Does Guppy Fry Need Light?

Taking good care of a guppy fry is necessary for their faster growth and development. Providing all the requirements to your guppy fry and feeding them high-quality nutritional food will help in enhancing their beautiful color and ensure a longer lifespan.

Let us know is light necessary for our guppy fry. Does light help in the growth and development of our guppy fry? So, Does guppy fry need light? Let us find out.

Guppy fry does need light for its faster growth and enhancing color. Keep the aquarium lights on for at least 12 hours to ensure adequate light for your guppy fry. Consider adding a LED light in your guppy fry tank as it will not make the water temperature unstable and too hot.

This article will discuss whether guppy fry requires light and how to ensure that our guppy fry is getting enough light for their growth and development. So, let us get into it.

Do baby guppy require light?

Baby guppy does require light.

In fact, guppy fry requires more light than the adult and young guppies.

Guppy fry requires more light than young and adult guppies for their growth and development.

In their natural habitat, guppy fry gets light and stays in the dark at night.

Lights help enhance the guppy fry color, which is most necessary in this growth stage.

Also read: Do Guppy Fry Need A Heater?

How much light does the guppy fry need?

Guppy fry requires more light than adult guppies for their growth and development.

Consider keeping the aquarium lights on for your guppy fry for 10-12 hours a day.

Avoid turning the lights on for more than 12 hours for your guppy fry.

In their natural habitat, guppy fish get light during the daytime by the sunlight and remain in the dark during the night.

So, provide light to your guppy fry in the daytime to mimic their natural habitat.

Which type of light does guppy fry need?

Usually, guppies get direct sunlight in their natural habitat, and it is also good for them.

However, we don’t recommend keeping your guppy fish aquarium in a place where direct sunlight comes.

Direct sunlight will end up in the massive growth of algae in your guppy fish aquarium.

Also, direct sunlight will alter the water temperature of your guppy fish aquarium water, making it unstable and too hot.

Unstable water temperature will make your guppy fish come under stress, and they will become prone to various diseases and parasites.

Too hot water temperature will make your guppy fish hyperactive, and they will swim erratically.

Add LED aquarium light to your guppy fish tank.

The LED light will not alter the temperature of your guppy fish aquarium.

The LED light will also help grow live aquatic plants in your guppy fish aquarium.

We advise you to purchase Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium Light.

You can buy it from Amazon Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium Light.

Does guppy fry need light at night?

Guppies are diurnal fish that stay active during the daytime and sleep at night.

Ensure keeping the lights off during the night as guppy require dark to sleep as us humans.

You should only keep the lights on during the daytime and always keep the lights off at night.

Keeping the lights on during the night will not let your guppies have a rest.

Also read: Do Guppy Fry Need An Air Pump?

How to make sure that our guppy fry is getting an adequate amount of light?

Add an aquarium light timer to your guppy fish aquarium.

The aquarium light timer will help you set the timer for the lights to get on and off.

The light will automatically get on and off once you set the timer.

Set the timer in a way that your guppy fry gets the light for at least 12 hours, and after 12 hours, the lights get off.

Setting an aquarium light timer will help you adequately provide your guppy fry light to ensure their growth and development.

We recommend buying Hygger auto on off LED aquarium light.

You can buy this product on amazon: Hygger auto on off LED aquarium light.


Guppy fry does need light for their growth and development.

They require more light than young and adult guppies for faster growth and development.

Consider turning the lights on of your guppy fry aquarium for at least 12 hours during the daytime.

Make sure to keep the lights off at night as guppy fry sleeps at night for which they require dark.

Consider LED lights for your guppy fry as they will not make the water temperature unstable and too hot.

Reference: NCBI, ResearchGate, NIH

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