Do Rabbits Need Pellets? (All You Need To Know)

Every owner must fulfill their rabbit’s dietary requirements for a healthy life span. We may have learned that pellet is a part of a rabbit’s diet, but is it necessary for their health? Do rabbits need pellets? What are the benefits of feeding pellets to rabbits? Do baby rabbits need pellets? Let’s find it all in this article.

Providing high-quality pellets is considered healthy for a rabbit’s growth. However, feeding too many pellets to your rabbit can cause obesity, weight gain, and other health issues. Instead, consider offering the pellets in small quantities daily according to the rabbit’s weight.

This article will discuss the benefits and cons of pellets. How to feed pellets to your rabbit? How often do rabbits need pellets? And many more. So let’s find it out.

Do my rabbit need pellets?

Providing high-quality pellets in small quantities are best for rabbit because it is a part of their diet, and they love its taste.

In addition, pellets are just like supplements that can fulfill the nutrient requirements of a rabbit’s diet. 

Hay is utilized to make pellets, as they are balanced with the vitamins and minerals your rabbit needs, which may not be present in a specific hay bale, depending on the weather conditions or where it was grown.

However, in the wild, rabbits do not have pellets to eat. Instead, they mostly eat leafy greens, grasses, and others that they like to eat.

So, not adding pellets to your rabbit can be acceptable because the staple food of a rabbit is hay or leafy greens.

Also, giving too many pellets to your rabbit can be problematic for its digestive system and can make them overweight.

In addition, a pellet-based diet is not recommended for rabbits because it can result in an unbalanced digestive system and other health issues.

Rabbits have particular nutritional requirements that must be met by the food they consume.

The staple diet of a rabbit should contain 85% of high-quality hay, 10% of leafy greens or vegetables, and 5% of high-quality pellets.

High-quality pellets meet the daily nutritional requirements of your rabbit when fed with fresh hay daily, clean water, a few handfuls of greens, and the occasional treat.

However, ensure to give high-quality hay-based pellets rather than a muesli mix, which is frequently dangerous for rabbits and encourages selective eating.

Also read: Why Is My Rabbit Not Eating?

Do baby rabbits need pellets?

The small rabbit should be fed pellets as it is required in their diet to give additional calcium and protein for growth.

Alfalfa pellets are best offered to young rabbits under 7-8 months old, free choice.

If the rabbit is under six months, you should provide a handful of alfalfa hay, unlimited timothy hay, fresh water, and alfalfa-based pellets.

We recommend feeding Oxbow Essentials Young Rabbit to your rabbit, which you can easily find from amazon.

It benefits them in supporting bone and muscles, is perfect for picky eaters, and has essential nutrients for young rabbits.

If you have six months rabbit, you should slowly reduce the amount of alfalfa, switch to timothy-based pellets, provide fresh water and unlimited timothy hay, and introduce vegetables and fruit in small quantities.

Rabbits have a very sensitive digestive system. Therefore, large quantities of vegetables and leafy greens can upset the stomach.

So, if you are introducing leafy greens to your rabbit, ensure they are six months old, and feeding it in small qualities once a week is beneficial for their health.

Also, it is essential to provide high-quality timothy-based pellets and unlimited timothy hay beneficial for your rabbit’s growth, which you can buy from amazon.

However, if you have a rabbit above six months, then you should feed unlimited fresh timothy hay, fresh water, timothy-based pellets ( 1/8 to 1/4 cup ), fruits in a small amount ( once or twice a week), and fresh vegetables or leafy greens ( 3 quarter of a cup ).

After giving your rabbit any fruit or vegetable in a small amount, you should watch them for 24 hours.

You must stop giving vegetables and fruits to your rabbit for a few days and provide only hay and fresh water if your rabbit has a hard time producing waste or is experiencing digestive issues like diarrhea or loose stools.

Also read: Why Is My Rabbit Only Eating Hay?

Are pellets healthy for rabbits?

Feeding pellets in a small quantity according to your rabbit’s size is considered healthy.

Pellets can be used to train a rabbit and to keep track of its appetite.

In addition, Pellets are a fantastic training reward that can motivate your rabbit. They are so helpful and small that they can serve as a reward.

Utilizing pellets for training and enrichment also increases the enjoyment of feeding. 

Enrichment is crucial for happy rabbits because it permits them to exhibit their natural behavior and reduces stress.

Additionally fortified with nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial to rabbits, healthy brands of pellets are available.

