Can Rabbits Eat Rice? (All You Need To Know)

Rabbits are very precious and adorable creatures. They love to eat and can consume everything which we offer. But they don’t know whether what they are eating is safe for them or not. 

Rice is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for humans. But what about rabbits? Can rabbits eat rice? Is it safe to feed rice to your rabbit? Does it contain all nutrients that a rabbit requires in their diet? Can we give rice Krispies to rabbits? Let’s find out all these answers in this article.

Rice is unsafe for rabbits as it holds no nutritional benefits and is high in carbohydrates and sugar. Providing rice can also slow down or stop your rabbit’s gastrointestinal system and cause other health problems. Avoid feeding cooked or uncooked rice to your rabbit to ensure their well-being.

In this article, we will discuss rabbits’ dietary requirements and whether we can serve rice or rice Krispies to a rabbit or not. Let’s find out.

Can I feed rice to my rabbit?

Humans can eat rice without any doubt. But if you are thinking of feeding your rabbit rice, it could be a bad idea because they have a different metabolism than us.

Rice doesn’t contain fiber, calories, and other nutrients, that a rabbit requires in their diet. Therefore, your rabbit will not gain any beneficial nutrients from rice. 

Rice is not poisonous, but giving it even in a small quantity can make your rabbit suffer.

Your rabbit will be unable to digest rice because it contains high sugar and carbohydrates, which will burden your rabbit’s organs.

Giving rice to them can cause severe health issues like bloating, loose stool, stomach cramps or aches, and other digestive problems. 

It slows down or stops a rabbit’s gastrointestinal system, which is life-threatening.

Also, rice absorbs the water content from the body of your rabbit, which causes dehydration.

So, it is advisable not to give any rice to your rabbit.

A well-balanced diet is essential for your rabbit’s development and growth. It should include all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that a rabbit’s body requires.

The staple diet of the rabbit should contain at least 80-90% hay, 5% pellets, and 5% fruits and leafy greens.

Also, do not provide rice to your small rabbit. They have a sensitive gastrointestinal system and can’t digest cereals, fruits, and vegetables.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Bananas?

Dietary requirements of rabbit

Rabbit FoodServing QuantityNo. of times
Hay½ cupDaily
Green leaf lettuceTwo cupsper day
Zucchini1-2 Slices, about 1/8 to ¼ thick2-3 times/week
Cucumberone small size, a few millimeters thick2-3 times /week
Basil1-2 stemsOnce or twice/week
Watermelon½ cupOnce or twice/week
Mango1 to 2 tablespoonsOnce or twice/week
Apple1 or 2 SlicesPer week
StrawberryTwo tablespoons of chopped strawberriesOnce or twice a week
The above table shows the Ideal dietary requirement of a rabbit. It would be best if you served hay to your rabbit according to its body weight.
Hay is the staple food of a rabbit, whereas vegetables and greens contain beneficial nutrients which fulfill the rabbit’s dietary needs. However, leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits should always be served as an occasional treat.

The staple diet of the rabbit should contain at least 80-90% hay, 5% pellets, and 5% fruits and vegetables or leafy greens and served according to the rabbit’s body weight.

Rabbit weightPelletshayVeg (e.g., bell peppers, cabbage, zucchini squash, cucumber, etc.)Greens ( parsley, Leafy green lettuce, watercress, basil, etc.)
1 pound1/8 cupUnlimited1/2 tbsp1/2 cup
2 pound1/8 cupUnlimited1 tbsp1 cup
3 pound1/8 cupUnlimited1 ½ tbsp1 ½ cup
4 pound1/8 cupUnlimited2 tbsp2 cup
5 pound1/4 – 1/3 cupUnlimited2 ½ tbsp2 ½ cup
6 pound1/4 – 1/3 cupUnlimited3 tbsp3 cup
7 pound1/4 – 1/3 cupUnlimited3 ½ tbsp3 ½ cup
8 pound1/4 – 1/3 cupUnlimited4 tbsp4 cup
9 pound1/4 – 1/3 cupUnlimited4 ½ tbsp4 ½ cup
10 pound1/4 – 1/3 cupUnlimited5 tbsp5 cup
11 pound3/4 cupUnlimited5 ½ tbsp5 ½ cup
12 pound3/4 cupUnlimited6 tbsp6 cup
13 pound3/4 cupUnlimited6 ½ tbsp6 ½ cup
14 pound3/4 cupUnlimited7 tbsp7 cup
15 pound3/4 cupUnlimited7 ½ tbsp7 ½ cup
The above table shows the quantities of food you can provide your rabbit according to their body weight.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Cucumber?

Can my rabbit eat cooked rice?

Any type of rice, whether cooked or raw, is unhealthy for your rabbit.

Cooked rice is bad for your rabbit because it contains a low amount of fiber and a high amount of calories and starch, which can cause severe stomach problems like diarrhea, loose stool, stomach cramps, and other health issues.

Rabbits cannot digest rice because it contains high sugar and carbohydrates. In addition, it absorbs the water from your rabbit’s body, which causes dehydration.

