Rabbits are very adorable creatures. They love to eat everything without knowing whether it is safe for them or not. The diet is an essential part of a rabbit’s healthy life. Low calories and high fiber are necessary for their diet.
Rabbits prefer to feed on various types of vegetables, but do they eat cucumbers? So, Can rabbits eat cucumbers? Let us find out.
Rabbits can eat cucumbers as they hold water, vitamins, and other beneficial nutrients. However, overfeeding cucumbers to your rabbit can make them suffer from significant health issues like vomiting and bloating. Instead, consider feeding them cucumbers as a treat 2-3 times a week.
This article will discuss rabbits’ dietary requirements, how we can serve cucumber to a rabbit, what its benefits are, and how often you should serve it to your rabbit. Let’s find out.

Can I feed cucumber to my rabbit?
Cucumbers are very refreshing fruit that holds a high percentage of water. In addition, it contains proteins, potassium, carbs, fiber, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin K, among other nutrients.
Cucumber is a healthy treat to be served to rabbits because it is low in sodium, calories, carbohydrates, fat, and celastrol. Also, rabbits love to eat it because of its refreshing taste.
But the question arises, can a rabbit eat a cucumber, including its seeds, leaves, peel, or flowers?
Is cucumber seeds safe for your rabbit?
Cucumber seeds are safe and beneficial for your rabbit’s health. It is relatively soft and has a mild flavor that will not cause choking.
Cucumber seeds are not poisonous to your rabbits like other fruits or vegetable seeds.
However, if you have a small rabbit, it is advisable not to give either cucumber seeds or cucumber until they become 12 weeks of age.
Small rabbits can not digest vegetables and fruits. So, their diet should only focus on their mother’s milk and water.
When they become seven weeks old, they can eat pellets and alfalfa hay, which you can buy from amazon. And when they grow up to six months old, they can begin to eat grass hay.
Giving cucumber at a young age can make your rabbit suffer. Your small one can have stomach problems or choke.
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Can your rabbit eat cucumber skin or peel?
Cucumber skin or peels are best for your rabbit. It is much more nutritional as compared to its soft inner flesh.
Cucumber skin contains low water content and a high amount of fiber. Also, it has a good amount of vitamins and minerals compared to inner flesh, which is essential for your rabbit’s digestive system.
However, cucumber skin or peel contains pesticides that bring bacteria. So it is advisable to wash the cucumber skin properly before serving it to your rabbit.
Can my rabbit eat cucumber leaves?
Just like cucumber skin, cucumber leaves also contain a high amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals compared to the inner flesh of cucumber.
Cucumber leaves are not poisonous; it is safe for your rabbit. And they will enjoy eating it every day.
Cucumber leaves are like leafy greens that you can serve your rabbit as a nutritional treat.
However, it is advisable not to give just cucumber leaves to your rabbit. Instead, try to mix at least six-leafy vegetables with cucumber leaves.
The cucumber leaves contain a low amount of oxalic acid. If your rabbit eats it every day, it may cause kidney damage. So, giving the cucumber leaves occasionally as a treat is advisable.

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Can my rabbit eat cucumber flowers?
Rabbits can eat cucumber flowers.
Cucumber flowers are bright yellow and do not contain any aroma. They grow on veins, just like pumpkins and squash flowers.
Cucumber flowers are safe for your rabbit to eat because the flower surface doesn’t contain any irritating hair.
Your rabbit loves to eat cucumber flowers with a combo of fresh vegetables. You can serve cucumber flowers to your rabbit by sprinkling them on hay. So it will look attractive to eat.
Ideal Dietary requirements of rabbits
Rabbit Food | Serving Quantity | No. of times |
Hay | ½ cup | Daily |
Green leaf lettuce | Two cups | per day |
Zucchini | 1-2 Slices, about 1/8 to ¼ thick | 2-3 times/week |
Cucumber | One small size, a few millimeters thick | 2-3 times /week |
Basil | 1-2 stems | Once or twice/week |
Watermelon | ½ cup | Once or twice/week |
Mango | 1 to 2 tablespoons | Once or twice/week |
Apple | 1 or 2 Slices | Per week |
Strawberry | Two tablespoons of chopped strawberries | Once or twice a week |
However, it would be best if you served hay to your rabbit according to its body weight. For example, if your rabbit’s body weight is 2 to 4 pounds, 1/8 cup per day is enough.
For 5 – 7 pounds of body weight, 1/4 cup per day; for 8 – 10 pounds of body weight, 1/2 cup per day, For 11 – 15 pounds of body weight, 3/4 cup per day. Also, watermelon should be served one inch to a small rabbit.
Also read: Why Is My Rabbit Only Eating Hay?

