Neon tetra disease can lead to extreme health conditions in your fish. But, what is NTD? Is it curable? Let us find out.
Neon tetra disease is a noncurable condition caused by a microsporidian parasite that is contagious and fatal for your fish. Neon tetras show signs like restlessness and losing color when suffering from such a disease. Maintain good water conditions and avoid adding sick fish to prevent such issues.
The article below discusses the signs, causes, and prevention of NTD for your tetras.

What is NTD?
Neon tetra disease is caused by a parasite called Pleistophora hyphessobryconis which is both contagious and fatal for your fish.
It is a degenerative disease that will start slowly but progresses rapidly, making your tetras suffer from severe health conditions.
Such parasites are usually caused when your tetras eat live infected food or consume the remains of the passed-away fish in the tank.
Your neon tetras show many symptoms like restlessness, losing color from one part of their body, or having trouble swimming.
Therefore, there is no known treatment for NTD in aquarium fishes.
What are the symptoms of NTD in your tetras?
Here are the symptoms of NTD in neon tetras
- Your neon tetras not schooling with other fishes, swimming erratically, and being restless are some initial signs of NTD in your fish.
- If you discover your neon tetras losing color from one part of their body, then it is a sign of an NTD in your tetras.
- Your neon tetras facing difficulty in swimming is a sign of NTD in your fish. The harm to the muscles can lead to deformation or curvature of the spine, eventually making it a task for your fish to swim.
- Your neon tetras bloating or suffering from fin rot are some secondary infections caused due to NTD.
The above are some symptoms of NTD in your neon tetras.
What are the causes of NTD?
Here are the causes of NTD in your neon tetras
- Your fish consumes the remains of a passed-away fish.
- Your fish consumes the live food infected with this parasite.
Once your neon tetras get infected, it will spread to other fishes in the tank through its infected skin or gills.
Once the spores enter your tetras, the parasite will consume them from the inside out, starting with their digestive tract and stomach.
Therefore, NTD thrives in environments with low pH, warm water, low dissolved oxygen, and organically rich environments.
Can your neon tetras recover from NTD?
There is no known cure for neon tetra disease in aquarium fishes.
If you discover your neon tetras suffering from NTD, it will be best to place the affected fish separately to ensure the well-being of the other fish in the tank.
As NTD is a contagious disease, keeping the infected fish in the tank with other fish can make them suffer from the same condition.
Therefore, euthanizing is the only option if your neon tetras suffer from NTD.

Is NTD contagious to other fishes in the tank?
NTD is a contagious disease that can spread to the other fish in the tank.
So, if you discover your neon tetras suffering from such a disease, placing the affected fish in a separate tank will be best to ensure the well-being and longer lifespan of the other fish in the tank.
Therefore, as neon tetra disease has no known cure, it will be advisable to euthanize your infected fish.
How to prevent NTD in tetras?
Here are the ways to prevent NTD in your tetras
- Maintain good water conditions in the tank
- Avoid purchasing sick fish
- Feed high-grade food
Maintain good water conditions.
You should maintain good water conditions in the tank to prevent such issues and to ensure your fish’s well-being.
Consider adding a water filter and performing a 30% weekly water change to maintain good water conditions in the tank.
In addition, we advise using a water conditioner as it helps to eliminate the chemicals like chlorine and chloramine from the water, making it safe for your neon tetras.
Avoid purchasing sick fish.
You should avoid buying sick fish to prevent such issues.
Consider isolating the new fish for at least two weeks before adding it directly to the tank, as it helps you to detect if they are suffering from any health issues and ensure the well-being of the other fish in the tank.

Feed high-grade food.
You should provide high-grade food to prevent such issues and ensure your neon tetras’ well-being.
Always purchase food from trusted brands to ensure the healthy life of your neon tetras.
Here are some ideal food options for your neon tetras.
Neon Tetras Dietary Needs | Serving Amount | No.of times | Link to purchase |
Brine Shrimp | One pinch | 1-2 times a week | HIKARI BRINE SHRIMP CUBES |
Tubifex Worms | One pinch | 1 time a week | HIKARI FREEZE DRIED TUBIFEX WORMS |
Mosquito Larvae | 12-15 pieces | 2-3 times a week | Feed Live |
Bloodworms | One pinch | 1-2 times a week | HIKARI FREEZE DRIED BLOODWORMS |
Veggie Pellets | One pinch | 2 times a day | HIKARI SINKING FISH FOOD |
Blanched Veggies ( Cucumber, Zucchini) | One slice | 2-3 times a week | Feed Fresh |
Therefore, as neon tetras are omnivore fish species, you should provide them with red meat and veggies to ensure their adequate growth and development.
- Neon tetra disease is a condition caused by a microsporidian parasite that is both contagious and fatal for your fish.
- Neon tetras show many signs like restlessness, losing color from one part of their body, or facing difficulties in swimming.
- There is no known treatment for NTD in aquarium fishes, making euthanizing the only option left.
- Place the infected fish in a separate tank to ensure the other fish’s well-being.
- Provide good water conditions and high-grade food to prevent such issues and ensure your neon tetras’ well-being.
Reference: NCBI