Neon tetras are ravenous eaters and will eat every time you serve food to them, irrespective of whether they are hungry or not.
When it comes to betta food, many aquarists who keep neon tetras and betta in the same tank want to know whether neon tetras can consume betta food or not. So, Can neon tetras eat betta food? Let us find out.
Neon tetras can eat betta food as they are omnivores fish species. However, betta food contains only meat-based proteins, which should not be a part of your tetra’s staple diet. Instead, consider providing a mix of meat and plant matter food for faster growth and a longer lifespan of neon tetras.
The article below will discuss the ideal dietary needs of neon tetras and betta fish and will also know whether you can feed betta food to your betta fish.
Can I feed betta food to my neon tetras?
You can provide betta food to your neon tetras as it is a high protein source that helps them grow and develop properly.
However, betta food should not be a part of your neon tetras staple diet and should be served as a treat to them.
Betta fish are carnivorous fish species that rely upon meat matter food, whereas neon tetras are omnivorous fish species that need plant and meat matter food for their adequate development.
Excessive feeding of betta food to your tetras can lead to significant digestive issues in your fish, eventually making them weak and prone to several diseases and parasites.
Therefore, you should provide high-quality plant and meat matter food to your neon tetras for their adequate development.
Neon tetras ideal dietary requirements
Neon Tetras Ideal Dietary Needs | Serving Amount | No.of times | Link to buy |
Freeze-Dried Bloodworms | One small pinch | 1-2 times a week | Freeze-dried bloodworms |
Brine Shrimp | One small pinch | 1-2 times a week | HIKARI BRINE SHRIMP CUBES |
Mosquito Larvae | 12-15 | 2-3 times a week | Feed Live |
Blanched Veggies ( Zucchini, Cucumber) | One small slice | 2-3 times a week | Feed Fresh |
Veggie Pellets | One small pinch | 1 time a day | Feed Fresh |
Daphnia | One small pinch | 1-2 times a week | Freeze-dried daphnia |
Tubifex Worms | One small pinch | 1 time a week | HIKARI FREEZE DRIED TUBIFEX WORMS |
Also, read: Why Are My Neon Tetras Not Eating?
Ideal dietary needs of betta fish
Betta fish are carnivorous fish species that require meat matter food to grow and develop properly.
These fish species feed upon bloodworms, small insects, mosquito larvae, and other fish in their natural habitat.
While in captivity, they need high-protein food like meat pellets, frozen bloodworms, and tubifex worms readily available in the market to grow and develop properly.
Consider feeding highly nutritious food to your betta fish for their color enhancement and adequate development.
Can neon tetras thrive by only eating betta food?
Your neon tetras cannot survive by only eating betta food as they are omnivorous fish species that need meat and plant matter food for their adequate development.
Whereas betta fish are carnivorous species that require meat matter food to grow and develop properly.
So, you should not provide betta food as a staple diet to your neon tetras as it can lead to significant digestive issues in your fish, eventually making them prone to several diseases.
We recommend providing betta food to treat your neon tetras to avoid any health issues in your fish.
Therefore, consider providing a mix of meat and plant matter diet to your neon tetras for their growth and development.
How to feed neon tetras and betta fish in the same tank?
It’s quite a challenge to feed neon tetras and bettas in the same tank due to their different dietary needs.
However, if you want to feed them in the same tank, you should start feeding your neon tetras first, as the bettas will not be interested in consuming plant matter food like veggie pellets, flake foods, and blanched veggies.
Once your neon tetras have finished eating, you can provide food to your betta fish.
However, your tetras will also try to consume betta food as they are ravenous eaters and are always hungry.
So, avoid providing too much protein in your neon tetras diet, as they will munch upon betta food and get enough protein.
In addition, you can also try feeding both the fishes at different aquarium corners.
Therefore, by applying the above strategy, you can feed your neon tetras and betta fish in the same tank.
Are neon tetras and bettas ideal tankmates
Particulars | Neon tetras | Betta fish |
Water temperature | 72-82°F | 78-80°F |
Water ph level | 6.5-7.0 | 7 |
Food | Both Meat And Veggie Pellets | Meat |
Behavior | Non-Aggressive | Semi-aggressive |
Also, read: Are Neon Tetras Aggressive?
Neon tetras and betta fish require the same water parameters to thrive.
Neon tetras and betta fish require the same water parameters to thrive.
You can place neon tetras and bettas in the same tank as betta fish swim at the top of the tank, whereas neon tetras prefer to stay in the middle.
Consider adding at least two schools of neon tetras (10-12) to minimize their stress levels as they will be in a good size school.
In addition, neon tetras also have a great speed, so it is unlikely for your tetras to get chased by the bettas in the tank.
Consider placing your neon tetras and bettas in a good size tank to avoid aggression and ensure your fish’s adequate development.
You will require at least a 25-gallon tank to place two schools of neon tetras and 2 bettas.
Also, read:Â How Many Neon Tetras In A 10-Gallon Tank?
- You can feed betta food to your neon tetras as it is a high protein source that helps them develop properly. However, betta food should not be a part of your neon tetras staple diet and should be served as a treat to them.
- Your neon tetras cannot thrive by only eating betta food as they are omnivorous fish species that need meat and plant matter food for their adequate development and a longer lifespan.
- So, you should not provide betta food as a staple diet to your tetras as it can lead to severe digestive issues in your fish, making them prone to several diseases.
- You can place neon tetras and bettas in the same tank as betta fish swim at the top of the tank, whereas neon tetras prefer to stay in the middle.
- You will require at least a 25-gallon tank to place two schools of neon tetras and two bettas.
Reference: ResearchGate