Why Is My Zebra Danio Hiding? (All You Need To Know)

Zebra danios are very active species that every aquarist love to add to their home aquarium. But many aquarists go through the phase where their zebra danios show hiding behavior, making them curious to know the reason behind such strange behavior of their fish. So why is my zebra danio hiding? Let us find out.

Zebra danios hide when they are lonely or paired with aggressive tankmates. However, many other factors like inadequate water conditions, illness, and stress can also make your fish hide. Consider providing adequate water parameters and a stress-free environment to prevent your zebra danios from hiding.

The below article will discuss the reasons behind your zebra danios hiding in the tank’s corner. 

My zebra danio is hiding?

There can be numerous reasons behind my zebra danios hiding in the tank’s corner.

Some root causes include loneliness, aggressive tankmates, lack of hiding spots, and an overcrowded tank.

However, many other factors like inadequate water parameters, illness, and poor water conditions can also lead to stress in your fish, eventually making them hide in the tank’s corner.

If you discover your zebra danios hiding more than usual, you should take immediate action as ignoring such a situation can affect the well-being of your fish.

Is it normal for zebra danios to hide?

Zebra danios in the wild usually hide themselves to protect themselves from predators.

But, when they are placed in artificial tanks, they have no such threat of predators until they get placed with aggressive tankmates.

However, your zebra danios prefer to hide behind the hiding spots in the tank as it helps them eliminate their stress.

It is usual for your zebra danios to hide when exposed to a new environment or sleeping.

However, if you discover your zebra danios hiding more than usual, it is a matter of concern that requires your immediate attention for the well-being of your fish.

Many other reasons, like aggressive tankmates, illnesses, and inadequate water parameters, can make your zebra danios hide in the tank’s corner.

Such a situation requires immediate action, as ignoring them can lead to severe health issues for your zebra danios.

What are the reasons behind my zebra danios hiding?

Here are the reasons behind my zebra danios hiding

  1. Your zebra danio is new to the tank
  2. Aggressive tankmates
  3. Illness
  4. Stress
  5. Overcrowded tank
  6. Lonely
  7. Poor water condition
  8. Inadequate water parameters
  9. Your fish is about to lay eggs.

Your zebra danio is new to the tank.

When you introduce zebra danios to your tank, they will prefer to hide as they are new to the environment, which is entirely normal.

Once your fish adapt to the new environment, you will see them swimming freely in the tank.

Aggressive tankmates

The presence of aggressive tankmates can lead to extreme stress making them hide in the tank’s corner. 

In addition, pairing your zebra danios with aggressive tankmates can also lead to severe physical injuries to your fish, eventually leading to the passing away of your zebra danios.

Therefore, you should always pair your zebra danios with peaceful species to develop a healthy environment in the tank. 

Here are some best tankmates options for your zebra danios

  1. Pleco
  2. Gourami
  3. Rosy Barbs
  4. Loaches
  5. Guppies


Your zebra danios will prefer to hide when they are sick. So, if you discover your fish hiding more than usual, you should take immediate action for their well-being.

Some diseases like ich can be visible in your zebra danios. If your zebra danios suffer from ich, you will discover white spots in your fish’s body and gills.

However, there can be many other diseases your zebra danios are suffering from that requires immediate attention.

Ignoring such a situation can make your zebra danios suffer a lot and eventually pass away.

So, it will be advisable to consult your marine vet and provide treatment to your zebra danios immediately for your fish’s well-being.


Stress can also make your zebra danios hide in the tank’s corner. 

 Numerous reasons can lead to stress in your zebra danios. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Aggressive tankmates
  2. Lack of hiding spots
  3. Poor water condition
  4. Overcrowded tank
  5. Lack of food
  6. Loneliness
  7. Inadequate water parameters

Extreme stress further can also lead to the passing away of your zebra danios.

Therefore, you should always provide a stress-free environment to your zebra danios to ensure their adequate growth and a longer lifespan.

Overcrowded tank

Placing zebra danios in an overcrowded tank can stress your fish and make them hide in the tank’s corner.

In addition, an overcrowded tank provides no room for your zebra danios, eventually affecting your fish’s growth.

Therefore, you should always provide ample space in the tank to ensure the proper development of your zebra danios.

We advise you to follow the one-inch one-gallon rule, which means one gallon of water per inch of your fish to prevent overcrowding in your fish tank.


Zebra danios are schooling fish that needs to get paired in at least a group of five.

