Can Guppies Eat Veggie Pellets? (How Often To Feed Guppies?)

Guppies are omnivore fish that require both plant and meat matter food in their daily diet for their good health. Veggie pellets fulfill the plant-based requirement of guppy fish, but can they feed on veggie pellets? So, Can guppies eat veggie pellets? Let us find out.

Guppies can eat veggie pellets as it contains all nutrients they require for their growth and development. Veggie pellets are the most common food aquarists prefer to feed their guppies. Feed your guppies one small pinch of veggie pellets 2-3 times a day to ensure good health and lifespan.

We will discuss whether guppies can eat veggie pellets and what are the ideal dietary requirement of guppy fish in this article. So, let us get into it.

Can we feed veggie pellets to our guppies?

Veggie pellets are the most common food aquarists prefer to feed their guppies.

We can feed veggie pellets to our guppies.

However, guppies are omnivore fish and require various types of high-nutritional food for their proper growth and development.

So, avoid making only one type of food for their daily diet and offer them various types of food, including meat and plant-based nutrition.

Also read: Can Guppies Eat Carrots?

Can we feed veggie pellets to guppy fry?

You can feed veggie pellets to your guppy fry.

Grind the veggie pellets to a powder, making it easier for your guppies to feed.

However, consider feeding your guppies food like baby brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, daphnia, and bloodworms.

Guppy fry requires more nutritious food containing protein and other nutrition for their rapid growth.

Feed your guppy fry four to five times a day in small quantities to avoid polluting your guppies aquarium from leftovers, as guppy fry will not be able to eat all at one time.

Also red: Do Guppies Eat Tubifex Worms?

Are veggie pellets harmful to guppies?

Veggie pellets are not harmful to your guppies.

Veggie pellets and flake food are the most common food people feed their guppies every day.

Flake food and veggie pellets are good for guppies.

However, veggie pellets are dehydrated and can sometimes affect your guppies by creating blockages.

Soaking the pellets before feeding them to your guppy fish will help you prevent such issues.

However, it would help if you fed them various types of food to ensure their enhancing color and faster growth.

Feeding only veggie pellets can affect their health.

Also read: Can Guppy Eat Mosquito Larvae? (How To Raise It At Home?)

How often should we feed veggie pellets to guppies?

Feed your guppies veggie pellets 1-2 times a day in adequate quantity.

You can also feed them veggie pellets 2-3 times a day in small quantities.

Guppy fry and young guppy will require more food, so feeding them 2-3 times a day will do great for them.

Feeding adult guppy one to two times a day is fine. 

Ensure feeding your guppies food in a quantity that they can finish eating in one to two minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Overfeeding your guppies can affect their health by causing constipation and bloating.

Some of the best pellets food you can feed to your guppy fish are:

  1. Hikari Tropical Semi-Floating Micro Pellets.
  2. Hikari tropical fancy guppy.
  3. New Life Spectrum Float Surface Feeder.
  4. Cobalt Aquatics Ultra Pellet Guppy Nano Bits Floating.
  5. Fluval Bugs Bites Tropical Food.

Also read: How Often Should You Feed Guppies?

Guppy fish Ideal dietary requirement.

Guppy fish are omnivore fish and require plant and meat matter food in their daily diet.

Feeding only one type of food to your guppies can affect their health.

To ensure their enhanced color and longer lifespan, feed them various types of high-quality nutritional food.

Guppy FoodServing QuantityNo of Times
Veggie pelletsOne small pinch at a time2-3 times a day
Blanched zucchiniOne small slice2-3 times a week
Cooked peasHalf pea per guppy2-3 times a week
Mosquito larvae10-15 pieces2-3 times a week
Brine shrimpOne small pinch at a time1-2 times a week
BloodwormsOne small pinch at a time1-2 times a week
Tubifex WormsOne small pinch at a time1 time a week
This table shows the ideal dietary requirement for guppy fish.

Feed your guppies complex food containing meat and plant matter to fulfill their ideal dietary requirements.

Provide your guppies with bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and tubifex worms to fulfill the meat-based food requirement of guppy fish.

Feed your guppies vegetables like cooked peas, blanched carrots, and zucchini to fulfill their plant-based food requirement.

Feeding your guppies various types of food will ensure their faster growth and longer lifespan.

Also read: Best Food For Guppy Fish?


Guppies can eat veggie pellets as they contain the nutrients required for their proper growth and development.

You can feed your guppies veggie pellets 2-3 times a day.

However, it would help if you fed your guppies a variety of food as they are omnivore fish and require various types of food to ensure their enhancing color and longer lifespan.

Feed your guppy in a quantity that they can finish eating in one to two minutes to avoid overfeeding.

Reference: ResearchGate, ACADEMIA, Journals

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