Many people adore rabbits as pets, and as their owners, it is vital to create a secure and healthy environment. This responsibility involves making sure that the plants in and around their living area are not harmful to them. So, the question is, are snake plants toxic to rabbits? What if my rabbit ingests it? How to prevent your rabbit from going near harmful plants? Let’s find all these answers in this article.
Snake plants are toxic to rabbits as they contain saponins that can cause diarrhoea and other digestive issues if ingested at large. However, the small piece doesn’t affect them severely but makes them uncomfortable. So, consider keeping them out of your rabbit’s reach to keep them safe and healthy.
This article will briefly discuss how snake plants are toxic for rabbits, what to do if my rabbit ate a piece of snake plant, what other plants are considered safe and poisonous to rabbits and many more. So, let’s get into it.

Are snake plants toxic for my rabbit?
Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria spp, are toxic to rabbits as they contain mild saponins (a toxic chemical), natural detergents that can cause GI stasis in rabbits if ingested.
The symptoms of snake plants, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, depending on how much your rabbit has ingested it and the size of the rabbit.
In addition, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, lethargy, and GI stasis are some of the symptoms of snake plants.
In severe cases, the rabbit may experience difficulty breathing, seizures and even sudden death.
Also, the toxicity of a plant can vary depending on the species and the amount ingested.
In the case of snake plants, the toxicity level is considered mild to moderate.
If your rabbit has eaten a few leaves of snake plant, then they may experience a mild gastrointestinal problem such as vomiting or diarrhoea.
In addition, usually, this poses no danger to the rabbit’s life, but it could make it uncomfortable.
Whereas if your rabbit has eaten a large amount of snake plant, this leads to more severe gastrointestinal symptoms, such as liver or kidney damage.
However, if your rabbit has been eating the snake plant regularly without your knowledge, it leads to more severe symptoms, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
In addition, if left untreated, this can be fatal for the rabbit and even cause life-threatening conditions.

You must seek veterinary care immediately if you suspect your rabbit has ingested snake plants or any other toxic substance.
Here are some examples of snake plants that are toxic to rabbits:
- Sansevieria trifasciata: This is a popular houseplant commonly known as the mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant. It has long, pointed leaves that grow upright and reach up to 3 feet tall. This plant is toxic to rabbits and should be kept out of their reach.
- Sansevieria cylindrica: It is another common snake plant variety with long, cylindrical leaves that grow upright. It’s also known as the African spear plant and is toxic to rabbits.
- Sansevieria zeylanica: This snake plant variety has long, pointed leaves that grow in a rosette shape. It’s commonly known as bowstring hemp and is also toxic to rabbits.
To prevent any potentially hazardous responses, keeping snake plants out of the rabbits’ reach is preferable if you have them.
Seek immediate veterinary care if your rabbit has ingested toxic plant matter.
What to do if my rabbit ate a piece of snake plant?
It’s critical to act immediately to stop any further damage if your rabbit ate a piece of a snake plant or other poisonous plant.
In addition, if you suspect your rabbit has ingested a piece of snake plant, call your veterinarian immediately.
Also, if you see your rabbit eating a snake plant, remove any leftover plant matter from their mouth and carefully dispose of it.
In the meantime, you can do a few things to help your rabbit.

Water and hay can assist your rabbit in staying hydrated and support its digestive function.
A rabbit’s diet wouldn’t be complete without hay, which can keep its digestive tract functioning properly.
To help offset any harmful effects of the snake plant, give your rabbit a lot of hay, such as orchard grass hay and Timothy hay.
Keeping the gut active and preventing any blockages can aid in passing any plant matter through the digestive system.
Similarly, water is also essential for rabbits, so ensure it has access to enough of it and is clean and fresh.
In addition, dehydration can be a problem; doing this will help prevent it.
Although giving your rabbit hay and water can support its digestive system, it’s essential to remember that these actions do not take the place of veterinary care.
Check your bunny frequently for any indications of suffering.
Rabbits who consume snake plants may have vomiting, diarrhoea, appetite loss, and lethargy.
In extreme circumstances, the rabbit can have respiratory problems and seizures.
Do not hesitate to seek veterinarian care if you experience these signs.
What plants are poisonous to rabbits?
It’s crucial to be informed of the several harmful plants to rabbits to safeguard your pet’s well-being.
Here are examples of plants that are toxic to rabbits:
1) Rhubarb:
Rhubarb plants are dangerous for rabbits because they contain high levels of oxalic acid in their leaves.
The rhubarb plant is often used to produce edible stalks commonly used in pies, jams, and other dishes.
When a rabbit ingests the leaves, oxalic acid can bind with calcium in your rabbit’s body, leading to hypocalcemia and a decrease in blood calcium levels.
Hypocalcemia can cause damage to the kidneys, leading to renal failure and other serious health problems.

