspects of their care, including their diet, exercise routine, and grooming habits. 

Here are a few steps to follow to help prevent sticky bottom or faecal impaction in rabbits:

Provide a balanced diet:

Rabbits are herbivores with a specialized digestive system requiring a high-fibre diet. 

Make sure your rabbit’s diet includes plenty of hay, fresh green vegetables, and a small number of pellets.

A diet rich in fibre helps to stimulate gut motility and helps to move food through the digestive tract. 

In addition, a lack of fibre in the diet can lead to digestive problems and cause poop to become sticky or stuck.

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, good hygiene, and monitoring your rabbit’s health can help prevent digestive problems and maintain your rabbit’s overall health and well-being.

Offer Plenty of Water:

Ensure your rabbit has access to clean, fresh water at all times. 

In addition, dehydration can cause digestive problems and make poop stickier, making it harder for your rabbit to pass.

Water is essential for maintaining proper digestive function in rabbits. 

It helps to soften stool and move it through the digestive tract, preventing it from becoming stuck or impacted. 

You should provide at least 10% of a rabbit’s body weight in water daily. 

For example, a 5-pound rabbit should consume at least 0.5 pounds (or 8 ounces) of water daily.

Encourage Exercise:

Regular exercise is essential for your rabbit’s digestive health.

Make sure your rabbit has plenty of space to move around and play, or take them for supervised outdoor playtime. 

Exercise helps to stimulate digestion and keep poop moving through the digestive system.

Encourage your rabbit to be physically active by providing them with toys to play with, tunnels to run through, and boxes to explore. 

Providing adequate exercise is vital to maintaining your rabbit’s overall health and preventing poop from getting stuck. 

In addition, by encouraging physical activity, providing supervised outdoor playtime, and creating a safe indoor space, you can help ensure your rabbit gets the exercise they need to stay happy and live a healthy lifespan.

Keep the living space clean:

Clean living space is essential for your rabbit’s health and hygiene. 

Ensure to clean the litter box regularly and remove any soiled bedding promptly. 

A dirty living space can increase the risk of bacterial infections that can cause digestive problems.

Keeping the living environment clean is essential for the health and well-being of your rabbit. 

Regular cleaning of litter boxes, bedding, and living areas can help reduce the risk of bacterial infections, prevent disease spreading, and promote good hygiene. 

Maintaining a clean living environment can create a comfortable and welcoming space for your rabbit to thrive.

Monitor your rabbit’s health:

Monitoring your rabbit’s health and behaviour can help you catch any potential issues early. 

In addition, regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help detect any underlying health issues that may contribute to sticky bottoms. 

Also, if you notice any signs of digestive problems, such as decreased appetite, lethargy, or changes in poop consistency, it is essential to seek veterinary advice promptly.

Avoid overfeeding treats: 

Avoiding overfeeding treats to your rabbit is essential to maintaining their overall health and well-being. 

In addition, treats should only be given in moderation and should never replace your rabbit’s regular diet. 

Many treats are high in sugar and carbohydrates, which can cause digestive problems like bloating, diarrhoea, and constipation. 

It can lead to a condition called “sticky bottom,” where poop becomes stuck in the fur around the anus.

Instead, opt for healthier treats options like fresh fruits and vegetables, and monitor your rabbit’s health and behaviour to ensure they are getting the proper nutrition they need.

Regular Grooming:

Regular grooming helps to keep your rabbit’s fur clean and free from mats that can trap poop. 

Ensure to groom your rabbit daily, especially around the bottom area, to prevent poop from getting stuck in the fur.

In addition, by grooming your rabbit regularly, you can prevent matted fur, promote good hygiene, reduce the risk of hairballs, bond with your rabbit, and identify potential health issues.


  1. Rabbit poop stuck to the bottom can be caused by poor diet, obesity, dental issues or lack of exercise.
  2. It is important to gently wash off the poop with mild soap and warm water, but if it’s stuck inside the anus, seek vet care immediately.
  3. Providing a high-fibre diet, plenty of water and a clean environment can prevent recurring issues and promote good health.
  4. Regular check-ups with your vet can help identify any underlying health issues that may contribute to poop sticking to the bottom.
  5. Proper care and attention can ensure that rabbits are happy and healthy, free from any discomfort or health problems.

Reference: rabbit

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