Taking good care of a guppy fry is necessary for their faster growth and development. Providing all the requirements to your guppy fry and feeding them high-quality nutritional food will help in...
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Goldfish Disappeared From Tank (How To Find The Missing Goldfish?)
Goldfish are the most common fish every aquarist prefers to add to their tank due to their peaceful nature. They are easy to take care of and live peacefully in a community tank with other peaceful...
Guppies are also known as million fish as they can breed out of control when we keep male and female guppy together in the same tank. Female guppies store the sperm of a male guppy and use it to get...
As an aquarist, before adding goldfish to your tank, you must wonder how your goldfish mate. So, how do goldfish mate? Let us find out. Goldfish are egg layer species that mate by chasing each...
Guppies are the most common fish every aquarist prefers to add to their aquarium due to their hardy nature and peaceful temperament. They are easy to take care of and live peacefully in a community...
How To Tell The Gender Of A Goldfish? (All You Need To Know)
As an aquarist, you must be curious to know about the gender of your goldfish while you add them to your home aquarium. So, how to tell the gender of a goldfish? Let us find out. Male and female...