In addition, symptoms of rhubarb poisoning in rabbits include weakness, lethargy, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and seizures.
Also, it’s crucial to understand that not every component of the rhubarb plant is poisonous to rabbits.
Since the edible stalks have lower oxalic acid concentrations, eating them is safe for rabbits.
However, it is still advised against giving rhubarb to rabbits because it might be challenging to distinguish between acceptable and unsafe portions of the plant.
Contact your vet if your rabbit has consumed rhubarb leaves or other toxic substances.
2) Tomato plant:
Rabbits should avoid eating tomato plants as they contain a toxic substance called solanine.
This toxin can cause gastrointestinal issues, weakness, and seizures in rabbits.
Tomato plants and certain other nightshade family plants contain a natural substance called solanine, a type of glycoalkaloid.
If rabbits consume tomato plants, they may experience different symptoms depending on how much they eat.
Mild symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite.

In more severe cases, rabbits may become weak, have seizures, or even die.
It’s essential to remember that all parts of the tomato plant, including the leaves, stems, and unripe fruit, contain solanine and can be toxic to rabbits.
Also, it is advisable to avoid keeping tomato plants near your rabbit’s living space, as even a tiny amount of the plant can risk your pet’s health.
If you think your rabbit has eaten any part of a tomato plant, it is essential to get veterinary help immediately.
3) Daffodils:Â
Daffodils are a widely distributed garden plant found in many parts of the world.
If rabbits consume daffodils, they might experience different symptoms due to lycorine, a toxic substance in the plant.
Keeping daffodils away from rabbits is essential, as all plant parts are toxic.
If a rabbit ingests any part of a daffodil, it may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and convulsions.

In worst-case scenarios, daffodil toxicity can be fatal for rabbits and causes death.
It’s important to note that rabbits can become quite ill if they ingest daffodils, even in small amounts.
It is especially true if they don’t have access to enough safe plants or are confined to an area with limited grazing options.
If you suspect your rabbit has consumed daffodils or any other toxic plant, it’s crucial to seek veterinary care immediately.
4) Lily of the Valley:Â
Also known as Convallaria majalis, it is a small, fragrant, and highly poisonous plant native to Europe and Asia.
It’s important to note that every part of the plant, from the flowers to the leaves and berries, contains cardiac glycosides that can be toxic to rabbits and other animals.
In addition, it can result in irregular heart rhythms, a decrease in heart rate, and, ultimately, cardiac arrest.
If rabbits eat lily of the valley, they can get very ill and need to see a vet immediately.

The treatment may include hospitalization and supportive care to fix their heart rate, hydration, and electrolyte balance.
Also, it is essential to be aware that the lily of the valley is toxic to rabbits and can be fatal.
To prevent any harm, please keep these plants out of reach of your rabbits.
If you notice any lily of the valley growing in areas accessible to your rabbits, it is best to remove them immediately.
5) Foxglove:
Foxglove is a poisonous plant to rabbits, as it contains cardiac glycosides, which can cause irregular heartbeats, seizures, and death in rabbits.
The foxglove plant (Digitalis purpurea) is a popular garden decorative plant.
It boasts tall spires of trumpet-shaped flowers in pink, purple, and white shades.

However, it is essential to note that all parts of this plant, such as the flowers and leaves, contain cardiac glycosides, harmful toxins that can affect rabbits’ hearts and other organs.
Remember that even a small quantity of foxglove can harm rabbits, and symptoms may appear within a few hours of consumption.
So, if you think your rabbit has eaten any part of a foxglove plant, it is essential to get veterinary help immediately.
6) Buttercup plant:
The Buttercup plant (Ranunculus spp.) is toxic to rabbits. All plant parts contain a poisonous compound called ranunculin, including the leaves, stems, and flowers.
When the plant is chewed or crushed, ranunculin is converted into protoanemonin, which can cause blistering, ulceration, and digestive upset in rabbits.
If your rabbit shows signs of drooling, oral ulcers, digestive upset, or skin irritation, it may be experiencing Buttercup toxicity.

Furthermore, consuming a substantial quantity of Buttercup can result in more severe indications, such as seizures and breathing difficulties.
Also, rabbits usually avoid eating Buttercup due to its bitter taste, which makes Buttercup toxicity rare.
However, accidental ingestion is possible if the plant is mixed with other forage or if the rabbit is starving.
7) Azaleas and Rhododendrons:Â
Many people enjoy growing azaleas and rhododendrons as decorative plants, but it’s important to note that they contain grayanotoxins that can harm rabbits if eaten.
These plants are frequently seen in gardens and landscaping, particularly in the United States and Asia.
Grayanotoxins impact the sodium ion channels of rabbits, leading to potential symptoms in their gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiovascular systems.
The severity of symptoms depends on how much plant material the rabbit ingests and its size.
In severe cases, grayanotoxin toxicity can cause cardiovascular collapse and death.
If you think your rabbit has eaten azalea or rhododendron, it’s crucial to get them to a vet right away for treatment.

