Your neon tetras can lose color for various reasons, and knowing the particular reason is essential for their well-being. So, why is your neon tetra losing color? Let us find out.
Stress and illness is the leading cause behind your neon tetras losing color. Other factors like aging, genetics, and inadequate light can also make tetra lose color. Provide ideal water conditions and a stress-free environment in the tank to avoid such issues and to ensure your tetra’s well-being.
The below article discusses the reasons behind your neon tetras losing their color. In additon, we will also learn the ways to prevent your neon tetras from losing their color.

My neon tetras are losing their color.
Stress and illness are the root cause of your neon tetras losing their natural color and turning pale.
Other factors like aging, poor diet, and inadequate water conditions also play an essential role in your neon tetras losing their natural color.
Your tetras losing their color due to aging is a natural process and does not point out any health issues in your fish.
However, if your neon tetras are losing their color for other reasons, it is a matter of concern as it can be an indication of several diseases and parasites in your fish.
So, it will be advisable to take immediate action in such a case to ensure your neon tetras well being and a longer lifespan.
My neon tetras are turning white.
Below are the reasons behind your neon tetras turning white
Inadequate light in your neon tetras tank
Lack of light in your neon tetras tank can make your fish lose color and turn white.
In their natural habitat, tetras get a balance of light and dark periods, but when placed in captivity, you must ensure enough light in the tank to prevent such issues.
To provide enough light in your tank, we advise you to use Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium light as it replicates the natural living conditions of your neon tetras.
You can buy it from Amazon Hygger Spectrum Led Aquarium Light.
However, avoid keeping the lights on for more than 13 hours as it can promote the algae growth in your tetra tank.
Providing excessive light in your tetra’s tank can also lead to stress in your fish, eventually making them weak and vulnerable to several diseases and parasites.
Therefore, always provide a balance of light and dark periods in your tetra’s tank for their well-being.
Ich or white spot disease is an external parasite that attaches to your fish’s body, causing irritation and itchiness in your fish’s body.
You will discover your fish showing many symptoms like loss of appetite, white spots all over the body, lying in the tank’s bottom, and rubbing against aquarium objects.
You should provide immediate medication to your fish if you discover the above signs, as not giving treatment at the early stage increases the risk of your neon tetras passing away.
Treatment For IchÂ
There are two types of treatment for white spot diseases in your neon tetras
- Chemical Treatment
- Salt Treatment
Chemical Treatment
Chemical treatment should be provided when the infective theront and the reproductive tomont reside in the water instead of your neon tetra’s body.
Consider placing your infected neon tetras in a separate tank while providing chemical treatment to your fish.
We advise using the API super ick cure as it helps to treat your neon tetras from white spot disease.
You can purchase it from Amazon: API super ich cure.
Always consult your marine vet while providing chemical treatment to your neon tetras, as an overdose of anti-ich chemicals can lead to significant health issues in your neon tetras.
Salt Treatment
You can cure your neon tetras ich within seven days by providing salt and water treatment to your fish.
Add one tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons of water in your neon tetras tank to cure ich in your fish.
We recommend using the API freshwater aquarium salt to help your neon tetras recover quickly.
You can buy this product at amazon: API FRESHWATER AQUARIUM SALT.
Consider consulting your marine vet before providing any medication to your neon tetras for their well-being.

Fin Rot
If you discover your neon tetras turning white or suffering from frayed or damaged fins, it indicates fin rot in your fish.
Ignoring such a situation can worsen your fish’s condition, eventually making them pass away.
We advise you to consult your vet and provide antibiotical treatment to cure such issues in your fish.
Stress can also be a reason behind your neon tetras losing their color and turning white.
Poor water conditions, aggressive tankmates, and inadequate water parameters are some root causes of stress in your fish.
Therefore, we advise you to provide a stress-free environment to your neon tetras for their well-being and a longer lifespan.
What are the reasons behind your neon tetras losing their color?
Below are the reasons behind your neon tetras losing their color
Poor water conditions
Poor water conditions in your neon tetras tank can make your fish lose color.
Inadequate water conditions in the tank can lead to stress and other health issues in your fish, eventually making them lose their natural color.
In addition, poor water conditions in the tank can also lead to a spike in the tank’s ammonia and nitrite levels, eventually making your fish suffer from ammonia burns and lose their color.
Stress in your neon tetras
Stress in your neon tetras can also make your fish lose their natural color.
Several reasons, like incompatible tankmates, overcrowded tanks, and low-grade food, can lead to stress in your neon tetras, eventually making them lose their color.
In addition, stress can also make your neon tetras weaken their immune system, eventually making them prone to several diseases and parasites.
Aging can also make your neon tetra lose their color.
Your fish losing their color due to aging is a natural process that does not point out any health issues.
Illness also plays a vital role in your neon tetras losing their color.
Several bacterial and parasitic infections can make your neon tetras lose their natural color.
Your fish losing their color due to illness is a matter of concern that requires immediate veterinarian attention for their well-being.
Physical injuries in your neon tetras
Physical injuries in your neon tetras can also make them lose their color.
Your neon tetras can suffer from physical injuries through sharp objects in the tank or if paired with incompatible tank mates.
Your neon tetra will develop a blackish color mostly when recovering from a physical injury which is a natural process, and there is nothing to worry about.
How can you prevent your neon tetras from losing their color?
Below are the ways to prevent your neon tetras from losing their color

