Can Goldfish Live With Neon Tetra? (All You Need To Know)

As a goldfish keeper, you must want to know if you can add neon tetras to your goldfish tank. So, can goldfish live with neon tetras? Let us discuss this below:

Goldfish cannot live with neon tetras as they require different water parameters to thrive. In addition, goldfish can grow triple the size of neon tetra, making them a threat to tetras. Consider placing your goldfish with compatible tankmates like guppy to develop a healthy environment in the tank. 

The article below will discuss why you cannot place your goldfish and neon tetra in the same tank. We will also discuss some ideal tankmates for your goldfish. 

Can goldfish and neon tetras live in the same tank?

Goldfish and neon tetras cannot live in the same tank as they require different water temperatures to thrive.

Goldfish are cold-water fish, whereas neon tetra requires a warmer temperature for proper growth and development.

Goldfish and neon tetras are peaceful species, but goldfish can eat anything that fits in their mouths.

Due to the differentiation in their size, goldfish can be a threat to neon tetras.

Under proper water conditions and parameters in the indoor tanks, goldfish can grow up to 6 inches long, whereas the maximum size of neon tetras is 1.5 inches.

You can maintain your goldfish tank’s water conditions by performing 30% weekly water changes and adding a sound filtration system.

Consider adding a Fluval High-Performance water filter to your goldfish tank, as it helps maintain the tank’s water quality by eliminating harmful chemicals. 

You can buy it from Amazon  Fluval High-Performance Aquarium Filter.

So, bigger goldfish can quickly attack neon tetras if placed together in the same tank.

Goldfish produce a lot of waste in the tank, whereas neon tetras do not produce much waste.

Goldfish and neon tetra nature

Goldfish Nature 

  1.  Goldfish are omnivore species that require meat and green veggies to grow and develop properly.
  2. The ideal water temperature of a goldfish tank should range between 68-74°F.
  3. Goldfish performs best at the pH level of 7.5
  4. Goldfish are peaceful fishes that love interacting with other tankmates.
  5. Goldfish are not livebearers as they lay eggs. Female goldfish lay eggs, and male goldfish fertilize them by releasing their milt. 
  6. Goldfish do not have a stomach and digest their food through their intestines. So, their diet should not contain excess red meat as it can lead to digestive issues. 
  7. Goldfish are messy fish that produces a lot of waste in the tank.
  8. Although goldfish are peaceful, they become territorial if placed in an overcrowded tank. 
  9. Goldfish can live alone. However, it will be advisable to pair your fish with compatible tankmates to develop a healthy environment in the tank.
  10. Goldfish usually chase each other for mating purposes. 
  11. Goldfish can get up to 6 inches long in indoor tanks if placed under adequate water conditions and parameters. 

Neon Tetras Nature

  1. Neon Tetras are omnivore species requiring meat and green veggies for proper development.
  2. The ideal temperature of a neon tetra tank should range between 75-80°F.
  3. Neon tetras perform best at the pH level of 7
  4. Neon tetras are not livebearers as they lay eggs.
  5. Neon tetras are schooling fishes that prefer to live in a group of atleast five.
  6. If placed under adequate water conditions and parameters, neon tetras can grow up to 1.5 inches in indoor tanks.
  7. Neon tetras do not produce a lot of waste in the tank.
  8.  Neon tetras are peaceful fishes that prefer to interact with other tankmates.
  9. Neon tetras mate by doing a courtship dance. If the female tetras are impressed by the dance, it starts swimming side by side, leading to spawning.
  10. Neon tetras can lay up to hundreds of eggs at each spawning. However, moving the eggs immediately to a separate tank will be advisable, as the tetras can eat their eggs. 

Goldfish and neon tetras ideal water parameters

Goldfish ideal water parameters

Particulars Goldfish
Water Temperature 68-74°F
Ph level 7.5
The above table shows the ideal water parameters of goldfish.

Neon tetra’s ideal water parameters

Particulars Neon Tetras
Water Temperature 75-80°F
Ph level7
The above table shows the ideal water parameters of neon tetras.

Goldfish and neon tetras require different water parameters to thrive; that does not make them compatible tank mates.

