Why Are My Neon Tetras Not Eating? (All You Need To Know)

As aquarists, we sometimes discover unusual behavior of our fish, like refusing to eat their food.

Neon tetras are voracious eaters that will eat anything you provide them. So, your neon tetras refusing their food is a matter of concern that require your immediate attention for their well-being.

So, why are my neon tetras not eating? Let us find out.

Stress due to inappropriate water conditions is the leading cause behind neon tetras not eating. Other factors like wrong water parameters and providing one type of food can make tetras avoid their food. Maintain good water conditions and feed high-quality food to tetras to prevent such issues.

The article below discusses why your neon tetras are not eating their food. In addition, we will also learn the ways to make your tetras eat their food.

My neon tetras are not eating.

There can be multiple reasons behind your neon tetras avoiding eating their food.

However, stress caused due to inappropriate water conditions is the leading cause behind your neon tetras refusing to eat their food.

In addition, several health issues like gut blockage also play an essential role behind your tetras refusing to eat their food.

We advise you to take immediate action in such a case to ensure the well-being of your tetras.

Let us discuss the reasons behind your neon tetras refusing to eat their food in detail.

Why are my neon tetras not eating their food?

Here are the reasons behind your tetras not eating their food

Inadequate water condition

Inadequate water conditions in the tank are the leading cause behind your neon tetras refusing to eat their food.

Lousy tank water conditions can lead to loss of appetite in your fish, eventually making them refuse their food.

In addition, poor water conditions in the tank can also lead to a spike in the tank’s ammonia and nitrite levels, eventually making your tetras suffer from severe health issues like ammonia poisoning.

Overfeeding your tetras

Overfeeding your neon tetras can make them refuse their food.

Excessive feeding to your tetras can lead to constipation and other health issues in your neon tetras, eventually making them refuse their food.

We advise you to provide the amount your neon tetras can eat within 2 minutes to avoid overfeeding and underfeeding your fish.

Inadequate water parameters

Inadequate water parameters in your neon tetras tank can make them refuse their food.

Wrong water parameters in your tetra’s tank can lead to excessive stress in your fish, eventually making them refuse their food.

In addition, inappropriate water parameters in the tank can also affect the growth and development of your neon tetras.


Stress plays a vital role in your neon tetras refusing to eat their food.

Several factors, like an overcrowded tank, poor water conditions, and aggressive tankmates, can lead to stress in your neon tetras, eventually making them suffer from severe health issues and refuse their food.

Therefore, excessive stress can also lead to the passing away of your fish.

Low-Grade Food

Providing low-grade food to your neon tetras can make them refuse their food.

Low-quality food can make your neon tetras suffer from many health problems like loss of appetite and constipation, eventually making them refuse their food.

In addition, feeding low-grade food to your tetras can make your tetras choke and pass away eventually.


Boredom can also be the reason behind your neon tetras avoiding their food.

Providing only one type of food can lead to boredom in your neon tetras, making them refuse their food.

So, we advise you to provide various types of nutritional food to your neon tetras to prevent such issues and to ensure the adequate development and a longer lifespan of your fish.

Other health issues in your tetras

Some other health issues like tumors and gut blockage can make your neon tetras avoid their food.

If you discover your tetras suffering from such health issues, you should consult your marine vet immediately to ensure your fish’s well-being.

How long can neon tetras live without food?

An adult healthy neon tetra can live for up to 1-2 weeks without food.

However, it would be best not to make your tetras starve for such a long period as it can make them weak and prone to several diseases and parasites.

We advise you to feed your neon tetras 1-2 times a day in a moderate quantity to ensure their adequate development and a longer lifespan.

Neon tetras ideal dietary requirements

Neon Tetras Dietary NeedsServing Amount No.of times
Brine ShrimpOne small pinch1-2 times a week
DaphniaOne small pinch1-2 times a week
Mosquito Larvae12-15 pieces2-3 times a week
BloodwormsOne small pinch 1-2 times a week
Veggie PelletsOne small pinch2 times a day
Blanched Veggies ( Cucumber, Zucchini)One small slice2-3 times a week
The above table shows the ideal dietary needs of neon tetras

Neon tetras are omnivore fish species that require a mix of green veggies and red meat for adequate growth and development.

Therefore, you should always provide them with nutrition-rich foods to ensure their well-being and a longer lifespan.

How can you make your neon tetras eat their food?

Below are the ways to make your neon tetras eat their food

Maintain good water conditions in your tank

You should maintain good water conditions in your tetra’s tank to make your tetras eat their food and to ensure their adequate development.

As discussed above, inadequate water conditions can make your neon tetras suffer from various health issues, eventually making them refuse to eat their food.

So, you can maintain your tank’s water quality by performing a 30% weekly water change in the tank and by adding a sound filtration system.

In addition, we recommend using a water conditioner to treat the tap water before adding it directly to your tetra’s tank, as it helps to eliminate all the harmful toxins from the tap water.

You can buy this product on amazon: API TAP WATER CONDITIONER.

Maintain adequate water parameters

You should maintain ideal water parameters in your neon tetras tank to make your neon tetras eat their food.

Below are the ideal water parameters for your neon tetras

ParticularsNeon Tetras
Water Temperature72-76°F
Ph Level 6.0-7.0
Ammonia Level 0ppm
Nitrite Level 0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 20ppm
The above table represents the ideal water parameter for neon tetras

Therefore, you should provide ideal water parameters in your neon tetras tank to ensure their adequate development and a longer lifespan.

Feed various types of food to your neon tetras

It would be best if you fed your neon tetras various food to make them eat and ensure their adequate development and a longer lifespan.

Avoid providing one type of food to your tetras as it can lead to boredom, eventually making them avoid their food.

As neon tetras are omnivore species, you should provide them with a mix of green veggies and red meat for their well-being.

In addition, we advise you to break down the food into smaller pieces making it easier for your tetras to consume.

Maintain a stress-free environment in your neon tetras tank

You should maintain a stress-free environment in your neon tetras tank to make them eat and to ensure their longer lifespan.

Here are the ways to maintain a stress-free environment in your fish tank

  1. Provide good water conditions
  2. Maintain ideal water parameters in your tetra’s tank
  3. Avoid pairing your neon tetras with aggressive tankmates
  4. Provide highly nutritious food to your neon tetras
  5. Add a lot of hiding spots in your neon tetra tank
  6. Do not overfeed your neon tetras


  1. Stress caused due to inappropriate water conditions is the primary reason your neon tetras refuse to eat their food.
  2. An adult healthy neon tetra can live for up to 1-2 weeks without eating.
  3. Neon tetras are omnivore species that require a mix of green veggies and red meat for adequate growth and development.
  4. You can make your neon tetras eat by maintaining good water conditions and ideal water parameters and by providing various types of food.
  5. Always maintain a stress-free environment in your neon tetras tank to ensure their adequate growth and development.

Reference: NCBI

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