Why Is My Fish Not Moving? (All You Need To Know)

As an aquarist, you might sometime discover some unusual behavior of your fish, like staying still in one spot.

Such behavior of your fish might raise several questions in your mind as it is a matter of concern that requires your immediate action. So, why is your fish not moving? Let us find out.

Resting is the primary reason your fish is not moving. However, other factors like an overcrowded tank, stress, and poor water conditions can make your fish stay still in one spot. To prevent such issues, perform regular water changes and avoid adding aggressive tankmates to your fish tank.

The below article discusses the reasons and preventions behind your fish not moving in the tank.

My fish is not moving.

Your fish not moving and staying in one spot for a more extended period is a matter of concern as it indicates several issues in your fish.

Your fish resting is the primary reason they stay still in one spot. However, other reasons, like stress, aggressive tankmates, and poor water conditions in the tank, can make your fish stay in one place.

Therefore, if you discover your fish staying still at one spot for an extended period, you should take immediate action to ensure the well-being of your fish.

Is it normal for your fish to stay still in one spot?

Your fish staying still at one spot for an extended period is not normal as it indicates several issues in your fish.

Many reasons, like inadequate water parameters, stress, and poor water conditions, can play an essential role in your fish staying still in one spot.

So, you should take immediate action if you discover your fish staying at one spot for a more extended period for their well-being.

What are the reasons behind your fish not moving?

Below are the reasons behind your fish not moving.

Your fish is resting.

If your fish is not for 5-10 minutes and then starts moving again, it indicates that it is resting. 

Your fish resting is normal and does not point out any issues.

Aggressive tankmates

The presence of an aggressive tankmate in the tank can also make your fish stay still in one spot. 

Your peaceful fish will always get chased by aggressive fishes, eventually making them hide and stay still in one spot. 

In addition, placing your fish with aggressive tankmates can also lead to stress in your fish, eventually weakening their immune system and making them prone to various diseases. 

Stress in your fish

Excessive stress in your fish can make them stay still in one spot. Here are some factors that can lead to stress in your fish.

  1. Inadequate water parameters 
  2. Poor water conditions
  3. Aggressive tankmates
  4. Illness
  5. Physical Injuries

Unfavorable water parameters

Unfavorable water parameters in your fish tank can lead to stress in your fish and make them stay still in one spot. 

In addition, unfavorable water parameters can also lead to many other health issues like loss of appetite in your fish, eventually making them weak and prone to several diseases. 

Poor water conditions

Poor water conditions in your fish tank can lead to stress in your fish, eventually making them stay still in one spot. 

In addition, unfavorable water conditions in the tank can also decrease the tank’s oxygen level making your fish gasp for air. 

Unfavorable water conditions in the tank can also lead to a spike in ammonia and nitrite level, eventually making your fish suffer from significant health issues. 


Illness can play an essential role in your fish staying still in one spot. 

Several diseases and parasites can affect your fish’s immune system, weakening them and making them stay still in one spot. 

Unfavorable water conditions and low-grade food for your fish are the root causes that can make your fish ill.

Physical Injury

Physical injury in your fish can also make them stay still in one spot in the tank. 

Aggressive tankmates or sharp objects in the tank can cause physical injuries to your fish.

In addition, physical injuries can cause stress in your fish, eventually making them weak and prone to several diseases. 

How to prevent such issues?

Below are some ways to prevent such issues

Maintain ideal water parameters

You should maintain ideal water parameters in your fish tank to prevent such issues and to ensure their longer lifespan.

Inadequate water parameters can lead to several health issues, weakening them and making them prone to various parasites. 

Provide favorable water conditions

Ensure to provide favorable water conditions to prevent such issues and to ensure the adequate development of your fish.

You should perform a 30% weekly water change and add a sound filtration system in your fish tank to maintain the tank’s water quality. 

In addition, keep eyeing the tank’s ammonia and nitrite level, as excessive ammonia in the tank can make your fish suffer from ammonia poisoning. 

We recommend you check your tank’s ammonia levels with the help of an API Test kit for accuracy.

You can buy it from Amazon: API TEST KIT.

Avoid placing your fish with aggressive tankmates.

You should avoid placing your fish with aggressive tankmates to prevent such issues. 

Placing your fish with aggressive tankmates can lead to stress and several physical injuries to your fish.

Therefore, always place your fish with compatible tankmates to ensure their well-being and longer lifespan.

Here are some peaceful fish species

  1. Goldfish 
  2. Guppy
  3. Zebra danios 
  4. Neon Tetras
  5. Gouramis
  6. Shrimp

Here are some aggressive fish species

  1. Angelfish 
  2. Betta 
  3. Red-bellied Piranha
  4. Oscars 
  5. Tiger barb

Therefore, you should always place your fish with compatible tankmates to ensure their well-being and adequate development. 

Avoid overcrowding your fish tank.

You should avoid overcrowding your fish tank to prevent such issues and to ensure their well-being.

An overcrowded tank lacks oxygen and leaves no room for your fish to swim, eventually affecting their growth and development. 

So, we advise you to follow the one-inch-one-gallon rule to maintain enough tank space and ensure your fish’s well-being. 

Provide a stress-free environment in the tank 

You should always provide a stress-free environment in your tank to prevent such issues and to ensure your fish’s well-being.

Here are the ways to provide a stress-free environment for your fish

  1. Provide ideal water parameters to your fish
  2. Maintain favorable water conditions in your fish tank
  3. Pair your fish with aggressive tankmates
  4. Add plenty of live aquatic plants to your fish tank.
  5. Add a heater to your fish tank.
  6. Provide high-grade food to your fish
  7. Perform weekly water changes in your fish tank


  1. Your fish not moving and staying in one spot for a more extended period is a matter of concern as it indicates several issues in your fish.
  2. Resting, stress, aggressive tankmates, and poor water conditions in the tank can make your fish stay in one place.
  3. Your fish staying still at one spot for an extended period is not normal as it indicates several issues in your fish.
  4. You can prevent such issues by maintaining ideal water parameters, avoiding overcrowding, and providing a stress-free environment for your fish.
  5. Always maintain a stress-free environment in the tank to ensure your fish’s well-being and a longer lifespan.

Reference: ScienceDirect

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