Food is essential for your guppy fry to ensure their faster growth and development. Knowing how often and what to feed to your guppy fry is necessary for your guppy fry’s longer lifespan.
Egg yolk contains a high level of protein and fat which helps in the faster growth and development of a fish, but can guppy fry feed on egg yolk. So, Can guppy fry eat egg yolk? Let us find out.
Guppy fry can eat egg yolk as it contains a high level of protein and fat, which help in their faster growth and development. Guppy fry will require various types of food for their good health and lifespan. Feed your guppy fry egg yolk two to three times a day for one to two times a week.
This article will discuss whether guppy fry can eat egg yolk and how often to feed egg yolk to your guppy fry. So let us get into it.

Can we feed egg yolk to our guppy fry?
You can feed egg yolk to your guppy fry.
Egg yolk contains a high level of fat, which will help your guppy fry in its faster growth.
Also, it contains vitamin B-12, A, C, D, and sodium-potassium.
Name of The Nutrition | Nutrition value |
Protein | 30-32% |
Fat | 40-44% |
Potassium | 3-5% |
Magnesium | 1-2% |
Sodium | 1-4% |
Vitamin B-6 | 20-24% |
Carbohydrate | 1-2% |
Ensure not to feed egg yolk to your adult guppies as such a fat level can make them bloated.
Also, avoid overfeeding egg yolk to your guppy fry as it will pollute the water.
Egg yolk is the most common food aquarists prepare at home to feed their fish.
Also read: Can Guppies Eat Bloodworms?
Guppy fry Ideal dietary requirement.
Guppies are omnivore fish and feed on both plant and meat matter food for their growth and development.
Feed your guppy and fry various types of food that contain both plant and meat-based food to ensure their faster growth and development.
Guppy fry requires more food than adult guppies as they require more protein and fat for their faster growth.

Feed your guppy fry bloodworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia, baby brine shrimp, and tubifex worms to fulfill their meat-based dietary requirement.
Feed your guppy fry blanched vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, and boiled peas to fulfill their plant-based nutritional requirements.
Consider feeding your guppy fry four to five times a day in small quantities.
Also read: Best Food For Guppy Fish.
Can guppy fry survive eating only egg yolk?
Guppy fry will not survive for long, feeding on only egg yolk.
Egg yolk contains a high level of fat, which can cause issues even when you are overfeeding it to your guppy fry.
Anyway, here we are talking about survival and not about living comfortably.
Guppy fry will require a variety of food to ensure their good health and longer lifespan, and feeding only egg yolk will not do the work.

So, don’t rely only on egg yolk and consider feeding your guppy fry various types of food to enhance their color and ensure their faster growth.
Also read: How Long Can Guppies Go Without Food?
How often should we feed egg yolk to our guppy fry?
Feed your guppy fry egg yolk two to three times a day for one to two times a week.
Make sure not to feed egg yolk more than three times a day as egg yolk can highly pollute the water.
Egg yolk contains a high level of protein and fat which help your guppy fry in their growth and development.
But, overfeeding can make the water contaminated, making your guppy fry suffer from issues like ammonia spike and deficiency of oxygen.
Also read: How Often Should Guppy Fry Be Fed?
How to prepare egg yolk for your guppy fry?
It is very easy to prepare egg yolk for your guppy fry.
Egg yolk is the most common food that fish keepers prepare at home for their fish.
Follow these steps to prepare egg yolk for your guppy fry:
- First, place the egg yolk in a cup.
- Take out the egg yolk with the help of a spoon and place it in the pan.
- Cook the egg yolk for 10 minutes.
- Stir the egg yolk slowly while cooking.
- The water in the pan will evaporate after a few minutes.
- Turn the hearth off.
- feed it your guppy fry by crushing it and bringing it to the size which can fit their mouth.

Make sure to turn the air pump and filter food during the feeding process as it makes movement in the water, which will make your water polluted because of the egg yolk.
Also read: Do Guppy Eat Algae?
Guppy fry can eat egg yolk.
Egg yolk contains a high level of protein and fat which helps guppy fry in their faster growth and development.
Egg yolk also helps your guppy fry in enhancing its color.
Feed your guppy fry egg yolk two to three times a day for one to two times a week.
Avoid overfeeding egg yolk to your guppy fry as it will pollute the water.
Consider feeding various types of food to your guppy fry rather than relying only on egg yolk for their faster growth and longer lifespan.