How Often Should You Feed Goldfish? (Complete Information)

Goldfish are ravenous eaters that will eat anything you provide them. But, your fish does not have a stomach to digest their food, so they digest it through their intestines, making overeating a threat to their well-being.

As a goldfish keeper, you must know how often you should feed your goldfish to prevent overfeeding and for the proper growth of your goldfish. So, how often should you feed goldfish? Let us discuss this below. 

You can feed goldfish 2-3 times a day in a moderate quantity. Ensure to fix a feeding schedule for goldfish as it helps your fish develop a regular eating pattern and improve their digestive cycle. Consider providing the amount your goldfish can consume in under 2 minutes to prevent overfeeding.

The below article will discuss how often you should feed your goldfish and what happens when you overfeed your goldfish.

Feeding my goldfish

Goldfish are cold-hardy fishes that can survive for about two weeks without food. However, it will be advisable to feed your goldfish for their proper growth and development regularly.

You can feed your goldfish 2-3 times a day for the well-being of your fish.

As goldfish don’t have stomachs, overfeeding your goldfish can lead to severe health issues to your goldfish.

You should feed your goldfish the amount they can consume under 2 minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Also read: Can Goldfish Eat Bloodworms?

How often should I feed my goldfish?

It would be best if you feed your goldfish 2-3 times a day in moderation for the well-being of your goldfish.

As goldfish are omnivores species, their diet must hold all the essential nutrients required for proper growth and development.

We advise you to provide the quantity your goldfish can consume in under 2 minutes.

It would be best if you neither underfed nor overfed your goldfish for the well-being of your fish.

How often should you feed goldfish fry?

It would be best if you did not feed your goldfish for about 2-3 days after they hatch as they will hold food for about 2-3 days in their sacks. 

Once you discover your goldfish fry swimming freely in the tank, you can provide them food 2-3 times a day in moderation.

Your goldfish fry diet should hold 40% protein for their proper growth. 

It will be advisable to start by providing egg yolks to your goldfish fry. 

Some other best food for your goldish fry are as follows:

  1. Daphnia
  2. Mosquito Wriggles
  3. Brine Shrimp

You should not provide artificial foods like pellets to your goldfish fry as it can contaminate the tank’s water and also does not provide all the essential nutrients to your goldfish. 

Also read: Can Goldfish Eat Mosquito Larvae?

How often should you feed pond goldfish?

It would be best to feed pond goldfish 2-3 times per day for their well-being.

If your pond has nutrients that your goldfish can consume, you can feed them one time a day in a moderate quantity. 

Goldfish are omnivores species that will consume mosquito larvae, edible pond plants, and tadpoles in the pond.

However, if the temperature of your goldfish pond ranges between 70-75°F and your pond has a current, you can provide food to your goldfish two times a day.

It would be advisable to provide a high-protein diet to your pond goldfish as it helps build up fat stores that will give strength to your goldfish during hibernation.

The metabolism rate of your pond starts declining once the temperature drops below 50°F and your goldfish enters the stage of hibernation. 

Also read: Do Goldfish Eat Algae?

What do goldfish eat?

Goldfish DietServing Quantity No. of times Advisable for proper Growth and development of Goldfish
Veggie PelletsA pinch 2 times a dayHIKARI SINKING FISH FOOD
Blood WormsA pinch1-2 times a weekHIKARI FREEZE DRIED BLOODWORMS
Brine ShrimpA pinch1-2 times a weekHIKARI BRINE SHRIMP CUBES
Tubifex Worms A pinch1 time a weekHIKARI FREEZE DRIED TUBIFEX WORMS
Leafy Greens (Kale, Spinach, Lettuce)A piece of leaf 3-4 times a weekProvide Leaf Lettuce
Boiled pea ( Blanched)Half a pea 3-4 times a weekFeed fresh
Blanched Zucchini One small slice 3-4 times a weekFeed fresh
Mosquito larvae12-15 pieces2-3 times a weekFeed live
The above table shows the dietary requirements of goldfish

Goldfish are omnivores species that require a mix of all the essential nutrients to stay active and healthy.

You should always provide food to your goldfish in a moderate quantity, as moderation is a key to a healthy lifestyle.

Also read: What Do Goldfish Eat?

Is there an ideal time to feed your goldfish?

It would be best if you always try to keep the feeding times of your goldfish consistent as it helps your goldfish develop a regular eating pattern and helps to improve their digestive cycle.

Avoid feeding your goldfish randomly, as it can make your goldfish sick and increase the chances of not getting a consistent amount of food.

Once your goldfish starts getting older, it does not prefer to eat much. In such a case, you can slowly begin to decrease the number of times you provide them with food.

Therefore, fixing a feeding schedule for your goldfish can help prevent many health issues in your fish and help in your fish’s proper growth and development.

How often to feed goldfish in an overcrowded tank?

You should be very careful while feeding your goldfish in an overcrowded tank.

Goldfish are messy fish that produce a lot of waste, making your tank’s water contaminated in no time.

As your goldfish do not have a stomach, they digest their food through their intestines.

Feeding in an overcrowded tank can make your goldfish compete for food leading to extreme aggression in the tank.

There are also chances that you may overfeed or underfeed your fish. In both cases, your fish can suffer through significant health issues.

So, we advise you to provide smaller amounts on a slightly more frequent basis to your goldfish.

By providing smaller portions, you will lower the risk of getting the tank’s water contaminated.

By delivering more regularly, you can give food to every fish in the tank.

Therefore, we advise you not to place your goldfish in an overcrowded tank as it can affect the growth of your goldfish and lead to several health issues in your fish.

Also read: What Happens When You Overstock Goldfish Tank?

What happens when you overfeed your goldfish?

Overfeeding can lead to significant health issues like fatty liver and belly enlargement, eventually causing severe damage to your goldfish’s liver and internal organs.

Overfeeding can also contaminate your goldfish’s tank water leading to a spike in the ammonia level in the tank.

A spike in the ammonia level can affect the gills of your goldfish.

Contaminated water can also lead to a drop in the oxygen level, making your goldfish suffer from oxygen deficiency and gasp for air at the top of the tank’s water surface.

In addition, poor water quality caused due to overfeeding can also be a root cause of dropsy and swim bladder disease in your goldfish.

Leftovers in the tank can also lead to a spike in the nitrate and nitrite levels in the tank, making the algae develop out of control.

Overfeeding can also lead to several other health issues like constipation, loss of appetite, and your goldfish being obese.

Excessive overfeeding can also lead to the passing away of your fish.

So, it will be advisable to provide the amount your goldfish can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding.

You should neither overfeed nor underfeed your goldfish to provide them a healthy life and help them to stay fit active.

Therefore, you should always provide the right portion in a moderate quantity to prevent overfeeding and for your goldfish’s proper growth and development.

Also read: What Happens When You Overfeed Goldfish?


  1. Goldfish are cold-hardy fishes that can survive for about two weeks without food.
  2. You should provide food to your goldfish 2-3 times a day in a moderate quantity for your goldfish’s well-being and proper growth.
  3. You should provide high protein food to your goldfish fry. The diet of your goldfish fry should hold at least 40% protein for your fish’s proper growth and development.
  4. It would be best to feed small food portions to your goldfish slightly more frequently in an overcrowded tank.
  5. You should always fix a feeding schedule for your goldfish for the proper growth of your fish.
  6. Overfeeding can lead to several health issues like belly enlargement, fatty liver, and constipation in your goldfish.

Reference: ResearchGate

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