Why Is My Cory Catfish Upside Down? (Reason+Prevention)

Cory catfish are the most common bottom dweller fish that every aquarist prefers to add to their community tank because of their peaceful and hardy nature. They are easy to take care of, making them the perfect fish for a beginner.

However, they can sometimes show strange swimming and laying behavior which can worry us, like swimming or laying upside down. So, Why is my cory catfish upside down? Let us find out.

Swim bladder disorder is the reason behind your cory catfish laying upside down. Bad water conditions, infection, and constipation affects the swim bladder. Fasting is needed to treat if the reason behind swim bladder is bloating, and antibiotical treatment is required if the cause is infection.

This article will discuss why cory catfish lay upside down and how we can treat and prevent such issues. So, let us get into it.

Is it normal for a cory catfish to lay upside down?

It is not normal for a cory catfish to lay upside down.

There can be various reasons behind your cory catfish laying upside down, which is a matter of concern.

The main reason behind your cory catfish laying upside down is swim bladder disorder.

Constipation and bloating can be other reasons behind your cory catfish laying upside down.

If your corydoras are swimming upside down, it is a matter of concern and requires immediate action.

Swim bladder disorder can make your cory catfish suffer from a critical condition and can even pass away if not treated in the early stages.

What are the causes of swim bladder disease in a cory catfish?

Swim bladder disorder is the primary reason behind your cory catfish laying upside down.

Fishes have a swim bladder that helps them to maintain their buoyancy in the water.

These are the causes of swim bladder disease in a cory catfish:

  1. Poor water conditions
  2. Overfeeding
  3. Infection
  4. Injury
  5. Feeding low-quality food
  6. Bad genetics
  7. Inadequate water parameters

Poor water conditions

Poor water condition can be the reason behind your cory catfish suffering from swim bladder disorder.

Cory catfish living in poor water conditions will come under stress and become prone to various diseases and parasites, which can cause swim bladder disorder.

There will be a high risk of an ammonia spike in dirty water.

An ammonia spike will burn your cory catfish fins, gills, and body, making them suffer breathing and swimming.

Inadequate nitrite and nitrate levels can also result in your cory catfish suffering from life-threatening conditions like swim bladder disorder.


Overfeeding your cory catfish can make them suffer from swim bladder disorder.

When you overfeed your corydoras, they will become constipated and suffer from bloating.

The enlarged abdomen of the cory catfish because of overfeeding will disturb the swim bladder, and your cory catfish will not be able to swim.

Overfeeding can cause critical conditions for your cory catfish, and even they can pass away.


Bacterial and parasitic infections can cause swim bladder disorder to your cory catfish.

Poor water conditions can be the leading reason behind bacterial and parasitic infections.

Cory catfish will come under stress living in poor water conditions, and fish in constant stress will become prone to various diseases and parasites.

Bacterial infection will make your cory catfish lethargic and weaken their immune system.

They will remain still at the bottom of the tank when suffering from bacterial infections.

All these can affect your cory catfish swim bladder.

Cory catfish will require immediate antibiotical treatment when suffering from bacterial infection.


Physical injury can also cause swim bladder disorder to your cory catfish.

Usually, cory catfish will remain most of the time at the bottom of the tank as they are bottom dweller fish.

But, they will sometimes come to the surface of the water to gasp air from the mouth as it is their natural behavior.

While scavenging at the bottom or swimming at the top, they can hurt themselves by blowing on hard and sharp objects.

They can hurt their swim bladder by swimming erratically, which can cause swim bladder disorder.

Also read: Why Is My Cory Catfish Floating?

Feeding low-grade food

Feeding expiry food or low-grade food to your cory catfish can also cause swim bladder disorder.

Feeding your cory catfish low-grade dry food expands when getting wet inside their body, resulting in enlargement of the abdomen.

An enlarged abdomen affects the swim bladder, causing swim bladder disorder.

Feeding low-grade and expiry food to your cory catfish can make them suffer from constipation and bloating, making them suffer swimming.

Inadequate water parameters

Inadequate and unstable water parameters can also make your cory catfish suffer from swim bladder disorder.

Unstable water temperature will make your cory catfish come under high-level stress and prone to diseases and parasites.

Too hot water temperature will make your cory catfish hyperactive by boosting their metabolism. 

As a result, they will swim erratically to release the energy, coming under stress and becoming vulnerable to diseases.

Too cold water temperature will make them sluggish, the digestion process will slow down, and there will be a risk of constipation.

Inadequate pH level can cause oxygen deficiency and ammonia spike in a tank, making your cory catfish suffer from swim bladder disorder.

Also read: Ideal Water Temperature For Cory Catfish?

Bad genetics

Your cory catfish may be born with deformities.

