Can Goldfish Fry Eat Bloodworms? (All You Need To Know)

There are varieties of live food options like bloodworms available for your goldfish fry. But can your goldfish fry eat bloodworms? Let us find out.

Goldfish fry can eat a small pinch of bloodworms 3-4 times a week as it is a rich source of protein that helps in their development. Provide frozen bloodworms as they contain no bacteria and are more affordable than other bloodworms. Avoid overfeeding bloodworms to prevent health issues in your fry.

The below article will discuss the nutritional benefits of bloodworms for your goldfish fry. In addition, we will discuss about the ideal dietary requirement of goldfish fry. 

Can I feed bloodworms to my goldfish fry?

You can provide bloodworms to your goldfish fry as it is an excellent source of protein required for the proper growth and development of your fry.

Goldfish fry are omnivores species that need green veggies and meat for their proper growth.

However, you must ensure to feed bloodworms in moderation as overfeeding red meat can cause digestive issues in your goldfish fry.

Also, read: Can Goldfish Eat Bloodworms?

Are bloodworms harmful to my goldfish fry?

Bloodworms are not harmful to your fry as it is a rich source of protein that helps in their proper growth and development.

However, feeding excessive bloodworms can lead to significant health issues in your fish.

So, it will be advisable to feed bloodworms in a moderate quantity to your fry to ensure their well-being.

What are the nutritional benefits of bloodworms for goldfish fry?

The below are some nutritional advantages of bloodworms for your goldfish fry

  1. Bloodworms are an excellent source of protein 
  2. It is a rich source of fiber

Excellent source of protein

Bloodworms are an excellent source of protein that helps in the adequate growth of your fish. 

If you have placed your goldfish fry in a pond, they prefer hibernating in the winters. 

Feeding bloodworms to your fry during hibernation period will help them to develop fat stores in their body which will provide strength to your fry.

Therefore, you should always provide a high protein diet to ensure the good health of your fry.

It is a rich source of fiber

Bloodworms are a rich source of fiber required for the proper growth and development of goldfish fry.

Providing a high-fiber diet to your fry helps prevent digestive problems in your fish and keeps them healthy.

So, we can say that bloodworms can be a part of your goldfish fry diet as it is a nutritious food that provides lots of health benefits to your fry and keeps them healthy.

How often can I feed bloodworms to my goldfish fry?

You can feed a small pinch of bloodworms 3-4 times a week in a moderate quantity to your goldfish fry.

As goldfish lacks a stomach, feeding excessive red meat can lead to significant digestive issues in your fry.

It will be advisable to feed the amount your fry can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Also, read: How Often Should You Feed Goldfish?

Which type of bloodworms will be good for your goldfish fry?

Particulars Live BloodwormsFrozen Bloodworms Freeze-Dried Bloodworms
Advantage Live bloodworms are more nutritious than other bloodworms You can store it for 6 months, and are more nutritious than freeze-dried bloodworms. Freezing also eliminates all bacteria and parasites.It is very easy to store.
Disadvantage It is costly and contains bacteria and parasites that can cause harm to your fish.It is hard to determine worms quality before they are frozen. It will be advisable to purchase the bloodworms from a reputed brand to resolve the issue.You will have to rehydrate it before feeding it to your fish which can eliminate the essential nutrients from the bloodworms.
PriceLive bloodworms are more expensive than other worms.They are budget-friendly. They are also easily affordable.
The above table differentiates between live, frozen, and freeze-dried bloodworms.

The above table shows that frozen bloodworms is an ideal option for your goldfish fry as they provide more essential nutrients and are easily affordable.

Other food options for goldfish fry

Goldfish Fry Diet Serving Quantity No. of times
Mosquito larvae5-101-2 times a day
Brine ShrimpOne small pinch1-2 times a day
Daphnia One small pinch1-2 times a day
Egg Yolks One small pinch2-3 times a day
Blanched Cucumber One small slice4-5 times a week
Blanched ZucchiniOne small slice4-5 times a week
The above table shows the ideal dietary requirement of goldfish fry.

As goldfish fry are omnivores species, they require red meat and green veggies for their proper growth and development.

Also, read: What Do Goldfish Eat?


  1. You can provide bloodworms to your fry as it is an excellent source of protein that helps in the proper growth of your fry.
  2. Bloodworms are a rich source of fiber essential for the healthy growth of your goldfish fry. 
  3. You can feed a small pinch of bloodworms 3-4 times a week in a moderate quantity to your goldfish fry. 
  4. Frozen bloodworms are ideal for your goldfish as they provide more essential nutrients and are easily affordable. 
  5. It will be advisable to feed bloodworms in a moderate quantity to your fry to ensure their well-being.

Reference: ResearchGate

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