Placing your zebra danios alone in the tank can lead to extreme stress in your fish, eventually making them hide in the tank’s corner.

Therefore, you should avoid placing your zebra danios alone to prevent such issues.

Poor water condition

Poor water conditions in zebra danios can lead to extreme stress in your fish, eventually making them hide in the tank’s corner.

In addition, poor water conditions can also lead to significant health issues like loss of appetite in your zebra danios. 

We advise you to perform a 30% weekly water change to maintain your tank’s water quality. 

You should also add a good filtration system in your zebra danios tank as it helps eliminate the harmful chemicals from the water and keep it clean.

We recommend using Fluval High Performance Aquarium as it helps to eliminate harmful bacteria from the water.

You can purchase it from Amazon  Fluval High Performance Aquarium Filter.

It would help if you also keep checking the tank’s ammonia level; it can lead to ammonia poisoning in your fish. 

We advise using an API test kit to check the tank’s ammonia level as it provides accurate results.

You can purchase it from Amazon API TEST KIT.

Also, read: Why Are My Zebra Danios Dying?

Inadequate water parameters

Inadequate water parameters in your zebra danios tank can lead to stress in your fish, eventually making them hide in the tank’s corner.

In addition, inadequate water temperatures can also lead to significant health issues in your zebra danios, eventually making them weak and prone to several diseases and parasites.

Therefore, you should always provide ideal water parameters in your zebra danios tank to ensure adequate growth and a longer lifespan for your zebra danios.

Here are the ideal water parameters for your zebra danios tank

Particulars Zebra Danios
Water Temperature64-75°F
Ph Level6.5-7.0
Ammonia Level0ppm
Nitrite Level0ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 20ppm
The above table represents the ideal water parameters for zebra danios.

Your fish is about to lay eggs.

Your zebra danio will prefer to hide when it is about to release its eggs.

They separate themselves to protect their eggs from the other tankmates, which is entirely normal.

Your female zebra danios will mostly hide behind the aquatic plants or at the bottom of the tank when it is about to release the fry.

Why is my zebra danio hiding behind the filter?

Here are the reasons behind your zebra danios hiding behind the filter

  1. Low oxygen level 
  2. Strong water currents

Low oxygen level

Oxygen deficiency in your zebra danios tank can make your fish hide behind the filter to absorb oxygen as that area holds the cleanest water. 

Lower oxygen levels in the tank are due to the poor water conditions. 

In addition, a lack of oxygen in the tank can make your zebra danios suffer from oxygen deficiency and gasp for air at the top of the tank’s water surface, eventually leading to the passing away of your fish. 

Therefore, you should always maintain adequate water conditions in your zebra danios and add a lot of live aquatic plants to keep your tank well-oxygenated. 

Strong water currents

Strong water currents can make your zebra danios uncomfortable and hide behind the tank’s filter.

Although zebra danios like to live in the strong current near the surface, they are very energetic.

However, too powerful currents might make it difficult for your zebra danios to swim, eventually making them hide behind the tank’s filter.

Therefore many other factors like aggressive tankmates, overcrowded tanks, and stress can also make your zebra danios hide behind the tank’s filter.

Do zebra danios hide when they are about to pass away?

Zebra danios do not hide when they are about to pass away; instead, they prefer to hide when they are sick, threatened by their tankmates, or stressed. 

You should always provide a lot of hiding spots in your zebra danios tank as it helps to eliminate stress in your fish. 

Here are the ways to create hiding spots in your zebra danios tank

  1. Add lots of live aquatic plants in the tank as it helps keep the tank well-oxygenated and act as a hiding spot for your fish.
  2. Add aquarium rocks to your zebra danios tank.
  3. Add aquarium ornaments to your zebra danios tank.
  4. Add driftwood to your zebra danios tank.
  5. Add terra cotta pots.

Therefore, we advise maintaining good water conditions and a stress-free environment in your fish tank for adequate development and a longer lifespan for your zebra danios. 


  1. Numerous reasons like loneliness, aggressive tankmates, lack of hiding spots, and an overcrowded tank can be why your zebra danios hide. 
  2. It is usual for your zebra danios to hide when exposed to a new environment or sleeping. 
  3. Low oxygen levels and strong water currents are why your zebra danios hide behind the tank’s filter.
  4. Consider providing a lot of hiding spots in your zebra danios tank as it helps to eliminate stress in your fish. 
  5.  Consider maintaining good water conditions and a peaceful environment in your fish tank for adequate development and a longer lifespan for your zebra danios. 

Reference: ResearchGate

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