Can Zebra Danios Live With Shrimp? (All You Need To Know)

As an aquarist, you must want to add shrimp to your zebrafish tank as it helps keep the tank clean. But can your zebra danios and shrimp live together? Let us find out.

Zebra danios and shrimp can live together if you add many aquatic plants to the tank and feed them appropriately. However, zebrafish can consume the smaller shrimps if they are hungry. Consider adding Ghost and Amano Shrimp to the tank as they have better survival chances than other shrimps.

The article below discusses how to protect your shrimp from the zebra danios and the types of shrimp you can add to your zebrafish tank.

Can zebra danios and shrimp live together?

Zebra danios and shrimp can live together in the same tank if you add a lot of aquatic plants and feed them appropriately.

Due to the small size of the shrimp, adding a lot of hiding spots in the tank is essential to eliminate any threat from the zebra danios.

Not adding hiding spots in the tank can make your zebrafish hunt down the shrimps in the tank as they look it up as a tasty snack.

You should also feed your zebra danios adequately as they will not prefer to attack the shrimp if they are not starving.

Therefore, you can place your zebra danios and shrimp in the same tank by taking all the necessary measures for the well-being of your shrimp.

Let us learn about some more ways to protect your shrimp from the zebrafish in the tank.

Also, read: Why Is My Zebra Danio Hiding?

How to protect shrimp from zebra danios?

Below are the ways to protect shrimp from zebra danios

1. Add aquatic plants to the tank

You should add a lot of aquatic plants in the tank to protect your shrimp from the zebra danios in the tank.

Aquatic plants help keep the tank oxygenated and act as a hiding spot for your shrimp. 

Aquatic plants with dense growth will develop such a structure for the shrimp that it will be easy to hide when the zebra danios start chasing them. 

Here are some best aquatic plants for your zebrafish and shrimp tank

  1. Java Fern 
  2. Java Moss
  3. Anacharis Plant (Water Seeds)
  4. Anubias

2. Regularly feed your zebra danios

Zebra danios will not prefer to attack the shrimp if they are not hungry. So, we advise you to provide highly nutritious food to your zebra danios to make them avoid the shrimp in the tank.

As zebra danios are omnivore species, you can provide them with red meat and green leafy veggies to ensure their proper growth and development.

Also, read: How Often Should I Feed Zebra Danios?

3. Add shrimp first to your aquarium

Adding shrimp to the tank will help them explore the tank and be familiar with the tank’s environment, making it easier for them to hide when they get chased by the zebra danios.

In addition, another benefit of adding shrimp first to the tank is that it will give enough time for the baby shrimp to grow and protect themselves from the zebra danios in the tank.

4.Maintain the number of zebra danios in the tank

You should maintain the number of zebra danios in your tank. An inappropriate ratio of zebra danios and shrimp in the tank will increase the risk of your shrimp being hunted down.

Having more zebra danios and fewer shrimp in the tank is not a good option as very soon, you will not have any shrimp as they will all get hunted down by the zebra danios in the tank.

Baby shrimp are in danger as they are smaller than adult shrimp.

Avoid placing a single shrimp in the tank as it won’t be active as it would be when paired with the same species of shrimp.

So, if you want to increase the survival of your shrimp, then we advise you always to maintain an appropriate ratio of zebra danios and shrimp in the tank.

Also, read: Are Zebra Danios Aggressive?

5. Feed the right food to your shrimp

Usually, shrimp feed upon the leftovers on the tank’s bottom, but your shrimp will not get any as zebra danios are ravenous eaters and will not leave anything for the shrimp.

Your shrimp will consume the decaying plants in the tank, but that will not provide all the essential nutrients required for their adequate growth and development.

So, you should provide the right food to your shrimp to ensure their adequate growth and keep them safe from zebra danios.

Breeding shrimp in zebra danios tank

You should never breed your shrimp in a zebra danios tank as female and baby shrimp are very vulnerable and can easily get hunted down by the zebrafish in the tank.

Pregnant shrimp are inactive, making them easy prey for your zebrafish.

So, if you want to breed your shrimp, you should place them in a separate tank to prevent such issues.

We advise you to place only male or female shrimp in the tank if you are not planning to breed them.

Types of shrimp you can keep in your zebra danios tank

Below are the types of shrimp you can keep in your zebra danios tank

Ghost Shrimp

Adding ghost shrimp to your zebra danios tank is ideal as they are bottom feeders and usually prefer to stay at the tank’s bottom.

The average size of a ghost shrimp is 1.5 inches, similar to zebra danios, eventually making them ideal tankmates.

Ghost shrimp are omnivore species that prefer meat and plant matter food to thrive.

If you add a lot of hiding spots in your zebra danios tank, then it will provide enough space for your shrimp to hide.

We advise you to add your ghost shrimp first to the tank to let them explore it properly.

Once your shrimp gets familiar with the environment, it will become a task for your zebra danios to hunt them down.

Amano Shrimp

You can add Amano shrimp to your zebra danios tank as they are transparent and have better chances of survival than the other shrimp.

We advise you to introduce Amano shrimp first to the tank so that they can familiarize themselves with the tank’s environment and locate some hiding spots.

The size of the Amano shrimp can go up to 2 inches.

The above are some types of shrimp you can add to your zebrafish tank.

What are the benefits of keeping shrimp in your aquarium?

Below are the benefits of keeping shrimp in your aquarium 

  1. It will help to keep to maintain the tank’s environment by feeding upon the leftovers.
  2. Your shrimp will help maintain the tank’s water quality by eliminating all the waste.
  3. Shrimp are also a good algae eaters that helps eliminate the dead plants from the water.
  4. It helps to maintain a healthy environment in the aquarium by eating all the debris.

The above are some benefits of adding shrimp to your zebrafish tank. 


  1. Zebrafish and shrimp can live together in the same tank if you add many aquatic plants to the aquarium and feed them adequately.
  2. Add aquatic plants to your tank, feed your zebra danios regularly, and introduce the shrimp first to the tank to protect them from zebra danios.
  3.  Avoid breeding your shrimp in a zebra danios tank as female and baby shrimp are very vulnerable and can easily get hunted down by the zebrafish.
  4. Amano Shrimp and Ghost shrimp are ideal options for your zebra danios tank.
  5. Shrimp helps to keep the tank clean by consuming all the leftovers. In addition, it also helps to make the tank look attractive.

Reference: WIKIPEDIA

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