If your cory catfish is born with an affected swim bladder, it can be detected in early life stages.

They will start showing the symptoms of swim bladder disorder in the early stages.

However, we cannot do anything if the fish is born with such deformities.

The only option left with you is to euthanize the fish with such defects.

How to treat swim bladder disease?

The treatment depends on the reason behind the swimbladder disorder.

If your cory catfish is suffering from swim bladder diseases because of constipation and enlarged abdomen, follow these steps to treat them:

  1. Let your cory catfish fast for two to three days. Don’t provide them with any food for two to three days.
  2. Set the water temperature between 78-80 °F while running the treatment. Ensure maintaining the stable water temperature.
  3. After the fast, start feeding your cory catfish with boiled peas. Feed them skinned and cooked peas. 
  4. After feeding cooked peas to your cory catfish for some days, you can start providing them with their ideal dietary requirements (Avoid feeding any floating food).

Proper antibiotical treatment will be necessary if the reason behind swim bladder disorder is any infection or parasites.

We recommend consulting your pet veterinarian before treating your cory catfish with any medication.

Also read: Why Is My Cory Catfish Not Moving?

How to prevent my cory catfish from swim bladder disease?

Ensure these things to prevent your cory catfish from swim bladder disorder:

  1. Provide your cory catfish with good water conditions.
  2. Ensure adequate and stable water parameters.
  3. Feed your cory catfish with high-grade nutritional food.
  4. Avoid overfeeding your cory catfish.

Good water conditions

Good water conditions for your cory catfish will prevent them from swim bladder disorder.

Perform a weekly water change of 35% regularly to ensure clean water conditions.

Consider adding a good filtration system with biofilter media to protect the water from harmful toxins like ammonia and nitrite.

Make sure to maintain the nitrite and ammonia level at 0ppm and nitrate below 20ppm.

We suggest using the API ammonia test kit to check the ammonia level as it shows an accurate result.

You can purchase it from Amazon API TEST KIT.

Also, treat the water with a water conditioner to dechlorinate it while performing a water change.

We suggest using the API water conditioner as it will help eliminate chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, ammonia, and nitrite from the water.

You can buy this product on amazon: API TAP WATER CONDITIONER.

You can also add plenty of live aquatic plants to your cory catfish tank to ensure enough oxygen in the water.

Also Read: Can Cory Catfish Live In Brackish Water?

Ensure adequate and stable water parameters

Ensuring adequate and stable water parameters will help you prevent swim bladder disorder.

Provide your cory catfish with a water temperature between 70-82 °F.

Maintain the water pH level between 7 and 8.

Ensure the water hardness is between 5-19 dGH.

Consider adding a heater to your cory catfish tank to stabilize the water temperature.

Also, add a digital thermometer to your cory catfish tank to check the water temperature regularly.

Also read: Ideal TDS For A Cory Catfish?

Feed high-grade food to your cory catfish

Feeding high-grade food to your cory catfish will help prevent swim bladder disorder.

Low-grade and expiry food can cause constipation to your cory catfish, affecting their swim bladder.

Feed them high-quality nutritional food to prevent constipation and bloating.

Cory catfish are omnivore fish and feed on meat and plant matter food to fulfill their ideal dietary requirements.

Feed them blackworms, bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, and blanched vegetables like zucchini and cucumber to fulfill their dietary requirements.

Also read: Can Cory Catfish Eat Betta Food?

Avoid overfeeding your cory catfish tank.

Overfeeding your cory catfish can make them suffer from constipation and bloating.

To ensure that you are not overfeeding your cory catfish, feed them food in a quantity that they can finish eating in one to two minutes.

If your cory catfish is taking more than two minutes to complete their food, you are overfeeding them. Reduce the quantity.

And, if your cory catfish are eating their food in seconds, you are underfeeding them. So increase the quantity every next time until they finish their food in one to two minutes.

Also read: How Often To Feed Cory Catfish?

Do cory catfish sleep upside down?

Cory catfish do not sleep upside down.

They sleep by laying on their sides and not entirely upside down.

If your cory catfish is laying upside down, they are not swimming, requiring immediate action as they are suffering from some issues.

Swim bladder disorder is the easy explanation for your cory catfish swimming upside down.

Treat swim bladder disorder as soon as possible as it can make them suffer from life-threatening conditions.


Swim bladder disorder is the reason behind your cory catfish laying upside down.

There can be various reasons behind your cory catfish suffering from a swim bladder disorder like overfeeding, poor water conditions, injury, and parasites.

It is also possible that genetic defect is the reason behind your cory catfish suffering from swim bladder disorder.

Ensure good water conditions and adequate water parameters, and avoid overfeeding to prevent your cory catfish from swim bladder disorder.

Reference: Wikipedia, KQED

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