Food plays a major role in your guppy fish life, and knowing what to feed to your guppies when they are in a life stage of guppy fry is essential as it is the stage where guppy require more food for faster growth and good health.
Bloodworms are the most popular food among fishes as it contains nutrients that our fish require for their growth and development. Let us know whether guppy fry can feed on them or not. So, Can guppy fry eat bloodworms? Let us find out.
Guppy fry can eat bloodworms as it is rich in protein and fats, which your guppy fry requires for their faster growth. Feed your guppy fish bloodworms two to three times a week. Consider feeding frozen bloodworms to your guppy fish as it holds more nutrients and is safe from bacteria and parasites.
This article will discuss whether guppy fry can feed on bloodworms and the ideal dietary requirements of guppy fry. So, let us get into it.

Can I feed bloodworms to my guppy fry?
You can feed bloodworms to your guppy fry.
Bloodworms are a great source of protein and fat.
Your guppy fry will require more protein and fat than adult guppies to ensure faster growth and development.
Feed your guppy fry bloodworms to provide enough protein and fats to fulfill their dietary requirements.
Feed your guppy fry bloodworm will also help them enhance their beautiful color.
However, we don’t recommend feeding bloodworms to your adult fish more than once a week as it contains fat which can make your guppy fish bloated.
Also read: Can Guppies Eat Bloodworms?
Can I feed only bloodworms to my guppy fry?
Guppy fry will love to feed on bloodworms as much as you will provide them.
Bloodworms come under that food which your guppy fry can eat like unlimited.
And bloodworms contain proteins and fat, which helps your guppy fry in their faster growth.

However, you should not only rely on bloodworms as your guppy fry will require other nutrients too for their good health.
Feed them various food types that include both plant and meat matter content.
Guppy fry will require more food than adult guppies and more protein and fat than adult guppies.
Also read: How Long Can Guppies Go Without Food?
Guppy fry Ideal dietary requirement.
Guppies are omnivore fish and require meat and plant matter food in their daily diet.
Feed your guppy fry complex food containing plant and meat food to ensure their growth and development.
Your guppy fry will require food that contains a high level of protein and fat for its faster growth and enhanced color.
Feed your guppy fry veggie pellets, flake food, bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, and baby brine shrimp.
Make sure to feed your guppy fry four to five times a day, a small pinch at a single time to avoid leftovers.

Also, feed your guppy fry blanched vegetable like zucchini and cucumber to fulfill their plant-based nutrition requirement.
Guppy fry will require more food than adult guppies to ensure faster growth and longer lifespan.
Also read: Best Food For Guppy Fish.
How often should we feed bloodworms to our guppy fry?
Consider feeding your guppy fry bloodworms two to three times a week.
Bloodworms are rich in protein and fat, which will help your guppy fry in their faster growth and development.
Make sure not to provide a large number of bloodworms at a time, as your guppy fry will not get able to eat that much at a single time because of a small stomach.
Provide a small pinch at a time to your guppy fry four to five times a day to fulfill their diet requirement.
Also, provide them food in a quantity that they can finish eating in one to two minutes to ensure that you are not overfeeding them.
If your guppy fry is finishing the food in seconds, you are underfeeding them and raise the quantity next time until they finish it under one to two minutes.
Feeding large quantities will result in leftovers, making your water contaminated.
Also read: How Often Should Guppy Fry Be Fed?
Should we feed live, freeze-dried, or frozen bloodworms to our guppy fry?
There are three types of bloodworms available for your guppy fry:
- Live bloodworms
- Freeze-dried bloodworms
- Frozen bloodworms
Live bloodworms
Live bloodworms are the least common type of bloodworms aquarists prefer to feed to their guppy fry.
Live bloodworms are expensive and are difficult to find.
Also, there will be a risk of bloodworms carrying dangerous parasites and bacteria which can harm your guppy fry.
However, live bloodworms contain more nutrients than other bloodworms but are not worthy of feeding to your guppy fry because of the risk of bacteria and parasites.
So, feeding live bloodworms is not a good option here.
Freeze-dried bloodworms.
Freeze-dried bloodworms are cheaper and easy to find and carry.
It doesn’t come with the risk of containing bacteria and parasites, which can harm your guppy fry.

Freeze-dried bloodworms will require soaking beforehand. They are easy to store.
However, freeze-dried bloodworms will lose some nutrients while the drying process, and there will be more fat present than nutrients for your guppy fry when feeding on freeze-dried bloodworms.
So, it will not be worth too when your guppy fry gets less nutrition and more fat when feeding on freeze-dried bloodworms.
Frozen bloodworms
Frozen bloodworms are also cheap and easy to locate.
They are easy to store, and you can keep them for as long as six months in the freezer and feed them to your guppy fry whenever you want.
You have to thaw them before feeding them to your guppy fry.
Frozen bloodworms will carry most of the nutrients as they are usually preserved from fresh.
Frozen bloodworms also don’t carry any bacteria and parasites as it gets eliminated during the freezing process.
So, you can feed your guppy fry frozen bloodworms as it is the best option for your guppy fry.
Also read: Do Guppy Eat Algae?
Guppy fry can eat bloodworms as it contains a high level of protein and fat which your guppy fry require for their faster growth and development.
Feed your guppy fry bloodworms two to three times a week.
Don’t only rely on bloodworms, as guppy fry requires other nutrients also to ensure their good health.
Frozen bloodworms are the best option to feed to your guppy fry as it contains almost the same amount of nutrients as live bloodworms and comes with no risk of containing bacteria and parasites.