Also, rice will put a burden on your rabbit’s organs, and your rabbit will suffer from pain. 

So, it is advisable not to provide rice to your rabbit, whether cooked or raw.

However, if your rabbit ate the rice accidentally, observe them for 24 hours. 

If you see any signs of digestive problems like diarrhea, loose stools, or other stomach issues, feed them 1/2 cup hay, or take your rabbit to the vet.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Spinach?

Can rabbits eat raw rice?

Do not feed raw or uncooked rice to your rabbit. It is not safe for them.

Rice can absorb the excess water from your rabbit’s body and expands its size, volume, and weight three times, which results in severe health problems.

Also, it does not contain any nutrient sources that your rabbit requires.

So, it is advisable not to give raw or uncooked rice to your rabbit.

Can rabbits eat white and brown rice?

Rice is not safe for your rabbit, whether white or brown.

Rice is unhealthy because it is rich in starch, sugar, and carbohydrates, which is not safe for your rabbit’s diet and can cause severe health issues.

Giving rice to your rabbit can cause stomach issues like diarrhea, loose stool, and other digestive problems.

It slows down or stops your rabbit’s gastrointestinal system and causes obesity, making them suffer from pain.

Here are some nutrient facts about white and brown rice so you can understand them easily. 

Nutrient ValueWhite Rice Brown Rice
Carbohydrates14.84 g17.05g
The above table determines the nutritional value of white rice and brown rice

The above table shows that rice contains low fiber and high carbohydrates, Which is bad for your rabbit’s metabolism and gastrointestinal system.

So, it is advisable not to give any rice, whether it is white or brown.

Also, there are some other food items that you should avoid giving to your rabbit:

  1. Onion
  2. Chocolate
  3. Almonds
  4. Potatoes
  5. Cookies
  6. Avocado
  7. Meat
  8. Bread

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Potatoes?

Can rabbits eat rice Krispies?

Rabbits love to eat food that has a sweet taste, but providing it to them can be risky for their health.

Rice Krispies do not contain any nutrients that your rabbit requires. Instead, it is high in sugar and carbohydrate, which can cause diarrhea, loose stool, and other digestive problems.

However, if the rice is the only option you have to serve to your rabbit, rice Krispies can be given as an occasional treat. 

Rabbits can eat rice Krispies, but there are some essential things that you need to know before providing your meal to your rabbit.

  1. No nuts: Do not give any food or meal to your rabbit that contains nuts. Dried and dehydrated fruits can be harmful because they can cause choking. Always feed the meals that don’t contain almonds and nuts.
  2. Sugar: Sugary fruits or meals are harmful to your rabbit. Do not provide any meals that contain a high amount of sugar. For example, if you want to offer rice Krispies, ensure they are low in sugar. High sugar levels can cause severe health issues like diarrhea, loose stools, and other stomach problems. In addition, if your rabbit eats a high amount of sugary meals, it can start gaining weight, leading to obesity, which can cause high blood pressure, increased breathing rate, and heart attack.
  3. Dry: Provide dry meals to your rabbit as breakfast. Giving cereals without milk can be hard to imagine, but milk or any dairy product is unsuitable for your rabbit’s health. They will enjoy eating only breakfast cereals without milk.
  4. Treats: Cereals are treats for your rabbit. Do not provide it daily. Their staple food of diet should be hay, pellets, leafy greens, and water. Treats should be delivered in moderation.

You can serve one tablespoon of rice Krispies to your rabbit as an occasional treat once a week.

Also, do not provide rice Krispicies that contain a high amount of sugar. Instead, try to serve sugar-free rice Krispicies to your rabbit.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Pineapples?

What happens when you overfeed rice to your rabbit?

Rice contains a high amount of carbohydrates and low fiber. 

It can absorb all amounts of water from your rabbit’s body and expands its size, volume, and weight three times. 

And due to this, rabbits cannot digest it because rice contains high sugar and carbohydrates, which burdens their organs, and they suffer from pain. 

Also, it does not contain any nutrient sources that your rabbit requires.

Giving rice to your rabbit can cause stomach issues like diarrhea, loose stool, and other digestive problems.

It slows down or stops your rabbit’s gastrointestinal system and causes obesity, making them suffer from pain.

However, if you have fed rice to them, then here are some symptoms of health problems or suffering:

  1. Not active and feeling discomfort.
  2. Foul smell from their mouth and teeth
  3. Not eaten anything for the past 7 hours.
  4. Loses interest in eating vegetables or hay
  5. Loose stool and abnormal color of urine.
  6. Vomiting

If you see any symptoms, you must contact your vet as soon as possible because these symptoms can be life-threatening.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Grapes?


  1. Do not provide rice to your rabbit.
  2. Rice can cause health issues, whether white, brown, cooked, or uncooked.
  3. Rice Krispies should serve as an occasional treat.
  4. Only one tablespoon once a week is enough.
  5. Overfeeding rice can cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, and obesity.
  6. Do not provide rice to small rabbits.

Reference: NCBI

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