If your pet is sick, the veterinarian might suggest a course of action, like prescribing medicine to ease symptoms or administering intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.
Also, keeping azaleas and rhododendrons out of your rabbit’s reach is essential to prevent accidental ingestion.
Ensure to fence off the area or use barriers if these plants are in your garden to prevent your rabbit from accessing them.
Similarly, ensure your rabbit’s habitat is free of harmful plants, and keep an eye on your rabbit when they’re outdoors to avoid any accidental consumption of plants.
8) Yew:
Rabbits should avoid consuming Yew (Taxus spp.) as it is a very poisonous plant to them.
The plant’s taxine toxin is present in all its parts and can lead to sudden death in rabbits.
It’s important to note that even a small amount of yew can be lethal to rabbits.
Within minutes of consuming the plant, rabbits can experience vomiting, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, seizures, and sudden death.

These symptoms can appear within minutes to hours after ingestion, and yew toxicity can be challenging to treat, and death can occur quickly.
Therefore, if you think your rabbit has consumed yew or any other toxic substance, you must seek veterinary assistance immediately.
The best way to safeguard your rabbit from yew toxicity is through prevention.
Keep yew plants out of reach of rabbits and other pets, and remove any fallen or trimmed branches from the environment.
Be sure to check your yard and outdoor spaces for yew plants and remove them promptly.
9) Holly:
Holly, which belongs to the Ilex species, is a frequently used shrub or small tree for landscaping and holiday adornments.
It’s important to note that every part of the plant, such as the leaves, berries, and stems, is poisonous to rabbits.
Rabbits can experience various symptoms due to the presence of toxic compounds such as saponins and methylxanthines in holly plants.

When rabbits consume holly, the harmful substances in the plant can lead to digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhoea.
The rabbit may suffer from neurological symptoms such as tremors and seizures in severe cases.
In addition, these symptoms can be life-threatening, particularly in young or weakened rabbits.
The most effective way to safeguard your rabbit’s health is by preventing them from accessing holly and other toxic plants.
However, if you suspect your rabbit has ingested holly, you should seek veterinary care immediately.
10) Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac:
Rabbits can experience dermatitis, itching, and swelling when exposed to poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac, which are plants that contain urushiol, a toxic oil.
It is found in all parts of the plants, including the leaves, stems, and roots.
If a rabbit comes into contact with urushiol, it can lead to an allergic reaction called contact dermatitis.
In addition, it can lead to redness, swelling, and itching in the affected area.
In extreme cases, the rabbit may develop blisters, sores, and scabs on their skin.

Rabbits may get exposed to urushiol when they touch Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac leaves or stems or come in contact with items that have been in contact with the oil, like clothes, shoes, or tools.
If your rabbit has been exposed to Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac, washing them immediately with gentle soap and warm water is essential.
It will eliminate any oil residue on their skin and lower the chances of an allergic reaction.
However, if your rabbit experiences symptoms of contact dermatitis, including itching or swelling, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately.
What plants are considered safe for rabbits?
Rabbits can enjoy the presence of numerous indoor and outdoor plants that are safe for them.
These plants can serve as a great source of environmental enrichment and have health benefits.
Here are some examples of safe indoor and outdoor plants for rabbits:
Indoor Plants:
- Spider Plant: Spider plants are safe for rabbits and can improve air quality by absorbing toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.
- Bamboo: Rabbits can safely chew on bamboo and use it for environmental enrichment.
- Boston Fern: Boston ferns are safe for rabbits and can help remove air pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene.
Outdoor Plants:
- Clover: If you have a lawn with clover, it can serve as a safe and nutritious food source for rabbits.
- Mint: Mint is a safe plant for rabbits that can provide nutrition and act as a natural insect repellent.
- Thyme: It is safe for rabbits to eat thyme, which can also be a natural insect repellent.

How to protect your rabbit from harmful plants?
Ensuring the safety and well-being of your rabbit involves protecting them from harmful plants.
Before introducing any new plant to your home or garden, conduct thorough research to ensure it is safe for rabbits.
If you are unsure about a plant’s safety, consult a veterinarian or horticulturist.
When your rabbit is outside, especially in areas with plants, always supervise them as they are curious creatures and may try to eat anything within their reach.
If you own a garden, it’s advisable to fence it off to keep your rabbit from getting to any plants that could be harmful.
Ensure the fence is secure and has no gaps for your rabbit to escape.
If you have any toxic plants in your home or garden, remove them immediately and dispose of them properly so your rabbit cannot access them.
Keeping your indoor plants away from your rabbit’s reach is essential.
You can do this by placing them on high shelves or hanging them.
Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Tomato?
Also read: Can I Let My Rabbit Play Outside?
- Snake plants are toxic to rabbits due to saponins in their leaves.
- Ingesting snake plants can cause digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhoea in rabbits.
- It is essential to keep snake plants out of reach of rabbits to prevent toxicity.
- If a rabbit ingests a snake plant, seek veterinary care immediately.
- Removing snake plants from the environment entirely is another way to avoid toxic rabbits.
Reference: rabbitwelfare, NCBI