Why Is My Goldfish Blowing Bubbles? (Is It Normal?)

As a goldfish keeper, you might be surprised to see your fish blowing bubbles. So, why is your goldfish blowing bubbles? Is it normal? Let us discuss this below.

Unfavorable tank conditions are the root cause behind your goldfish blowing bubbles. Tanks loaded with toxic chemicals like ammonia and chlorine make goldfish get oxygen by blowing bubbles at the water’s surface. Provide good quality water and proper agitation to prevent such issues for goldfish.

The article below will discuss the reasons and treatment behind your goldfish blowing bubbles.

My goldfish is making bubbles.

Your goldfish blowing bubbles indicate unfavorable tank conditions.

There can be many reasons behind your goldfish blowing bubbles, like contaminated water, supersaturated gasses, aggressive tankmates, and active swim bladder.

Your goldfish blowing bubbles require immediate action, as ignoring such a situation can lead to severe health issues for your goldfish.

Is it normal for your goldfish to make bubbles?

Your goldfish blowing bubbles indicates danger for your fish.

Your goldfish might be suffering from a lack of oxygen in the water, making them get their oxygen by floating to the water’s surface and blowing bubbles.

We advise you to take immediate action in such a case as ignoring such a situation for your goldfish’s well-being.

What are the reasons behind your goldfish making bubbles?

Here are the reasons behind your goldfish blowing bubbles

  1.  An active swimbladder can make your goldfish blow bubbles in the tank.
  2. Supersaturated gasses can make your goldfish blow bubbles in the tank.
  3. Poor water quality in the tank can make your goldfish blow bubbles.
  4. Rapid breathing can make your goldfish blow bubbles in the tank.
  5. The air pump in the tank can make your goldfish blow bubbles in the tank.

Active Swim bladder

The swimbladder is an organ that your goldfish uses to control its buoyancy. 

If your goldfish swimbladder gets affected due to any issue, then your fish might lose its ability to swim appropriately. 

Bubbles can play a significant role in the functioning of the swimbladder. 

Your goldfish rises at the surface by allowing the gasses to fill up the swim bladder and can sink at the bottom by releasing the gasses from the swimbladder, producing bubbles. 

Your goldfish usually sink to the tank’s bottom when paired with aggressive tankmates. 

If aggressive tankmates are floating at the tank’s middle or top area, your goldfish will sink at the tank’s bottom to protect itself. 

Also read: Why Can’t My Goldfish Swim?

Supersaturated Gasses

Supersaturated gasses can also make your goldfish blow bubbles in the tank as these gasses boost oxygen, making your goldfish suffocate. 

When the supersaturated gas gets introduced to your home aquarium via pressured tap water, it can assemble under the skin of your goldfish, making it look like a tumor. 

Supersaturated gas can make your goldfish gasp for air at the tank’s surface and blow bubbles. 

However, a harmless gas can get ingested, triggering your goldfish to eliminate it from its gills and mouth. 

Poor water quality

Contaminated water in the tank can also make your goldfish blow bubbles.  

Poor water quality can lead to a spike in the ammonia levels in the tank, affecting the gills of your goldfish. 

If the gills of your goldfish are affected, it will be challenging for your fish to breathe, making them produce bubbles and gasp for the air at the top of the tank’s water surface. 

Poor water quality can also lead to a drop in the tank’s oxygen level, making your goldfish suffocate and gasp for air at the tank’s surface.

Also read: Can Goldfish Survive In Dirty Water?

Rapid breathing

Your goldfish breathe through their gills. However, goldfish also uses their mouth to breathe. 

Your goldfish usually consume and spit water to make it pass over their gills, allowing the gills to absorb oxygen more efficiently. 

So, when your goldfish open its mouth, the air may escape forming a pocket and creating bubbles. 

If your fish is breathing rapidly, you will discover more bubbles. 

Air Pump 

Air Pump produces bubbles in the tank. You will discover your goldfish nibbling the tiny air pockets and can even swallow the air in the bubbles sometimes. 

The air usually gets released from your goldfish’s body through its mouth or gills. 

However, the air can also affect swimbladder operations, leading to severe health issues in your goldfish.

So, if your tank has many air stones or air pumps, then the origin of bubbles could be in your device.

We advise you to use Tetra Whisper Air Pump as it is silent and easy to use.

You can buy this on Amazon Tetra Whisper Air Pump.

Also read: Can Goldfish Live Without An Air pump?

How to treat goldfish that consistently blow bubbles?