Provide good water conditions
You should provide good water conditions in your neon tetras tank to prevent them from losing color.
Poor water conditions in the tank can make your fish suffer from significant health issues, eventually losing their color.
You can maintain good water conditions in your neon tetras tank by performing a 30% weekly water change and adding a sound filtration system.
Adding a water filter helps to eliminate all the harmful toxins from the water and keep it clean.
Consider adding a Fluval High-Performance water filter to your neon tetras tank, as it helps maintain the tank’s water quality by eliminating harmful chemicals.
You can buy it from Amazon Fluval High-Performance Aquarium Filter.
In addition, you should treat your tap water with a water conditioner before adding it directly to your tank.
We recommend using the API water conditioner as it will help you eliminate chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, and heavy metals from the water.
You can buy this product on amazon: API TAP WATER CONDITIONER.
Therefore, always provide good water conditions in your neon tetras tank to ensure your fish’s well-being and a longer lifespan.

Provide ideal water parameters in your neon tetras tank
You should provide ideal water parameters in your neon tetras tank to prevent your fish from losing their natural color.
Below are the ideal water parameters in your neon tetras tank
Particulars | Neon Tetras |
Water Temperature | 68–82 °F |
Ph Level | 6.0-7.0 |
Ammonia | 0ppm |
Nitrite | 0ppm |
Nitrate | Below 20ppm |
It will help if you keep eyeing the tank’s ammonia level, as excess ammonia can lead to ammonia burns and other significant health issues in your neon tetras.
We recommend regularly using the API ammonia test kit to check the ammonia level, which shows accurate results.
You can purchase it from Amazon API TEST KIT.
Feed high-quality diet
Provide a high-quality diet to prevent your neon tetras from losing their color.
Below are some ideal food options for your neon tetras.
Neon Tetras Ideal Dietary Needs | Serving Amount | No.of times | Link to buy |
Freeze-Dried Bloodworms | One small pinch | 1-2 times a week | Freeze-dried bloodworms |
Brine Shrimp | One small pinch | 1-2 times a week | HIKARI BRINE SHRIMP CUBES |
Mosquito Larvae | 12-15 | 2-3 times a week | Feed Live |
Blanched Veggies ( Zucchini, Cucumber) | One small slice | 2-3 times a week | Feed Fresh |
Daphnia | One small pinch | 1-2 times a week | Freeze-dried daphnia |
Tubifex Worms | One small pinch | 1 times a week | HIKARI FREEZE DRIED TUBIFEX WORMS |
Also, read:Â Why Are My Neon Tetras Not Eating?
Consider providing the amount your neon tetras can consume in under two minutes to avoid overfeeding and underfeeding.
Provide good living conditions to your neon tetras
You should provide good living conditions to your neon tetras to prevent losing their color.
You can provide good living conditions for your neon tetras by maintaining good water and ample tank space.
Also, read: How Many Neon Tetras In A 10-Gallon Tank?
In addition, you should also pair your neon tetras with compatible tankmates to provide a stress-free environment for your fish.
Consider providing good water conditions by performing a regular water change in your fish tank to provide good living conditions for your neon tetras.
- Stress and illness are the root cause of your neon tetras losing their natural color and turning pale. Other factors like aging, poor diet and inadequate water conditions can also make neon tetras lose their natural color.
- Your neon tetras losing color due to aging is a natural process and does not point out any health issues in your fish.
- Inadequate light, ich, and fin rot are some root causes behind your neon tetras losing color and turning white.
- Poor water conditions, illness, and aging are some root causes of your neon tetras losing their color.
- You can prevent such issues by providing good water conditions, ideal water parameters, and good living conditions to your tetras.
Reference: ReseacrhGate