Nutritional benefits of cucumber
Cucumbers are best for your rabbit in the summers as it contains 95% water and can indeed hydrate your pet if they don’t drink water.
Also, cucumber contains low kilojoules, which can be great for your rabbit as a treat.
Cucumber has low calories or fiber, high water content, vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, potassium, and other nutrients.
Here are some nutritional values of a 100g cucumber that you can feed your rabbit:
Cucumber | Nutritional value per 100g |
Water | 95.2g |
Fiber | 0.5 g |
Vitamin A | 105 IU |
Vitamin C | 2.8mg |
Potassium | 147mg |
Magnesium | 13mg |
Iron | 0.28mg |
Energy | 15 kcal |
According to the nutritional values of cucumber, we can see that cucumber is not making any considerable difference to your rabbit’s dietary needs.
The only benefit that cucumbers have is they are low in fiber and have a good amount of water.
So, cucumber should be served as a treat only. The primary food for your rabbit should be hay and water only.
Is cucumber poisonous for your rabbit?
Cucumbers are safe for your rabbit to eat, including their skin or peel, seeds, leaves, and flowers.
But giving too much cucumber can cause stomach problems and severe health issues.
Cucumbers are low in fiber. Unfortunately, this means it doesn’t have all the nutritional requirements that a healthy rabbit needs.
Also, the food will not be able to move through the intestines properly due to low fiber, which causes gastrointestinal stasis.
If you are serving too much cucumber, then it may cause health problems like diarrhea because cucumber contains a massive amount of water.
Due to high water content, your rabbit intestines will become too runny, which means they will not be able to eat their caecotropes that contain vitamin B and other nutrients.
If you want to give your rabbit cucumber:
- Try to provide it in small quantities.
- Observe your rabbit for 24 hours. If you see your rabbit producing loose caecotropes, they have diarrhea.
- Then do not try to feed cucumber to your rabbit for a few days.
If you think you have given too much cucumber to your rabbit, you can provide fresh vegetables, hay, and water for the next few days, which will make their digestive system back to normal.
However, you must reach your vet if your rabbit has serious health issues.
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How often should I feed cucumber to my rabbit?
You can serve cucumber occasionally, 2-3 times a week.
It would be best to feed a cucumber to your rabbit in small quantities; one tablespoon of chopped cucumber.
Some rabbits like to eat cucumber, but some of them don’t like it, depending on their immune system.
If your rabbit loves to eat cucumber, mixing 2-3 vegetables like lettuce, zucchini, or basil with it is best. From this, they will get a balance of nutrients and a good variety of food.
Cucumber contains low fiber and a high amount of water, which can cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal stasis if served too much.
However, if you have a small rabbit, do not give cucumber to them until they become 12 weeks of age.
Small rabbits’ diets should only focus on their mother’s milk and water because they can not digest vegetables and fruits.
So, to make you clear, we have shared a chart that shows the dietary food according to the rabbit’s age.
Stages | Rabbit’s age | Dietary needs |
Small rabbit | Under six months | -Freshwater -Unlimited timothy hay –Alfalfa-based pellets -Handful of alfalfa |
Teen rabbit | Six months | -Freshwater -Slowly reduce the amount of alfalfa -Switch to timothy-based pellets -Introduce vegetables and fruit once a time -Unlimited timothy hay |
Adult rabbit | Above six months | -Freshwater -Unlimited timothy hay -Timothy-based pellets (1/8 to 1/4 cup) -Fresh vegetables or leafy greens ( 3 quarter of a cup) -Fruit in a small amount ( twice or thrice a week) |
When they become six months old, you can provide 1/2 tablespoon of chopped cucumber once a week.

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How to prepare a cucumber for my rabbit?
Feeding cucumber to your rabbit in summer is best. Your rabbit would love to eat it. It is easy to prepare a fruit or vegetable for your rabbit, but there are some essential things that you need to know.
Make sure that your serving cucumber is fresh and green.
Here are some steps that you need to follow before serving a cucumber to your rabbit:
- Wash your cucumber with clean, cool water to help remove pesticides, bacteria, and other chemicals.
- Cut off and discard the thick stem.
- Cut the cucumber in small quantities: Try to cut it into small bite-size; one tablespoon of chopped cucumber is enough.
- Do not remove cucumber seeds and skin or peel: The outer dark green skin of the cucumber is much healthier than its soft inner flesh. Therefore, your rabbit can eat both seeds and the skin of cucumber happily.
- If your rabbit has leftover cucumber for a few hours, remove it from the cage. Otherwise, the bacteria will form and grow.
If you have a cucumber plant in your garden or backyard, you can provide the leaves of the cucumber plant to your rabbit.
You can also serve cucumber leaves with leafy greens to them.
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Cucumber alternatives for your rabbit.
There are many best alternatives to cucumber. Of course, green vegetables are the primary food for your rabbit, but there are a large variety of fruits and vegetables that you can add to their dietary plan for a change.
So, here are a few alternatives to cucumber:
- Carrot tops are best because they contain vitamins and minerals essential for your rabbit’s diet.
- Watermelon can also be perfect for your rabbits in summer as it is juicy and have low calories.
- Bananas have a lot of minerals, which are essential for your rabbit’s diet. Also, they love to eat bananas.
- Kale contains vitamin C and iron, which makes it an ideal vegetable for your rabbit.
- Celery contains vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium, which are the perfect dietary needs of a rabbit.
Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon?
- Cucumbers are safe for your rabbit to eat.
- Cucumber has low fiber and contains 95% water.
- Serving one tablespoon of chopped cucumber 2-3 times a week is enough.
- Too much cucumber can cause serious health issues for your rabbits, like diarrhea or gastrointestinal stasis.
- Rabbits can eat cucumber skin, seeds, leaves, and flowers. Cucumber skin contains more nutrition than inner flesh.
- Do not give cucumbers or other fruits and vegetables to small rabbits until they are 12 weeks old.
- You can provide a seedless cucumber to a rabbit when it becomes six months old, 1/2 tablespoon once a week.
Reference: ResearchGate