Here are the ways to treat your goldfish that consistently blow bubbles

  1. Improve the water quality in your goldfish tank.
  2. Avoid Overstocking your goldfish tank.
  3. Eliminate the aggressive tankmates from your goldfish tank
  4. Provide adequate water temperature to your goldfish.
  5. Provide proper agitation

Improve the water quality

You should provide good quality water to your goldfish, as contaminated water can lead to severe health issues.

Contaminated water can also lead to a drop in oxygen, making your goldfish suffocate and gasp for the air at the water’s surface. 

Keep eyeing the ammonia levels in the tank, as a spike in ammonia can affect the gills of your goldfish, making it challenging for your goldfish to breathe appropriately. 

Once the gills of your goldfish get affected, your goldfish will produce bubbles and gasp for the air at the top of the tank’s water surface. 

Ammonia Levels 0-0.25ppm
Nitrate levels 0-40ppm
The above table shows the ideal water requirements for goldfish.

You can check the ammonia levels in the tank with the help of an API Ammonia Test Kit, as it delivers accurate results.

You can purchase it from amazon API TEST KIT.

You should add a water filter to your goldfish tank as it helps keep the tank’s water clean and eliminate all the harmful chemicals from the water.

Consider adding a Fluval High-Performance water filter to your goldfish tank, as it helps maintain the tank’s water quality by eliminating harmful chemicals. 

You can buy it from Amazon  Fluval High-Performance Aquarium Filter.

Treat your tap water with a water conditioner as it helps eliminate the harmful toxins from the water, making it safe for your goldfish.

We advise purchasing an API Tap Water Conditioner to treat your tap water as it helps eliminate all the harmful chemicals from the water.

You can purchase it from Amazon: API TAP WATER CONDITIONER.

Goldfish are messy fish that produces a lot of waste in the tank. Therefore, you should perform regular water changes to maintain the tank’s water quality.

Also read: Do Goldfish Need Filters?

Avoid Overstocking

It would be best to avoid overstocking your goldfish tank, as an overcrowded tank can lead to significant health issues for your goldfish.

An overcrowded tank can contaminate the tank’s water, making your goldfish suffer from a lack of oxygen and produce bubbles at the top of the tank’s water surface.

An overcrowded tank also affects the growth of your goldfish, eventually leading to stress in your fish.

Extreme stress can further lead to the passing away of your fish.

Therefore, providing a good-sized tank for your goldfish will always be advisable for their well-being and proper growth and development.

Also, read: How Many Goldfish Can You Keep In A 10-Gallon Tank?

Eliminate the aggressive tankmates

It would be best to eliminate the aggressive tankmates to prevent such issues for your goldfish.

Aggressive tankmates like betta can make your goldfish sink to the bottom of the tank.

Your goldfish will have to extract the air from its swim bladder to sink appropriately in the tank leading to the production of bubbles.

Therefore, bubbles in the tank indicate that your goldfish is bullied by aggressive tankmates and suffering from stress.

In such a case, you should immediately eliminate the aggressive tankmates for the well-being of your goldfish.

We advise you to pair your goldfish with other peaceful tankmates like a guppy for the well-being of your fish.

Pairing your goldfish with peaceful tankmates will also help develop a healthy tank environment, which is essential for your goldfish’s proper growth and development.

Also read: Can Goldfish Live With Guppy?

Provide adequate water temperature

You should provide adequate water parameters to your goldfish to prevent such issues for your fish.

If the water temperature of your goldfish tank is too warm, it can make your goldfish produce bubbles in the tank, as warm water holds less oxygen.

Particulars Goldfish
Water Temperature68-74°F
PH Level7.5
The above table shows the ideal water parameter required by goldfish.

Also read: What Is The Ideal Water Temperature For Goldfish?

Provide proper agitation

You should provide proper agitation in your goldfish tank to prevent such issues for your goldfish.

Creating movements in the water helps eliminate the toxins and bring fresh oxygen for your goldfish.

You can improve the aeration in the tank by adding aquatic plants or airstones.

Aquatic plants release oxygen into the water during photosynthesis. The oxygen that releases into the water helps your goldfish to breathe.

However, you should avoid placing too many plants in the aquarium as they absorb oxygen at night, leading to a severe shortage of oxygen in your goldfish tank after sunset, eventually making your goldfish blow bubbles at night.


  1. There can be many reasons, like poor water quality, aggressive tankmates, and supersaturated gasses behind your goldfish blowing bubbles.
  2. Your goldfish blowing bubbles is not ordinary and seeks immediate concern. 
  3. You should provide a well-filtered tank to maintain the tank’s water quality and prevent such issues for your goldfish.
  4. We advise you to provide proper agitation and eliminate the aggressive tankmates for the well-being of your goldfish.
  5. Avoid overcrowding your goldfish tank for your fish’s adequate growth and development. 

Reference: ResearchGate

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