Zebra danios are ideal for beginners as they are easy to maintain and do great in a community tank.
However, sometimes you can see a change in your fish’s appearance, like getting fat, which might raise many questions in your mind. So why is my zebra danio so fat? Let us find out.
Generally, zebra danios become fat when they are about to lay eggs. Other factors like constipation, dropsy, and tumors can make your zebra danios fat and bloated. Consider providing adequate water conditions and high-grade nutritious food to your fish for their growth and development.
The below article discusses the reason behind your zebra danios being fat and bloated. In addition, we will also learn the steps you should take if your zebra danios are getting fat.

My zebra danio is fat and bloated
Your zebra danios about to lay eggs are the primary reason they get fat and bloated.
However, many other reasons like overfeeding, dropsy, and constipation also make your zebra danio fat and bloated.
The above health issues can weaken your fish’s immune system, making them vulnerable and prone to several diseases.
You should take immediate action in such a situation to ensure the well-being of your fish.
Is it normal for zebra danios to be so fat?
If your zebra danio is carrying eggs, it is normal for them to get fat.
Once your female zebra danio releases its eggs, it will return to its original shape.
However, suppose your zebra danio is getting fat due to other reasons like constipation or dropsy.
In that case, it is a matter of concern that requires immediate attention for your fish’s well-being.
Ignoring such a situation can lead to major health problem in your fish.
We advise you to provide proper medical treatment to your zebra danios in such a case to ensure the adequate health of your fish.
What are the reasons behind my zebra danios being so fat?
Here are the reasons behind your zebra danio being so fat
- Your fish is about to lay eggs
- Constipation
- Overfeeding
- Dropsy
- Tumor
Your fish is about to lay eggs.
Zebra danio doesn’t get pregnant as they are egg layer species.
When your female zebra danio carries eggs, they look broader than usual.
If your zebra danio is getting fat and bloated for the above reason, it is not a matter of concern as it is entirely normal.
Once your female zebra danio releases its eggs, it will return to its original shape.
Here are some signs that indicate your fish is about to lay eggs
- You will see your female zebra danios being hyperactive.
- Male zebra danios chasing the female
- Female zebra danio looking broader than usual
- Female zebra danio refusing to eat
- Your female zebra danio is swimming at one spot
Therefore, if your zebra danio is getting fat and bloated for the above reason, it is entirely normal, and there is nothing to worry about.
Also, read: Do Zebra Danios Eat Their Babies?

Constipation can also make your zebra danios fat.Â
Overfeeding is the root cause of constipation in your zebra danios.
However, many other factors like poor water quality, a low-grade diet, and inadequate water parameters can also lead to constipation in your zebra danios.
Here are some signs of constipation in your zebra danios
- Swollen belly of your zebra danios indicates constipation
- Your fish refusing to eat their food shows constipation
- Your zebra danios being lethargic means constipation.
- Clamped fins of your zebra danios indicate constipation
- Your fish not being able to swim appropriately indicate constipation
You can cure constipation in your zebra danios by making them fast for 2-3 days and then feeding them blanched peas, a rich fiber source that helps treat constipation.
Therefore, not providing treatment can make your zebra danios suffer from significant health issues and pass away eventually.
Overfeeding your zebra danios can make them obese.
In addition, overfeeding can also lead to severe health issues like stress and constipation in your zebra danios.
Here are some signs that show you are overfeeding your zebra danios
- Leftovers in the tank indicate overfeeding
- An increase in the tank’s ammonia level means overfeeding
- Your zebra danios becoming fat and bloated indicates overfeeding
- Your fish swimming upside down means overfeeding.
- Low pH levels in your zebra danios tank are a sign of overfeeding.
You should always provide the amount your danios can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding your fish.Â
Also, read: Why Is My Zebra Danio Swimming Upside Down?
Dropsy can also make your zebra danios fat and bloated.
Dropsy is a condition in which your zebra danios cannot eliminate the excess fluid from their body tissues, eventually making them look fat and bloated.
Here are some signs of dropsy in your fish
- The bulging eyes of your zebra danios indicate dropsy in your fish.
- The swollen belly of your zebra danios shows dropsy
- Loss of appetite in your zebra danios shows dropsy in your fish.
- The scales of your zebra danios sticking out like a pinecone indicates dropsy in your fish.
- Redness in your zebra danios fins indicates dropsy in your fish.
Contaminated water, ammonia spike, and stress are some leading reasons behind dropsy in your zebra danios.
Dropsy caused due to bacterial infection has no chance of recovery, making euthanizing the only option left.
However, dropsy caused by other factors like aggressive tankmates or contaminated water can be cured by providing antipolitical treatment to your zebra danios.
Therefore, you can prevent dropsy by providing high-grade food, pairing your fish with compatible tankmates, and maintaining a stress-free environment in your zebra danios tank.
Tumors can also make your zebra danios fat.
Tumors can make your fish bloated and give their body an uneven shape.
We advise you to consult your marine vet immediately in such a situation for the well-being of your fish.

What to do with your fat zebra danio?
Here are some steps you can take if your zebra danio is getting fat and bloated.
- Avoid overfeeding your fish as it can make your fish bloated and lead to several other significant health issues.
- Ensure good water conditions in your fish tank by performing a 30% weekly water change and adding a sound filtration system to your fish tank.
- Provide high-grade nutritious food to your fish rather than low-quality food as it can lead to severe health issues, eventually making your zebra danios fat and bloated.
- Provide adequate water temperature in your zebra danios tank that is between 64-75°F.
- Keep the tank’s ammonia and nitrite level at 0 ppm, whereas the nitrate level at below 20ppm for your fish’s well-being.
- Your zebra danio about to lay eggs are the root cause behind getting fat.
- Other factors like overfeeding, dropsy, and constipation can make your zebra danio fat and bloated.
- If your zebra danio carries eggs, it is normal for them to get fat as once it releases its eggs, it will return to its original shape.
- Provide high-quality, nutritious food to your fish rather than low-quality food as it can lead to severe health problems, making your fish fat.
- Ensure good water conditions in your fish tank by performing a 30% weekly water change and adding a sound filtration system.
Reference: NCBI