It would be advisable not to pair goldfish and neon tetras together for the well-being of your fish.

Also read: Best PH Level For Goldfish?

Why can’t they live together?

Goldfish and neon tetras cannot live together due to the following reasons:

  1. Water Parameters 
  2. Size 
  3. Neon tetras can make your goldfish sick.
  4. Living conditions 
  5. Tetras are schooling fishes 

Water Parameters 

Goldfish and neon tetras require different water parameters to thrive. Goldfish need a water temperature between 68-74°F, whereas neon tetras require a temperature between 75-80°F. 

Your goldfish requires a pH of 7.5, whereas neon tetras require a pH of 7 for their development. 

Therefore, due to the differentiation in their water parameters, it will be advisable not to pair your goldfish and neon tetra in the same tank.

Also read: What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Goldfish?


Goldfish can grow up to 6 inches if placed under ideal water parameters, whereas neon tetras can grow up to 1.5 inches in captivity. 

You can place small goldfish and neon tetras in the same tank, but as they don’t have similar needs to the water parameters, it will be advisable not to place them in the same tank.

In addition, goldfish grow rapidly, making them a threat to your neon tetras. 

Goldfish can eat anything that fits in their mouth, so your neon tetras can be a snack for your goldfish if they catch them.

It will be advisable not to keep them together in the same tank for the well-being of your fish. 

Also read: Goldfish Growth Stages

Neon Tetras can make your goldfish sick.

Neon tetras are known for getting so many diseases that they can pass to your goldfish.  

We advise you not to place them in the same tank to avoid any threat to your goldfish.

Living Conditions

Goldfish are messy fish that produce a lot of waste in the tank and require regular tank maintenance to maintain a healthy environment.

On the other hand, Neon tetras cannot tolerate such water changes leading to severe health issues in your fish.

Therefore, placing your goldfish and neon tetras in the same tank will not be advisable. 

Also read: Can Goldfish Survive In Dirty Water?

Tetras are schooling fishes.

Goldfish are not schooling fish as they love interacting with their tank mates.

You will also discover your goldfish mimicking the actions of the other fishes in the tank.

On the other hand, neon tetras are schooling fishes, and it will be advisable to keep them at least in a group of 6. 

Keeping your tetras alone in the tank can stress your fish. 

In addition to this, if you keep your tetras with the bigger fish, they may get lethargic due to stress and fear.

So, it will be advisable not to keep your goldfish and neon tetras in the same tank for the well-being of your fish. 

Compatible tankmates for goldfish

Here are some compatible tankmates for your goldfish

  1. Guppy 
  2. Zebra Danios
  3. Giant Danios
  4. Snails 


You can pair goldfish and guppy together in the same tank as they have similar dietary and water requirements. 

However, it will be advisable to place your guppy fry in a separate tank to protect them from adult goldfish in the tank.

Also read: Can Goldfish Live With Guppy?

Zebra Danios

Goldfish and zebra danios can be paired together as they require similar water parameters to thrive.

Zebra Danios are extremely fast, making it challenging for your goldfish to attack them. 

Due to their similar dietary needs and tank requirements, zebra danios can be an ideal tankmate for your goldfish.

Giant Danios

Giant danios are also an ideal tankmate for your goldfish. 

However, keeping your giant danios in the five pairs with your goldfish will be advisable.

Therefore, a lack of food can make your giant danios compete for food. 


Snails are also an ideal tankmate for your goldfish. However, you must choose the right type of snail for your goldfish, as a small snail can be a snack for your fish. 

Therefore, you must be aware of the growth rate of snails before adding them to your tank, as just adding one or two snails can make your goldfish tank.  


  1. Goldfish and neon tetras cannot live together as they don’t have similar water requirements. 
  2. Adult goldfish can be a threat to neon tetras.
  3. Goldfish can grow up to six inches, whereas neon tetra can grow up to 1.5 inches.
  4. The ideal water temperature required by goldfish is 68-74°F, whereas the tetras need a temperature between 75-80°F. 
  5. Guppy, snails, giant danios, and zebra danios are ideal tankmates for your goldfish. 

Reference: NCBI

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