Zebra danios are the most common surface dwellers species aquarists prefer to add to their community tanks. They are peaceful and love to swim and interact with their tank mates.
When it comes to the Oscars, they are aggressive fish, and it becomes challenging to choose mates for them. So, Can we keep zebra danios with Oscars? Can zebra danios live with the Oscars? Let us find out.
Zebra danios cannot live with oscar fish as Oscars are aggressive that can cause several physical injuries to zebrafish. Pairing zebra danios with aggressive species like oscar can also make them suffer from stress. So instead, consider keeping your zebrafish with peaceful fish for their well-being.
This article will discuss whether your zebrafish can live with the Oscars. In addition, we will also know about the best tankmates for zebra danios and Oscars.

Can I keep zebra danios and Oscars in the same tank?
You should not place oscar fish and zebra danios in the same tank, as oscar fish are aggressive that can cause several physical injuries to your zebra danios.
Placing your zebrafish with aggressive species like Oscars can also lead to extreme stress in your fish, eventually making them weak and prone to several diseases and parasites.
Therefore, you should always place your zebra danios with compatible species to ensure good health and a longer lifespan.
What are the reasons behind not keeping them together?
Below are the reasons behind not keeping zebra danios and oscar fish in the same tank.
- Oscars are aggressive
- Your zebra danios can suffer from extreme stress.
- The Oscars Need a big size tank.
Oscars are aggressive
Oscar fish are aggressive species that can lead to severe physical injuries to your zebra danios.
We do not advise you to place oscar and zebra danios in the same tank to ensure the well-being of your zebrafish.
You should always place your zebrafish with compatible tankmates to maintain a stress-free environment in the tank.
Your zebra danios can suffer from extreme stress.
Placing your zebra danios with aggressive species like oscar fish can make your danios suffer from extreme stress.
Stress in zebra danios can cause several health issues like loss of appetite in your zebra danios.
Extreme stress further can also lead to the passing away of your zebrafish.
Therefore, you should avoid placing your zebra danios and oscar fish in the same tank to maintain a stress-free and healthy environment in the tank.
The Oscars Need a big size tank.
Oscar fish need at least a 60-75 gallon tank to thrive comfortably, whereas a school of zebra danios needs a 10-gallon tank.
So, keeping zebra and oscar fish together will require at least a tank of 85-gallon capacity to grow and develop properly.
However, as they are not ideal tankmates, you should avoid placing them together.
The above are some reasons behind not keeping zebra danios and oscar fish in the same tank.
Also, read: How Many Zebra Danios In A 10 Gallon Tank?

Best tankmates for zebra danios
Below are some best tankmates for zebra danios
- Guppy Fish
- Shrimp
- Dwarf Gourami
- Loaches
- Swordtails
- Rosy Barbs
- Neon Tetras
You should always place your zebra danios with compatible tankmates to ensure their well-being and a longer lifespan.
Avoid pairing your zebrafish with aggressive species like oscar fish as they can cause severe physical injuries to your zebra danios, eventually making them pass away.
Also, read: Can Zebra Danios Live With Guppies?
Best tankmates for oscar fish
Below are some compatible tankmates for your oscar fish
- Black convict cichlid
- Green terror cichlid
- Severum cichlid
- Firemouth cichlid
Here are some other fishes you can add to your zebra danios tank
- Silver dollars
- Plecostomus
However, you must have a 75-gallon tank to house Oscars with other fishes.
The oscar fish can get up to 14 inches in captivity if placed under adequate tank conditions.
- Avoid placing oscar fish and zebra danios in the same tank, as oscar fish are aggressive that can cause several physical injuries to your zebra danios.
- Placing your zebrafish with aggressive species like Oscars can also lead to extreme stress and other health issues in your fish.
- Guppy fish, Rosy barbs, Dwarf gourami, and loaches are some compatible tankmates for your zebra danios.
- Black convict cichlid, Severum cichlid, Firemouth cichlid, and Plecostomus are some compatible tankmates for your oscar fish.
- Always place your zebra danios with compatible tankmates to ensure their well-being and a longer lifespan.
Reference: WIKIPEDIA