However, even though they contain nutrients in high concentrations, these healthy brands can still quickly make rabbits gain weight or even obesity.

Also, feeding only pellets to your rabbit can make them picky eaters.

For rabbits, compared to eating food without pellets, it offers less variety. 

Due to their love for the taste of pellets, some rabbits may develop a slight obsession with them and establish a picky palate for other foods.

As a result, it is advised that owners limit the daily pellets for rabbits and instead give them a diet based on hay.

Also read: Why Do Rabbits Flip their Food Bowl?

How often do rabbits need pellets?

You should provide your rabbits with a few high-quality pellets or nuggets daily.

If you only provide a pellet-based diet to your rabbit, they’ll probably overeat and gain weight, and when they’re full from pellets, they won’t eat enough hay.

Most adult rabbits will require rationing of the pellets. So, here are pellets requirements according to the rabbit’s diet.

  1. For 1-4 pound rabbits: 1/8 cup of pellets.
  2. For 5-10 pound rabbits: 1/4 – 1/3 cup pellets.
  3. For 10-15 pound rabbits: 3/4 cup pellets.

If your rabbit is overweight and requires to lose weight, then exercising and limiting the pellets is essential.

Small, sick, or growing rabbits above six months who need to put on weight, should receive an unlimited supply of alfalfa-based pellets in addition to their hay and vegetables.

Also, it is essential to avoid feeding muesli mixes. 

Some brands sell these, which contain nuts, corn, pellets, oats, seeds, yogurt drops, artificial coloring or flavor, dehydrated fruits, and vegetables, as a compressed bit of hay.

These ingredients in muesli mixes are considered harmful to rabbits’ health and should always be avoided.

Also read: 29 Things You Should Never Do To Your Rabbit.

Can a rabbit go without pellets?

A rabbit can go without pellets as it is not a necessary part of its diet.

Rabbits can still be healthy on a pellet-free diet if given a balanced diet that includes high-quality grass-based hay and a variety of vegetables and leafy green.

However, if your rabbit is a regular pellet eater and refuses it overnight, it could be a cause for concern.

It’s not necessarily bad if a rabbit doesn’t like to eat pellets because they can remain healthy even on an entirely free diet.

But, if they used to enjoy eating pellets quite a bit but are now eating less or nothing, this could be a sign of a health issue.

Changes in these eating habits in rabbits may indicate overgrowing of the teeth or a variety of other illnesses that make the rabbit feel unwell.

Therefore, it’s crucial to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as your rabbit’s eating habits change.

Also read: Rabbits Won’t Eat Critical Care.

How to feed pellets to your rabbit?

You can keep your rabbit’s diet pellet-free if they do not like to consume isn’t a result of any health issues.

However, if your rabbit is underweight or before eliminating the pellets, you might want to find ways to motivate them to consume their daily dose.

  1. If the pellets are not consumed within an hour by your rabbit, remove them. Things that are constantly present bore rabbits to boredom.
  2. Timothy pellets occasionally taste better than alfalfa pellets. To help your young rabbit get used to the new flavor, gradually introduce them to their new diet over a few months.
  3. After a lengthy period of play, give pellets to your rabbit. Your rabbit’s appetite will be at its peak at this time.
  4. You should switch the pellet brand you purchase. The new one may have a different smell. If your rabbit dislikes one brand of pellets, try to offer a different one. Pellets of other brands have different tastes for rabbits.
  5. If you add a few to their daily greens or hay, your rabbit may nibble on some of their pellets while consuming their other foods.
  6. Make sure your rabbit can consume the pellets peacefully, away from its companion. Then, offer them to your pet in a secure area or outside its hutch.
  7. Keep the daily pellet intake within your rabbit’s weight range. Pellets may become boring to rabbits if they have been available in excess.
  8. Have a new fresh pellets bag when it can become dusty near the bottom of the supply.
  9. Keep the pellets fresh by storing them in a sealable container, airtight, and change them out each day, even if your rabbit didn’t finish them.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli?


  1. Pellets are just like supplements that can fulfill the nutrient requirements of a rabbit’s diet. 
  2. Feeding pellets in a small quantity according to your rabbit’s size is considered healthy.
  3. Rabbits can still be healthy on a pellet-free diet if given a balanced diet that includes high-quality grass-based hay and a variety of vegetables and leafy green.
  4. It is essential to avoid feeding muesli mixes as it is toxic to rabbit health.
  5. You should provide your rabbits with a few high-quality pellets or nuggets daily.

Reference: NCBI, NCBI

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